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Created August 22, 2016 02:23
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#requires -Version 3
function Test-KeyPress
Checks to see if a key or keys are currently pressed.
Checks to see if a key or keys are currently pressed. If all specified keys are pressed then will return true, but if
any of the specified keys are not pressed, false will be returned.
Specifies the key(s) to check for. These must be of type "System.Windows.Forms.Keys"
Test-KeyPress -Keys ControlKey
Check to see if the Ctrl key is pressed
Test-KeyPress -Keys ControlKey,Shift
Test if Ctrl and Shift are pressed simultaneously (a chord)
Uses the Windows API method GetAsyncKeyState to test for keypresses
The above method accepts values of type ""
Original idea found here at
None - Test-KeyPress does not accept pipeline input.
# use the User32 API to define a keypress datatype
$Signature = @'
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto, ExactSpelling=true)]
public static extern short GetAsyncKeyState(int virtualKeyCode);
$API = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $Signature -Name 'Keypress' -Namespace Keytest -PassThru
# test if each key in the collection is pressed
$Result = foreach ($Key in $Keys)
[bool]($API::GetAsyncKeyState($Key) -eq -32767)
# if all are pressed, return true, if any are not pressed, return false
$Result -notcontains $false
if (Test-KeyPress -Keys ControlKey) { Start-Steroids }
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