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Created October 1, 2021 20:54
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Incomplete example of DOM generation and interaction
<meta charset='utf-8'>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="web.css" media="screen"/>
<script type='text/javascript' src='build/exec/web.js'></script>
module Web
import Data.Vect
import Data.Fuel
import Data.String
import Data.Nat
import JS
import Web.Dom
import Web.Html
import Nested
edgeDescriptor : Edge -> String
edgeDescriptor Vert = "vertical"
edgeDescriptor Horiz = "horizontal"
cornerDescriptor : Corner -> String
cornerDescriptor TopLeft = "top-left"
cornerDescriptor Bottomleft = "bottom-left"
cornerDescriptor TopRight = "top-right"
cornerDescriptor BottomRight = "bottom-right"
classify : (t -> String) -> t -> String
classify f x = (f x) ++ "-cell"
divWithClass : String -> JSIO HTMLDivElement
divWithClass x =
newElement Div [ className =. x ]
spanWithClass : String -> JSIO HTMLSpanElement
spanWithClass x =
newElement Span [ className =. x ]
cell : Cell -> JSIO HTMLSpanElement
cell (E x) = spanWithClass $ classify edgeDescriptor x
cell (C x) = spanWithClass $ classify cornerDescriptor x
cell Blank = spanWithClass $ classify (const "blank") ()
row : Traversable t => t Cell -> JSIO (t HTMLSpanElement)
row = traverse cell
grid : Traversable t => Traversable t' => t (t' Cell) -> JSIO (t (t' HTMLSpanElement))
grid = traverse row
addGrid : HTMLElement -> Traversable t => Traversable t' => t (t' Cell) -> JSIO ()
addGrid elem gridCells = for_ !(grid gridCells) $ \row =>
do rowDiv <- divWithClass "grid-row"
ignore $ elem `appendChild` rowDiv
for_ row $ \cell =>
rowDiv `appendChild` cell
inputDiv : JSIO (HTMLInputElement, HTMLDivElement)
inputDiv = do
div <- createElement Div
txt <- newElement Input [ type =. "text" ]
ignore $ div `appendChild` txt
pure (txt, div)
loop : Fuel -> Nat -> (prev : Maybe HTMLDivElement) -> HTMLInputElement -> JSIO ()
loop Dry _ _ _ = pure ()
loop (More fuel) size prev txt = do
traverse_ (!body `removeChild`) prev
gridDiv <- divWithClass "grid"
ignore $ !body `appendChild` gridDiv
addGrid (up gridDiv) (nestedBoxes size)
oninput txt ?> do inp <- txt `get` value
let posNum : Maybe Nat = parsePositive inp
case posNum of
Nothing => loop fuel size (Just gridDiv) txt
(Just x) => loop fuel x (Just gridDiv) txt
prog : Fuel -> JSIO ()
prog Dry = pure ()
prog (More fuel) = do
(txt, inputs) <- inputDiv
ignore $ !body `appendChild` inputs
loop fuel 20 Nothing txt
main : IO ()
main = runJS $ prog forever
package web
modules = Web
main = Web
executable = "web.js"
opts = "--codegen javascript"
depends = nested-squares, elab-util, sop, dom
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