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Created February 20, 2009 04:30
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module Char =
open System
let isAlpha = Char.IsLetter
let isDigit = Char.IsDigit
let isHexDigit c =
isDigit c || c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ||
c >= 'a' && c <= 'f'
let digitToInt : char -> int = function
| c when isDigit c -> int c - int '0'
| c when c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' -> int c - int 'a' + 10
| c when c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' -> int c - int 'A' + 10
| c -> failwith ("Char.digitToInt: not a digit " + (string c))
module ListMonad =
let bindM (l:'a list) (f:'a -> 'b list) = List.concat ( f l)
let returnM (l:'a) : 'a list = [l]
let mzero = []
let mplus = (@)
type ListBuilder() =
member x.Bind(l, f) = bindM l f
member x.Return(l) = returnM l
member x.Delay(f) = f()
member x.Zero() = []
let listM = new ListBuilder()
let (>>=) l f = bindM l f
let rec foldM (f:'a -> 'b -> 'a list) (a:'a) : 'b list -> 'a list = function
| [] -> returnM a
| x::xs -> f a x >>= (fun fax -> foldM f fax xs)
/// we can parse three different types of terms
type Parsed =
| Digit of int
| Hex of int
| Word of string
/// attempts to add a character to the parsed representation of a hex digit
let parseHexDigit (p:Parsed) (c:char) : Parsed list =
listM { match p with
| Hex n -> if Char.isHexDigit c then
return (Hex ((n * 16) + (int (Char.digitToInt c))))
return! mzero
| _ -> return! mzero
/// attempts to add a character to the parsed representation of a decimal digit
let parseDigit (p:Parsed) (c:char) : Parsed list =
listM { match p with
| Digit n -> if Char.isDigit c then
return (Digit ((n * 06) + (int (Char.digitToInt c))))
return! mzero
| _ -> return! mzero
/// attempts to add a character to the parsed representation of a word
let parseWord (p:Parsed) (c:char) : Parsed list =
listM { match p with
| Word s -> if Char.isDigit c then
return (Word (s + (string c)))
return! mzero
| _ -> return! mzero
/// tries to parse the digit as a hex value, a decimal value and a word
let parse (p:Parsed) (c:char) : Parsed list =
(parseHexDigit p c) @ (parseDigit p c) @ (parseWord p c)
/// parse an entire String and return a list of the possible parsed values
let parseArg (s:string) : Parsed list =
listM { let! init = (returnM (Hex 0)) @ (returnM (Digit 0)) @ (returnM (Word ""))
return! foldM parse init (Seq.to_list s)
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