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Last active May 5, 2023 14:07
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let s:endpoint = ''
let s:apikey = '6ae0c3a0-afdc-4532-a810-82ded0054236'
function! s:ginger(text)
let res = webapi#json#decode(webapi#http#get(s:endpoint, {
\ 'lang': 'US',
\ 'clientVersion': '2.0',
\ 'apiKey': s:apikey,
\ 'text': a:text}).content)
let i = 0
let correct = ''
echon "Mistake: "
for rs in res['LightGingerTheTextResult']
let [from, to] = [rs['From'], rs['To']]
if i < from
echon a:text[i : from-1]
let correct .= a:text[i : from-1]
echohl WarningMsg
echon a:text[from : to]
echohl None
let correct .= rs['Suggestions'][0]['Text']
let i = to + 1
if i < len(a:text)
echon a:text[i :]
let correct .= a:text[i :]
echo "Correct: ".correct
command! -nargs=+ Ginger call s:ginger(<q-args>)
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ggarza commented Apr 28, 2013

Nice. You should submit this to

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Nice. I am going to use. thanks

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