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Set Office 365 User Licenses Via a Template
function Set-O365UserLicense
Sets licenses for Office 365 users.
Specifies an Azure Active Directory user to set license entitlements for. Should be an object of type [Microsoft.Online.Administration.User] which is returned by the Get-MsolUser cmdlet found in the Azure Active Directory (MSOnline) module.
.PARAMETER LicenseTemplate
Specifies a licensing template to apply to the user. The license template should be a collection of one or more hashtables with two keys in each: "AccountSkuId" and "EnabledPlans." The AccountSkuId value should be the complete name of a license subscription including the tenant name, and the EnabledPlans value should be the names of any of the service plans that belong to that license subscription that you'd like enabled for the user(s). Any plans not included in the EnabledPlans value will be disabled. This means that you must specify at least one service plan for each AccountSkuId that you would like to provision.
As an example, this license template contains values to provide a user with Exchange, Sharepoint, Office Web Apps, Skype For Business, and Yammer.
$LicenseTemplate = @(
AccountSkuId = 'whitehouse:ENTERPRISEPACK'
AccountSkuId = 'whitehouse:PROJECTONLINE'
EnabledPlans = 'SWAY'
$Template = @{AccountSkuId = 'whitehouse:ENTERPRISEPACK'; EnabledPlans = 'EXCHANGE_S_ENTERPRISE'}
$User = Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName
Set-O365UserLicense -MsolUser $User -LicenseTemplate $Template
Author: Matt McNabb
Date: 3/17/2016
Azure Active Directory Module (MSOnline)
PowerShell v2.0+
Office 365 global admin account
Connection to Azure Active Directory
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
foreach ($Item in $_)
($Item.ContainsKey('AccountSkuId')) -and
($Item.ContainsKey('EnabledPlans')) -and
($Item.AccountSkuId) -and
# get skus and available service plans
$AccountSkuIds = Get-MsolAccountSku
# convert enabled service plans to disabled
# generate license options collection
$LicenseOptions = foreach ($Item in $LicenseTemplate)
$AllPlans = ($AccountSkuIds | Where-Object { $_.AccountSkuId -eq $Item.AccountSkuId }).ServiceStatus
$DisabledPlans = ($AllPlans | Where-Object { $_.ServicePlan.ServiceName -notin $Item.EnabledPlans }).ServicePlan.ServiceName
New-MsolLicenseOptions -AccountSkuId $Item.AccountSkuId -DisabledPlans $DisabledPlans
# add license with options for each sku
# if error, try to just set the license options
$UserPrincipalName = $MsolUser.UserPrincipalName
$CurrentSkus = $MsolUser.Licenses.AccountSkuId
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($UserPrincipalName))
$Splat = @{
UserPrincipalName = $UserPrincipalName
# set licenses and options from template
foreach ($LicenseOption in $LicenseOptions)
$Sku = "$($LicenseOption.AccountSkuId.AccountName):$($LicenseOption.AccountSkuId.SkuPartNumber)"
$Splat.AddLicenses = $Sku
$Splat.LicenseOptions = $LicenseOption
Set-MsolUserLicense @Splat -ErrorAction Stop
catch [Microsoft.Online.Administration.Automation.MicrosoftOnlineException]
switch ($_)
{ $_.Exception -match '.+UsageLocation$' } { throw $_; break }
Set-MsolUserLicense @Splat -ErrorAction Stop
# remove any licenses that the user currently owns that aren't included in the template
foreach ($License in $CurrentSkus)
if ($License -notin $LicenseTemplate.AccountSkuId )
Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $UserPrincipalName -RemoveLicenses $License -ErrorAction Stop
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