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Last active February 18, 2018 23:11
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Rejoin a Computer to a Domain - Dance Remix
This script disjoins a computer from an Active Directory domain, performs a reboot and upon coming back up
joins it to the domain again and performs another reboot.
Requirements: You must have local admin rights on the remote computer to connect to the remote computer
.PARAMETER Computername
The name of the computer to rejoin to a domain
The NetBIOS or FQDN of the domain to rejoin the computer to
.PARAMETER UnjoinLocalCredentialXmlFilePath
If you'd rather not input a username and password every time for the local username and password to the remote
computer, you can specify the XML path of the XML file you created that stores the credential set. This will use
a credential object to use as credentials to disjoin from the domain
.PARAMETER JoinDomainCredentialXmlFilePath
If you'd rather not input a username and password every time for the domain username and password to the remote
computer, you can specify the XML path of the XML file you created that stores the credential set. This will use
a credential object to use as credentials to join the computer back from the domain.
param (
begin {
$ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop
Function Test-Ping ($ComputerName) {
$Result = ping $Computername -n 2
if ($Result | where { $_ -match 'Reply from ' }) {
} else {
function Test-DomainTrust ($Computername) {
$Result = netdom verify $Computername /Domain:$DomainName
if ($Result -match 'command completed successfully') {
} else {
function Wait-Reboot ($Computername,$Credential) {
while (Test-Ping -ComputerName $Computername) {
Write-Verbose "Waiting for $Computername to go offline..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
Write-Verbose "The computer $Computername has went down for a reboot. Waiting for it to come back up..."
while (!(Test-Ping -ComputerName $Computername)) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Write-Verbose "Waiting for $Computername to come back online"
Write-Verbose "The computer $Computername has come online. Waiting for OS to initialize"
$EapBefore = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue
while (!(Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Computername -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -Credential $Credential)) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Write-Verbose "Waiting for OS to initialize..."
$ErrorActionPreference = $EapBefore
## Import the XML files to create the PSCredential objects
# EDIT moved this into BEGIN since we don't need to create the creds for
# each pipeline object
$LocalCredential = (Import-CliXml -Path $UnjoinLocalCredentialXmlFilePath)
$DomainCredential = (Import-CliXml -Path $DomainCredentialXmlFilePath)
process {
foreach ($Computer in $Computername) {
try {
if (Test-Ping -ComputerName $Computer) { ## if the remote computer can be pinged
Write-Verbose "The computer '$Computer' is online"
Write-Verbose "Removing computer from domain and forcing restart"
Remove-Computer -ComputerName $Computer -LocalCredential $LocalCredential -UnjoinDomainCredential $DomainCredential -Workgroup TempWorkgroup -Restart -Force
Write-Verbose "The computer has been removed from domain. Waiting for a reboot."
Wait-Reboot -Computername $Computer -Credential $LocalCredential
Write-Verbose "The computer $Computer has been rebooted. Attempting to rejoin to domain."
Add-Computer -ComputerName $Computer -DomainName $DomainName -Credential $DomainCredential -LocalCredential $LocalCredential -Restart -Force
Write-Verbose "The computer $Computer has been rejoined to domain. Waiting for the final reboot"
Wait-Reboot -Computername $Computer -Credential $DomainCredential
Write-Verbose "The computer $Computer has been successfully rejoined to the domain $DomainName"
[pscustomobject]@{ 'Computername' = $Computer; 'Result' = $true }
} else {
throw "The computer '$Computer' is offline or name cannot be resolved"
} catch {
[pscustomobject]@{ 'Computername' = $Computer; 'Result' = $false; 'Error' = $_.Exception.Message }
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