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Created January 29, 2010 06:39
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open Microsoft.FSharp.Linq
open Microsoft.FSharp.Linq.Query
open MongoDB.Driver
open MongoDB.Linq
let inline (?) this key =
( ^a : (member get_Item : ^b -> ^c) (this,key))
let inline (?<-) this key value =
( ^a : (member set_Item : ^b * ^c -> ^d) (this,key,value))
let mongo = new Mongo()
mongo.Connect() |> ignore
let books = mongo?BookReviews?Books
// Insert books
let book1 = new Document()
book1?Title <- "Programming F#"
book1?Author <- "Chris Smith"
book1?Publisher <- "O'Reilly"
book1?Rating <- box 5.0
let book2 = new Document()
book2?Title <- "Real World Haskell"
book2?Author <- "O'Sullivan, Gorezen, Stewart"
book2?Publisher <- "O'Reilly"
book2?Rating <- box 4.6
let book3 = new Document()
book3?Title <- "Real World Functional Programming: With Examples in F# and C# "
book3?Author <- "Petricek, Skeet"
book3?Publisher <- "Manning"
book3?Rating <- box 4.2
let queryableBooks = MongoLinqEx.AsQueryable(books)
let oReillyBooks =
query <@ seq { for book in queryableBooks do
if book?Publisher = box "O'Reilly" then
yield book } @>
let firstBook =
query <@ seq { for book in queryableBooks do
if book?Title = box "Programming F#" then
yield book } @>
|> Seq.head
mongo.Disconnect() |> ignore
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