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Created February 12, 2009 05:32
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open System
module List =
let to_string (xs:char list) : string =
new string(Array.of_list xs)
module Char =
let digitToInt : char -> int = function
| c when Char.IsDigit c -> int c - int '0'
| c when c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' -> int c - int 'a' + 10
| c when c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' -> int c - int 'A' + 10
| c -> failwith ("Char.digitToInt: not a digit " + string c)
let intToDigit : int -> char = function
| i when i >= 0 && i <= 9 -> char (int '0' + i)
| i when i >= 10 && i <= 15 -> char (int 'a' - 10 + i)
| i -> failwith ("Char.intToDigit: not a digit " + string i)
// Existing solution
let rec loop (acc:int) : char list -> int = function
| [] -> acc
| x::xs -> let acc' = acc * 10 + Char.digitToInt x
loop acc' xs
let asInt : string -> int = Seq.to_list >> loop 0
// asInt Fold
let asInt_fold : string -> int =
let rec asInt_aux : char list -> int = function
| ('-'::xs) -> - asInt_aux xs
| xs -> let step x acc = 10 * x + Char.digitToInt acc
List.fold_left step 0 xs
Seq.to_list >> asInt_aux
// asInt_Either
let asInt_Either : string -> Choice<string, int> =
let rec asInt_aux = function
| ('-'::xs) -> match asInt_aux xs with
| Choice2_1 err -> Choice2_1 err
| Choice2_2 v -> Choice2_2 (-v)
| xs -> let step (Choice2_2 acc) c =
match Char.IsDigit c with
| false -> Choice2_1 ("non-digit " + string c)
| true -> Choice2_2 (10 * acc + Char.digitToInt c)
List.fold_left step (Choice2_2 0) xs
Seq.to_list >> asInt_aux
// Concat
let concat' xs = List.fold_right (@) [] xs
// Takewhile
let rec takeWhile' (p:'a -> bool) : 'a list -> 'a list = function
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> if p x then x :: takeWhile' p xs
else []
// Takewhile fold
let takeWhile'' (p:'a -> bool) : 'a list -> 'a list =
let step x ys = if p x then [x] @ ys else []
List.fold_right step []
let groupBy' (eq:'a -> 'a -> bool) (xs:'a list) : ('a list) list =
let step x : 'a list list -> 'a list list = function
| [] -> [[x]]
| y::ys -> if eq x (List.hd y) then [x::y] @ ys
else [x] :: y :: ys
List.fold_right step xs []
let any' (eq:'a -> bool) (xs:'a list) : bool =
let step x acc = acc || eq x
List.fold_right step xs false
let isSpace = System.Char.IsWhiteSpace
let words' (s:string) : string list =
let words'' : char list -> char list list = function
| [] -> [[]]
| s -> let step c acc =
let (a::as') = acc
if isSpace c then [] :: acc
else (c::a)::as'
List.fold_right step s [[]]
s |> Seq.to_list |> words'' |> List.to_string
let unlines' (xs:string list) : string =
let step = ((@) << ((@) (Seq.to_list "\r\n")))
List.fold_right step ( Seq.to_list xs) [] |> List.to_string
let rec repeat x = x :: repeat x
let cycle' xs = List.fold_right (@) (repeat xs) []
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