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Created March 16, 2016 01:23
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Pin or unpin applications to/from the taskbar
function Add-TaskbarItem
Adds or removes items from a user's taskbar
Adds or removes items from a user's taskbar. Supports pinning of multiple items using the pipeline.
Specifies whether to pin or remove an item from the taskbar. Valid values are "PinToTaskBar" and "UnpinFromTaskBar."
Specifies the path to the application to be pinned.
Add-TaskbarItem -Action PinToTaskBar -Path c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe
Pins notepad to the taskbar
Add-TaskbarItem -Action UnpinFromTaskBar -Path c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe
Removes notepad from the taskbar
'c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe','c:\Windows\System32\ServerManager.exe' | Add-TaskbarItem -Action PinToTaskBar
Adds Notepad and Server Manager to the taskbar simultaneously
'c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe','c:\Windows\System32\ServerManager.exe' | Add-TaskbarItem -Action UnpinFromTaskBar
Removes Notepad and Server Manager from the taskbar simultaneously
Adapted from a script module by Jan Egil-Ring
Needs better error handling:
- If the item is not currently pinned and you try to unpin it, the error returned is "Verb not found"
- Same happens if you try to pin the same item twice
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
function Invoke-Verb
$Verb = $Verb.Replace('&','')
$FilePath = Split-Path -Path $Path
$Shell = New-Object -ComObject 'Shell.Application'
$Folder = $Shell.Namespace($FilePath)
$Item = $Folder.Parsename((Split-Path -Path $Path -Leaf))
$ItemVerb = $Item.Verbs() | Where-Object -FilterScript {
$_.Name.Replace('&','') -eq $Verb
if ($ItemVerb -eq $null) { throw "Verb $Verb not found." }
else { $ItemVerb.DoIt() }
function Get-Verb
try { $t = [type]'CosmosKey.Util.MuiHelper' }
$def = [Text.StringBuilder]''
[void]$def.AppendLine('public static extern int LoadString(IntPtr h,uint id, System.Text.StringBuilder sb,int maxBuffer);')
[void]$def.AppendLine('public static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string s);')
Add-Type -MemberDefinition $def.ToString() -Name MuiHelper -Namespace CosmosKey.Util
if($global:CosmosKey_Utils_MuiHelper_Shell32 -eq $null)
$global:CosmosKey_Utils_MuiHelper_Shell32 = [CosmosKey.Util.MuiHelper]::LoadLibrary('shell32.dll')
$maxVerbLength = 255
$verbBuilder = New-Object -TypeName Text.StringBuilder -ArgumentList '', $maxVerbLength
if (-not (Test-Path $Path)) { throw "Path $Path does not exist." }
$verbs = @{
'PinToTaskbar' = 5386
'UnpinfromTaskbar' = 5387
if($verbs.$Action -eq $null)
Throw "Action $Action not supported`nSupported actions are:`n`tPintoStartMenu`n`tUnpinfromStartMenu`n`tPintoTaskbar`n`tUnpinfromTaskbar"
Invoke-Verb -Path $Path -Verb $(Get-Verb -VerbId $verbs.$Action)
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