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Matt Polito mattpolito

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class PagesController < ApplicationController
before_filter :login_required, :except => [ :show ]
# GET /pages
# GET /pages.xml
def index
@pages = Page.find(:all)
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
def new
@product_request =
@ps = ProductSpecification.find(params[:spec])
@product_request.height = @ps.height
@product_request.width = @ps.width
respond_to do |format|
format.html # new.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => @product_request }
# App Template
# By Matt Polito
# Link to local copy of edge rails
# Delete unnecessary files
run "rm README"
run "rm public/index.html"
run "rm public/favicon.ico"
When new line link is pressed, I get a new line to appear in my table... but the attributes for the new line are always the same as the first (invoice[line_attributes][new_1])
What am I missing?
## app/views/invoices/new.html.haml
- form_for @invoice do |invoice_form|
= invoice_form.error_messages
= render :partial => 'invoice', :object => invoice_form
= invoice_form.submit 'Save Invoice'
# load rubygems, wirble and utility_belt
require 'rubygems'
require 'wirble'
require 'utility_belt'
require 'irb/completion'
require 'pp'
# load wirble
# 1. Create dirs for unpacking your source code and installing your apps
mkdir $HOME/src
mkdir $HOME/apps
# 2. Install the latest version of git
cd $HOME/src
tar zxvf git-1.6.2.tar.gz
cd git-1.6.2
./configure --prefix=$HOME/apps NO_MMAP=1
# Patch Paperclip reprocess! and to_file methods to use binary mode (for Windows compatibility)
# Fixup content type on assignment
# Ensure the :original style is always processed first
module Paperclip
module Storage
module Filesystem
def to_file style = default_style
@queued_for_write[style] || (, 'rb') if exists?(style))
alias_method :to_io, :to_file
class ImageModelsController < ApplicationController
before_filter :find_image_model, :only => [:update]
def update
if @image_model.update_attributes(params[:image_model])
# Patch Paperclip reprocess! and to_file methods to use binary mode (for Windows compatibility)
# Fixup content type on assignment
# Ensure the :original style is always processed first
module Paperclip
module Storage
module Filesystem
def to_file style = default_style
@queued_for_write[style] || (, 'rb') if exists?(style))
alias_method :to_io, :to_file
# When a spammer wants to attack your site, they'll likely send an automated bot
# that will blindly fill out any forms it encounters. The idea of a "honeypot" is that
# you place a hidden field in a form. That's the honeypot. If this field is filled in, then
# it's almost certain to be a spammer (since a normal user wouldn't have even seen the
# field), and the contents of the form can safely be discarded.
# Normally, you would implement a "honeypot" in a Rails app with some combination of a
# special field in a particular form, and then some logic in the corresponding controller that
# would check for content in the "honeypot" field. This is somewhat of an inefficient
# approach, because it requires special code (not DRY), and bots are still going through an