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Last active November 19, 2023 06:22
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Idris concatH via imapProperty
import Data.Vect
import Data.Vect.Quantifiers
%hide intersperse
-- Redefine intersperse since the prepackaged version is not
-- public export
intersperse : (sep : a) -> (xs : Vect len a) -> Vect (len + pred len) a
intersperse sep [] = []
intersperse sep (x::xs) = x :: intersperse' sep xs
intersperse' : a -> Vect n a -> Vect (n + n) a
intersperse' sep [] = []
intersperse' {n=S n} sep (x::xs) = rewrite sym $ plusSuccRightSucc n n
in sep :: x :: intersperse' sep xs
-- Vary the type of the thing within the container but always
-- have the same container (`Vect k`).
concatH : All Monoid ts => All (Vect k) ts -> HVect ts
concatH = imapProperty Monoid concat
-- Vary the type of the container but always have the same
-- contents (`String`).
vecString : Vect 2 String
vecString = ["hello ", "world"]
listString : List String
listString = ["this ", "is ", "longer"]
outputString : String
outputString =
concat . intersperse " " . forget $
imapProperty {as=[Vect ?, List]}
{p=($ String)}
((, Monoid String) . Foldable)
[vecString, listString]
outputStringPrf : Main.outputString === "hello world this is longer"
outputStringPrf = Refl
-- Vary the type of the container but always have the same
-- contents (`a`).
concatH' : {a : _}
-> {as : Vect _ _}
-> All ((, Monoid a) . Foldable) as =>
All ($ a) as
-> All (const a) as
concatH' = imapProperty ((, Monoid a) . Foldable) concat
outputString2 : String
outputString2 =
concat . intersperse " " . forget $
concatH' {as=[Vect ?, List]} [vecString, listString]
outputString2Prf : Main.outputString2 === "hello world this is longer"
outputString2Prf = Refl
-- Vary the type of the container and contents.
||| `imapProperty` but explicitly passing the constraint to the function being
||| mapped over the `All` rather than auto-implicitly.
imapProperty' : {0 a : Type}
-> {0 p,q : a -> Type}
-> (0 i : a -> Type)
-> (f : {0 x : a} -> i x -> p x -> q x)
-> {0 as : Vect n a}
-> All i as => All p as -> All q as
imapProperty' _ _ [] = []
imapProperty' i f @{ix :: ixs} (x::xs) = (f ix x) :: (imapProperty' i f @{ixs} xs)
%unbound_implicits off
||| Apply a property of an `All` to produce a new
||| `All` with the property ``.
public export
apply : {0 l : Nat}
-> {0 a : Type }
-> {0 xs : Vect l a}
-> {f : a -> Type}
-> All f xs
-> All id (map f xs)
apply {f} [] = []
apply {f} (x :: y) = x :: apply {f} y
public export
0 fnToType : {l : Nat} -> Vect l Type -> Vect l Type
fnToType [] = []
fnToType (x :: xs) = (x -> Type) :: (fnToType xs)
%unbound_implicits on
public export
data Constraints : {constraintInputShapes : Vect l Type}
-> (constraintTys : All (fnToType constraintInputShapes))
-> (tys : All constraintInputShapes)
-> Type where
Nil : Constraints [] []
(::) : {0 cis : Type} -> {0 cty : cis -> Type} -> {0 ty : cis} -> cty ty
-> Constraints {constraintInputShapes} constraintTys tys
-> Constraints {constraintInputShapes = cis :: constraintInputShapes} (cty :: constraintTys) (ty :: tys)
%unbound_implicits off
testSearch : Constraints [Foldable, Monoid] [List, String]
testSearch = %search
||| The shape of constraints for a container (e.g. List)
||| and the type of thing within it.
||| For example, [Foldable, Monoid] describes the container
||| as Foldable and the contents of the container as Monoidal.
0 Container : Type
Container = All id [(Type -> Type), Type]
ContainerContentType : Container -> Type
ContainerContentType [_, y] = y
ContainerType : Container -> Type
ContainerType [x, y] = x y
concatH'' : {0 l : Nat}
-> {0 as : Vect l Container}
-> All (Constraints [Foldable, Monoid]) as =>
All ContainerType as
-> All ContainerContentType as
concatH'' =
imapProperty' (Constraints [Foldable, Monoid])
(\[f, m] => Prelude.concat)
listNat : List Nat
listNat = [1, 2, 3]
vecString2 : Vect 4 String
vecString2 = ["hello ", "world. ","welcome ", "sun"]
output3 : All id [String, Nat]
output3 =
let m = Num.Monoid.Additive
in apply $ concatH'' {as=[[Vect ?, ?], [List, ?]]} [vecString, listNat]
output3Prf : output3 === ["hello world", 6]
output3Prf = Refl
-- One constraint on container and two on contents.
concatShow : {0 l : Nat}
-> {0 as : Vect l Container}
-> All (Constraints [Foldable, (\t => (Monoid t, Show t))]) as =>
All ContainerType as
-> All (const String) as
concatShow =
imapProperty' (Constraints [Foldable, (\t => (Monoid t, Show t))])
(\[f, m] => . Prelude.concat)
output4 : All id [String, String]
output4 =
let m = Num.Monoid.Additive
in apply $ concatShow {as=[[Vect ?, ?], [List, ?]]} [vecString, listNat]
-- The following is roughly true. You can evaluate `output4` to see it.
-- It only doesn't work at compile time because the compiler gets stuck on
-- a primitive function or two.
output4Prf : output4 === ["\"hello world\"", "6"]
output4Prf = Refl
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