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Last active December 12, 2015 07:28
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let s:sfile = expand('<sfile>')
function! ltsv#parse_line(line, ...)
let sep = get(a:000, 0, "\t")
let r = {}
for o in split(a:line, sep)
let kv = matchlist(o, '^\([^:]\+\):\(.*\)$')
let r[kv[1]] = substitute(kv[2], "\n", '', 'g')
return r
function! ltsv#parse_lines(lines, ...)
let sep = get(a:000, 0, "\t")
return map(split(a:lines, "\n"), 'ltsv#parse_line(v:val)')
function! ltsv#parse_file(filename, ...)
let sep = get(a:000, 0, "\t")
return ltsv#parse_lines(readfile(a:filename), sep)
function! ltsv#test()
echo ltsv#parse_line("hoge:foo\tbar:baz\ttime:20:30:58\n")
echo ltsv#parse_lines(substitute(join(readfile(s:sfile), "\n"), '.*\nfinish\n', '', ''))
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