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Created July 27, 2015 06:04
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var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var Rx = require('rx');
function spawnAsObservable(command, args, options) {
return new Rx.AnonymousObservable(function (o) {
var cmd = spawn(command, args, options);
var dataHandler = function (data) { o.onNext(data); };
var errHandler = function (err) { o.onError(err); };
var closeHandler = function () { o.onCompleted(); }
cmd.stdout.addListener('data', dataHandler);
cmd.stderr.addListener('data', errHandler);
cmd.addListener('close', closeHandler);
return Rx.Disposable.create(function () {
cmd.stdout.removeListener('data', dataHandler);
cmd.stderr.removeListener('data', errHandler);
cmd.removeListener('close', closeHandler);
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I found one of the internal ones that might have been what I was thinking of but I swear it isn't:

  // Private: Maps an Update.exe process into an {Observable}
  // params - Arguments passed to the process
  // Returns an {Observable} with a single value, that is the output of the
  // spawned process
  spawnUpdateDotExe(params) {
    let updateDotExe = path.resolve(path.dirname(process.execPath), '..', 'update.exe');
    if (!fs.statSyncNoException(updateDotExe)) {
      return rx.Observable.return('');

    let spawnUpdate = rx.Observable.create((subj) => {
      let proc = spawn(updateDotExe, params);

      var stdout = '';
      let bufHandler = (b) => {
        let line = b.toString();
        stdout += line;

      proc.stdout.on('data', bufHandler);
      proc.stderr.on('data', bufHandler);
      proc.on('error', (e) => subj.onError(e));

      proc.on('close', (code) => {
        if (code === 0) {
        } else {
          subj.onError(new Error("Failed with exit code: " + code + "\nOutput:\n" + stdout));

    return spawnUpdate
      .reduce((acc, x) => acc += x, '');

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Why is stderr directed to an onNext call? Is the only error you want on the overall process error?

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It's not ideal, but lots of people write non-fatal warnings to stderr, so taking "any stderr output == onError" is probably not a good tack in the general sense. Exit code should always be the end-all for failed vs succeeded

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Alright, here's a general one:

import rx from 'rx';
import {spawn} from 'child_process';

// Public: Maps a process's output into an {Observable}
// exe - The program to execute
// params - Arguments passed to the process
// opts - Options that will be passed to child_process.spawn
// Returns an {Observable} with a single value, that is the output of the
// spawned process
export default function spawn(exe, params, opts=null) {
  let spawnObs = rx.Observable.create((subj) => {
    let proc = spawn(exe, params, opts);

    let stdout = '';
    let bufHandler = (b) => {
      let chunk = b.toString();
      stdout += chunk;

    proc.stdout.on('data', bufHandler);
    proc.stderr.on('data', bufHandler);
    proc.on('error', (e) => subj.onError(e));

    proc.on('close', (code) => {
      if (code === 0) {
      } else {
        subj.onError(new Error("Failed with exit code: " + code + "\nOutput:\n" + stdout));

  return spawnObs.reduce((acc, x) => acc += x, '');

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Typo on subj.onNext(line) should be subj.onNext(chunk)

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