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Last active December 28, 2015 14:29
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Replace globals


trait ConfigProvider {
    private $_configProviderConfig;
    public function setConfigProvider($cfg) {
    public function getConfigProviderValue($key) {
        // lazy load and setConfigProvider the default

Then any class that needs to know about system-wide config settings can use the trait. But unit tests can setConfigProvider to test different config settings.

Patching Library code

So, for example, class Lplt_Form_Element_Text extends Zend_Form_Element_Text extends Zend_Form_Element. I need some extra/different/whatever behaviour in Zend_Form_Element, but don't want to actually patch library code.

trait MyCustomFormBehaviour {

    public function doTheThing () {
class Lplt_Form_Element Text extends Zend_Form_Element_Text {
    use MyCustomFormElementBehaviour;
class Lplt_Form_Element_Select extends Zend_Form_Element_Select {
    use MyCustomFormElementBehaviour;

So I don't have to patch library code but can add behaviour to all subclasses of Zend_Form_Element, with only copying and pasting the use statement.

Composing a complicated (but essentially Single Responsibility) class from easier to manage components

In Lamplight, Group_Select is a class that constructs (rather complicated) SQL statements in an OOP kind of way:

$sel = new Group_Select();
    ->attended("work", "2011-01-01", "2012-01-01")
    ->withAttribute("gender", "male")

or something: this will eventually generate a 8-table (say, sometimes many more) SQL statement.

One refactoring might be:

class Group_Select {

    public function attended($type) {
        $this->_attendance = new Attendance_Select();
        return $this->_attendance;
    public function attribute() {
        $this->_attribute = new Attribute_Select();
        return $this->_attribute;
    public function buildSQL () {
        // put $this->_attendance, $this->_attribute etc together
        // to make a nice SQL statement

class Attendance_Select {
    public function type($type) {
        return $this;
    public function dates($from, $to) {
        return $this;

// and then...

$sel = new Group_Select();
$sel->attended()->type("work")->dates($date1, $date2);
$sql = $sel->buildSQL();

With traits it might be

trait Attendance_Select {
    // all the logic around attendance things

trait Attribute_Select {
    // all the logic around attributes

class Group_Select {
    use Attendance_Select, Attribute_Select;
    // small amount of general logic

Need to think about the pros and cons of these two, not sure which I prefer...

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