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Created November 10, 2014 12:23
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Simplification using multiset_partitions()
In [1]: var('x1,x2,y1,y2,r1,r2')
Out[1]: (x₁, x₂, y₁, y₂, r₁, r₂)
In [2]: E=1/(2*x1**2 - 4*x1*x2 + 2*x2**2 + 2*y1**2 - 4*y1*y2 + 2*y2**2) * (-y1*r1**2 + y2*r1**2 + y1*r2**2 - y2*r2**2 + y1*x1**2 + y2*x1**2 - 2*x1*x2*y1 - 2*x1*x2*y2 + y1*x2**2 + y2*x2**2 + y1**3 - y2*y1**2 - y1*y2**2 + y2**3)
In [3]: n, d = E.as_numer_denom()
In [4]: _, D = factor(d).as_coeff_Mul()
In [5]: D
2 2 2 2
x₁ - 2⋅x₁⋅x₂ + x₂ + y₁ - 2⋅y₁⋅y₂ + y₂
In [6]: from sympy.utilities.iterables import multiset_partitions
In [7]: %time P = [ factor(sum(f)) + factor(sum(g)) for f, g in multiset_partitions(D.args, 2) ]
CPU times: user 283 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 283 ms
Wall time: 280 ms
In [8]: min([ p.count_ops() for p in P ])
Out[8]: 5
In [9]: [ p for p in P if p.count_ops() == _ ]
⎡ 2 2⎤
⎣(x₁ - x₂) + (y₁ - y₂) ⎦
In [10]: _[0]
2 2
(x₁ - x₂) + (y₁ - y₂)
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