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Last active January 24, 2019 14:26
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Get time delays using PINT
Get solar system barycentring time delays using PINT and lalsuite.
(see the example at
import subprocess as sp
# create a fake pulsar (units must be TDB as PINT can't do TCB yet!)
parcontent = """PSRJ J0123+4501
RAJ 01:23:00.0
DECJ 45:01:00.0
F0 123.456789
F1 -1.23456e-12
PEPOCH 56000
parfile = 'J0123+4501.par'
with open(parfile, 'w') as fp:
# use TEMPO2 to generate some simlated TOAs
p = sp.Popen('tempo2 -gr fake -f {} -start 55000 -end 55365 -rms 0.00006 -ndobs 1 -nobsd 1 -randha y'.format(parfile),
out, err = p.communicate()
# read in the par file and TOAs with PINT
from pint.models import get_model
m = get_model(parfile)
# remove any component that are not AstrometryEquatorial or SolarSystemShapiro if necessary e.g.
# > component, order, from_list, comp_type = m.map_component('DispersionDM')
# > from_list.remove(component)
# set planet Shapiro delays to zero
component, order, from_list, comp_type = m.map_component('SolarSystemShapiro')
component.PLANET_SHAPIRO.value = False
from pint.toa import get_TOAs
t = get_TOAs('J0123+4501.simulate', ephem='DE405', include_gps=True)
# get the delays
total_delay = m.delay(t)
# functions for using LAL
def detector2ssb(tseries, detector, ra, dec, ephem='DE405', units='TDB'):
Calculate the barycentring time delay between detector and SSB.
tseries (array_like): a times series of GPS time of arrivals at the SSB
detector (str): a detector name
ra (float): a source right ascension (rads)
dec (float): a source declination (rads)
ephem (str): the JPL solar system ephemeris type (default is DE405)
units (str): the coordinate system units (TDB or TCB)
An array of time delay values.
if ephem not in ['DE200', 'DE405', 'DE421', 'DE430']:
raise ValueError("Ephemeris '{}' not available".format(ephem)
# load ephemeris files (download if necessary)
earthephem = 'earth00-40-{}.dat.gz'.format(ephem)
sunephem = 'sun00-40-{}.dat.gz'.format(ephem)
# check if files are in a known path
earthfcheck = lalp.PulsarFileResolvePath(earthephem)
if earthfcheck is None:
# try downloading and caching the file (using astropy)
from import download_file
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("Could not import astropy")
earthurl = '{}'.format(earthephem)
# download the file (or use the cached file)
earthephem = download_file(earthurl, cache=True)
except Exception as e:
raise e("Problem downloading Earth ephemeris file")
sunfcheck = lalp.PulsarFileResolvePath(sunephem)
if sunfcheck is None:
# try downloading and caching the file (using astropy)
from import download_file
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("Could not import astropy")
sunurl = '{}'.format(sunephem)
# download the file (or use the cached file)
sunephem = download_file(sunurl, cache=True)
except Exception as e:
raise e("Problem downloading Sun ephemeris file")
# load ephemeris files
edat = lalp.InitBarycenter(earthephem, sunephem)
except IOError:
raise IOError("Problem loading ephemeris files")
# get time units file
if units == 'TDB':
timefile = 'tdb_2000-2040.dat.gz'
ttype = 1
elif units == 'TCB':
timefile = 'te405_2000-2040.dat.gz'
ttype = 2
raise ValueError("Units must be 'TDB' or 'TCB'")
timefcheck = lalp.PulsarFileResolvePath(timefile)
if timefcheck is None:
# try downloading and caching the file (using astropy)
from import download_file
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("Could not import astropy")
timeurl = '{}'.format(timefile)
# download the file (or use the cached file)
timefile = download_file(timeurl, cache=True)
except Exception as e:
raise e("Problem downloading time file")
# load ephemeris files
tdat = lalp.InitTimeCorrections(timefile)
except IOError:
raise IOError("Problem loading time file")
# set the site information
site = lalp.GetSiteInfo( detector.upper() )
tdelay = np.zeros(len(tseries))
# make sure sky positions are in the allowed range
rat, dect = lal.NormalizeSkyPosition(ra, dec)
# initialise variables
bary = lalp.BarycenterInput() = site.location/lal.C_SI
bary.alpha = rat = dect
bary.dInv = 0. # assume no parallax
earth = lalp.EarthState()
emit = lalp.EmissionTime()
for i, ttime in enumerate(tseries):
# convert time to LIGOTimeGPS structure
bary.tgps = lal.LIGOTimeGPS(ttime)
lalp.BarycenterEarthNew( earth, gps, ephem, tephem, ttype[units] )
lalp.Barycenter( emit, bary, earth )
# get the time delay between detector and SSB
tdelay[i] = emit.deltaT
return tdelay
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