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Created January 16, 2009 02:45
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" append to syntax/hatena.vim
function SyntaxSuperPre()
let lnum = 1
let lmax = line("$")
let mx = '^>|\(.*\)|$'
while lnum <= lmax
let curline = getline(lnum)
if curline =~ mx
let lang = substitute(curline, mx, '\1', '')
exec 'runtime! syntax/'.lang.'.vim'
unlet b:current_syntax
let syntaxfile = fnameescape(substitute(globpath(&rtp, 'syntax/'.lang.'.vim'), '[\r\n].*$', '', ''))
if len(syntaxfile)
exec 'syntax include @inline_'.lang.' '.syntaxfile
exec 'syn region hatenaSuperPre matchgroup=hatenaBlockDelimiter start=+^>|'.lang.'|$+ end=+^||<$+ contains=@inline_'.lang
let lnum = lnum + 1
" workaround for perl
syn cluster inline_perl remove=perlFunctionName
call SyntaxSuperPre()
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