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Last active January 11, 2020 15:35
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Commit message emojis


Commit Emojis
Improving structure / format of the code. 🎨 :art:
Improving performance. ⚑ :zap:
Removing code or files. πŸ”₯ :fire:
Fixing a bug. πŸ› :bug:
Critical hotfix. πŸš‘ :ambulance:
Introducing new features. ✨ :sparkles:
Writing docs. πŸ“ :memo:
Deploying stuff. πŸš€ :rocket:
Updating the UI and style files. πŸ’„ :lipstick:
Initial commit. πŸŽ‰ :tada:
Adding tests. βœ… :white_check_mark:
Fixing security issues. πŸ”’ :lock:
Fixing something on macOS. 🍎 :apple:
Fixing something on Linux. 🐧 :penguin:
Fixing something on Windows. 🏁 :checkered_flag:
Fixing something on Android. πŸ€– :robot:
Fixing something on iOS. 🍏 :green_apple:
Releasing / Version tags. πŸ”– :bookmark:
Removing linter warnings. 🚨 :rotating_light:
Work in progress. 🚧 :construction:
Fixing CI Build. πŸ’š :green_heart:
Downgrading dependencies. ⬇️ :arrow_down:
Upgrading dependencies. ⬆️ :arrow_up:
Pinning dependencies to specific versions. πŸ“Œ :pushpin:
Adding CI build system. πŸ‘· :construction_worker:
Adding analytics or tracking code. πŸ“ˆ :chart_with_upwards_trend:
Refactoring code. ♻️ :recycle:
Removing a dependency. βž– :heavy_minus_sign:
Work about Docker. 🐳 :whale:
Adding a dependency. βž• :heavy_plus_sign:
Changing configuration files. πŸ”§ :wrench:
Internationalization and localization. 🌐 :globe_with_meridians:
Fixing typos. ✏️ :pencil2:
Writing bad code that needs to be improved. πŸ’© :hankey:
Reverting changes. βͺ :rewind:
Merging branches. πŸ”€ :twisted_rightwards_arrows:
Updating compiled files or packages. πŸ“¦ :package:
Updating code due to external API changes. πŸ‘½ :alien:
Moving or renaming files. 🚚 :truck:
Adding or updating license. πŸ“„ :page_facing_up:
Introducing breaking changes. πŸ’₯ :boom:
Adding or updating assets. 🍱 :bento:
Updating code due to code review changes. πŸ‘Œ :ok_hand:
Improving accessibility. β™Ώ :wheelchair:
Documenting source code. πŸ’‘ :bulb:
Updating text and literals. πŸ’¬ :speech_balloon:
Performing database related changes. πŸ—ƒοΈ :card_file_box:
Adding logs. πŸ”Š :loud_sound:
Removing logs. πŸ”‡ :mute:
Adding contributor(s). πŸ‘₯ :busts_in_silhouette:
Improving user experience / usability. 🚸 :children_crossing:
Making architectural changes. πŸ—οΈ :building_construction:
Working on responsive design. πŸ“± :iphone:
Mocking things. 🀑 :clown_face:
Adding an easter egg. πŸ₯š :egg:
Adding or updating a .gitignore file πŸ™ˆ :see_no_evil:
Adding or updating snapshots πŸ“Έ :camera_flash:


Commit type Emoji
Initial commit πŸŽ‰ :tada:
Version tag πŸ”– :bookmark:
New feature ✨ :sparkles:
Bugfix πŸ› :bug:
Metadata πŸ“‡ :card_index:
Documentation πŸ“š :books:
Documenting source code πŸ’‘ :bulb:
Performance 🐎 :racehorse:
Cosmetic πŸ’„ :lipstick:
Tests 🚨 :rotating_light:
Adding a test βœ… :white_check_mark:
General update ⚑ :zap:
Improve format/structure 🎨 :art:
Refactor code πŸ”¨ :hammer:
Removing code/files πŸ”₯ :fire:
Continuous Integration πŸ’š :green_heart:
Security πŸ”’ :lock:
Upgrading dependencies ⬆️ :arrow_up:
Downgrading dependencies ⬇️ :arrow_down:
Lint πŸ‘• :shirt:
Translation πŸ‘½ :alien:
Text πŸ“ :pencil:
Critical hotfix πŸš‘ :ambulance:
Deploying stuff πŸš€ :rocket:
Fixing on MacOS 🍎 :apple:
Fixing on Linux 🐧 :penguin:
Fixing on Windows 🏁 :checkered_flag:
Work in progress 🚧 :construction:
Adding CI build system πŸ‘· :construction_worker:
Analytics or tracking code πŸ“ˆ :chart_with_upwards_trend:
Removing a dependency βž– :heavy_minus_sign:
Adding a dependency βž• :heavy_plus_sign:
Docker 🐳 :whale:
Configuration files πŸ”§ :wrench:
Merging branches πŸ”€ :twisted_rightwards_arrows:
Bad code / need improv. πŸ’© :hankey:
Reverting changes βͺ :rewind:
Breaking changes πŸ’₯ :boom:
Code review changes πŸ‘Œ :ok_hand:
Accessibility β™Ώ :wheelchair:
Other Be creative
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