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Created June 26, 2018 06:42
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$ ./bin/ aws a2 'Tuesday' mattray-apac 12 'mray' 'Sales' 'APAC' Creating aws a2 demo... { "StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:496323866215:stack/mray-Tuesday-Chef-Demo-20180626T052147Z/d373c260-7900-11e8-8f50-02fa8eda759c" }

$ cd - /Users/mray/ws/inspec-iggy

$ inspec cloudformation generate -t test/bjc-demo-aws-a2.json -s mray-Tuesday-Chef-Demo-20180626T052147Z

encoding: utf-8

awsclient = cfn = awsclient.list_stack_resources({ stack_name: "mray-Tuesday-Chef-Demo-20180626T052147Z" }).to_hash resources = {} cfn[:stack_resource_summaries].each { |r| resources[r[:logical_resource_id]] = r[:physical_resource_id] }

title "/Users/mray/ws/inspec-iggy/test/bjc-demo-aws-a2.json controls generated by Iggy v0.2.0" control "aws_subnet::SubnetAutomate" do title "Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_subnet::SubnetAutomate" desc " aws_subnet::SubnetAutomate from the source file /Users/mray/ws/inspec-iggy/test/bjc-demo-aws-a2.json Generated by Iggy v0.2.0 " impact 1.0 describe aws_subnet(resources["SubnetAutomate"]) do it { should exist } its("vpc_id") { should eq resources["VPC"] } its("cidr_block") { should eq "" } end end

control "aws_subnet::SubnetProd" do title "Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_subnet::SubnetProd" desc " aws_subnet::SubnetProd from the source file /Users/mray/ws/inspec-iggy/test/bjc-demo-aws-a2.json Generated by Iggy v0.2.0 " impact 1.0 describe aws_subnet(resources["SubnetProd"]) do it { should exist } its("vpc_id") { should eq resources["VPC"] } its("cidr_block") { should eq "" } end end

control "aws_subnet::SubnetWorkstations" do title "Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_subnet::SubnetWorkstations" desc " aws_subnet::SubnetWorkstations from the source file /Users/mray/ws/inspec-iggy/test/bjc-demo-aws-a2.json Generated by Iggy v0.2.0 " impact 1.0 describe aws_subnet(resources["SubnetWorkstations"]) do it { should exist } its("vpc_id") { should eq resources["VPC"] } its("cidr_block") { should eq "" } end end

control "aws_route_table::RouteTable" do title "Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_route_table::RouteTable" desc " aws_route_table::RouteTable from the source file /Users/mray/ws/inspec-iggy/test/bjc-demo-aws-a2.json Generated by Iggy v0.2.0 " impact 1.0 describe aws_route_table(resources["RouteTable"]) do it { should exist } end end

control "aws_ec2_instance::WindowsWorkstation1" do title "Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_ec2_instance::WindowsWorkstation1" desc " aws_ec2_instance::WindowsWorkstation1 from the source file /Users/mray/ws/inspec-iggy/test/bjc-demo-aws-a2.json Generated by Iggy v0.2.0 " impact 1.0 describe aws_ec2_instance(resources["WindowsWorkstation1"]) do it { should exist } it { should be_running } its("instance_type") { should eq "c4.large" } its("image_id") { should eq "ami-ba6e1bc2" } end end

control "aws_ec2_instance::BuildNode1" do title "Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_ec2_instance::BuildNode1" desc " aws_ec2_instance::BuildNode1 from the source file /Users/mray/ws/inspec-iggy/test/bjc-demo-aws-a2.json Generated by Iggy v0.2.0 " impact 1.0 describe aws_ec2_instance(resources["BuildNode1"]) do it { should exist } it { should be_running } its("instance_type") { should eq "m4.large" } its("image_id") { should eq "ami-cb6f1ab3" } end end

control "aws_ec2_instance::BuildNode2" do title "Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_ec2_instance::BuildNode2" desc " aws_ec2_instance::BuildNode2 from the source file /Users/mray/ws/inspec-iggy/test/bjc-demo-aws-a2.json Generated by Iggy v0.2.0 " impact 1.0 describe aws_ec2_instance(resources["BuildNode2"]) do it { should exist } it { should be_running } its("instance_type") { should eq "m4.large" } its("image_id") { should eq "ami-3c6d1844" } end end

control "aws_ec2_instance::BuildNode3" do title "Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_ec2_instance::BuildNode3" desc " aws_ec2_instance::BuildNode3 from the source file /Users/mray/ws/inspec-iggy/test/bjc-demo-aws-a2.json Generated by Iggy v0.2.0 " impact 1.0 describe aws_ec2_instance(resources["BuildNode3"]) do it { should exist } it { should be_running } its("instance_type") { should eq "m4.large" } its("image_id") { should eq "ami-4b6f1a33" } end end

control "aws_ec2_instance::delivered" do title "Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_ec2_instance::delivered" desc " aws_ec2_instance::delivered from the source file /Users/mray/ws/inspec-iggy/test/bjc-demo-aws-a2.json Generated by Iggy v0.2.0 " impact 1.0 describe aws_ec2_instance(resources["delivered"]) do it { should exist } it { should be_running } its("instance_type") { should eq "m4.large" } its("image_id") { should eq "ami-676f1a1f" } end end

control "aws_ec2_instance::ecomacceptance" do title "Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_ec2_instance::ecomacceptance" desc " aws_ec2_instance::ecomacceptance from the source file /Users/mray/ws/inspec-iggy/test/bjc-demo-aws-a2.json Generated by Iggy v0.2.0 " impact 1.0 describe aws_ec2_instance(resources["ecomacceptance"]) do it { should exist } it { should be_running } its("instance_type") { should eq "m4.large" } its("image_id") { should eq "ami-de6c19a6" } end end

control "aws_ec2_instance::rehearsal" do title "Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_ec2_instance::rehearsal" desc " aws_ec2_instance::rehearsal from the source file /Users/mray/ws/inspec-iggy/test/bjc-demo-aws-a2.json Generated by Iggy v0.2.0 " impact 1.0 describe aws_ec2_instance(resources["rehearsal"]) do it { should exist } it { should be_running } its("instance_type") { should eq "m4.large" } its("image_id") { should eq "ami-846c19fc" } end end

control "aws_ec2_instance::union" do title "Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_ec2_instance::union" desc " aws_ec2_instance::union from the source file /Users/mray/ws/inspec-iggy/test/bjc-demo-aws-a2.json Generated by Iggy v0.2.0 " impact 1.0 describe aws_ec2_instance(resources["union"]) do it { should exist } it { should be_running } its("instance_type") { should eq "m4.large" } its("image_id") { should eq "ami-1f621767" } end end

control "aws_ec2_instance::Chef" do title "Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_ec2_instance::Chef" desc " aws_ec2_instance::Chef from the source file /Users/mray/ws/inspec-iggy/test/bjc-demo-aws-a2.json Generated by Iggy v0.2.0 " impact 1.0 describe aws_ec2_instance(resources["Chef"]) do it { should exist } it { should be_running } its("instance_type") { should eq "c4.xlarge" } its("image_id") { should eq "ami-3e6f1a46" } end end

control "aws_ec2_instance::Automate" do title "Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_ec2_instance::Automate" desc " aws_ec2_instance::Automate from the source file /Users/mray/ws/inspec-iggy/test/bjc-demo-aws-a2.json Generated by Iggy v0.2.0 " impact 1.0 describe aws_ec2_instance(resources["Automate"]) do it { should exist } it { should be_running } its("instance_type") { should eq "c4.xlarge" } its("image_id") { should eq "ami-437f0e3b" } end end

control "aws_security_group::DemoSecurityGroup" do title "Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_security_group::DemoSecurityGroup" desc " aws_security_group::DemoSecurityGroup from the source file /Users/mray/ws/inspec-iggy/test/bjc-demo-aws-a2.json Generated by Iggy v0.2.0 " impact 1.0 describe aws_security_group(resources["DemoSecurityGroup"]) do it { should exist } its("vpc_id") { should eq resources["VPC"] } end end

$ inspec cloudformation generate -t test/bjc-demo-aws-a2.json -s mray-Tuesday-Chef-Demo-20180626T052147Z > test.rb

$ inspec exec test.rb -t aws://us-west-2

Profile: tests from test.rb (tests from test.rb) Version: (not specified) Target: aws://us-west-2

✔ aws_subnet::SubnetAutomate: Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_subnet::SubnetAutomate ✔ VPC Subnet subnet-54dc910e should exist ✔ VPC Subnet subnet-54dc910e vpc_id should eq "vpc-58342a21" ✔ VPC Subnet subnet-54dc910e cidr_block should eq "" ✔ aws_subnet::SubnetProd: Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_subnet::SubnetProd ✔ VPC Subnet subnet-b0c18cea should exist ✔ VPC Subnet subnet-b0c18cea vpc_id should eq "vpc-58342a21" ✔ VPC Subnet subnet-b0c18cea cidr_block should eq "" ✔ aws_subnet::SubnetWorkstations: Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_subnet::SubnetWorkstations ✔ VPC Subnet subnet-dac38e80 should exist ✔ VPC Subnet subnet-dac38e80 vpc_id should eq "vpc-58342a21" ✔ VPC Subnet subnet-dac38e80 cidr_block should eq "" ✔ aws_route_table::RouteTable: Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_route_table::RouteTable ✔ Route Table rtb-34ca3e4f should exist ✔ aws_ec2_instance::WindowsWorkstation1: Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_ec2_instance::WindowsWorkstation1 ✔ EC2 Instance i-0f3984806582700af should exist ✔ EC2 Instance i-0f3984806582700af should be running ✔ EC2 Instance i-0f3984806582700af instance_type should eq "c4.large" ✔ EC2 Instance i-0f3984806582700af image_id should eq "ami-ba6e1bc2" ✔ aws_ec2_instance::BuildNode1: Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_ec2_instance::BuildNode1 ✔ EC2 Instance i-000a76d71c7820af4 should exist ✔ EC2 Instance i-000a76d71c7820af4 should be running ✔ EC2 Instance i-000a76d71c7820af4 instance_type should eq "m4.large" ✔ EC2 Instance i-000a76d71c7820af4 image_id should eq "ami-cb6f1ab3" ✔ aws_ec2_instance::BuildNode2: Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_ec2_instance::BuildNode2 ✔ EC2 Instance i-072b717aaf19269c5 should exist ✔ EC2 Instance i-072b717aaf19269c5 should be running ✔ EC2 Instance i-072b717aaf19269c5 instance_type should eq "m4.large" ✔ EC2 Instance i-072b717aaf19269c5 image_id should eq "ami-3c6d1844" ✔ aws_ec2_instance::BuildNode3: Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_ec2_instance::BuildNode3 ✔ EC2 Instance i-0bddceb1f4b0d40bd should exist ✔ EC2 Instance i-0bddceb1f4b0d40bd should be running ✔ EC2 Instance i-0bddceb1f4b0d40bd instance_type should eq "m4.large" ✔ EC2 Instance i-0bddceb1f4b0d40bd image_id should eq "ami-4b6f1a33" ✔ aws_ec2_instance::delivered: Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_ec2_instance::delivered ✔ EC2 Instance i-0d62db121665171ce should exist ✔ EC2 Instance i-0d62db121665171ce should be running ✔ EC2 Instance i-0d62db121665171ce instance_type should eq "m4.large" ✔ EC2 Instance i-0d62db121665171ce image_id should eq "ami-676f1a1f" ✔ aws_ec2_instance::ecomacceptance: Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_ec2_instance::ecomacceptance ✔ EC2 Instance i-0ac29cdf3a5f1b272 should exist ✔ EC2 Instance i-0ac29cdf3a5f1b272 should be running ✔ EC2 Instance i-0ac29cdf3a5f1b272 instance_type should eq "m4.large" ✔ EC2 Instance i-0ac29cdf3a5f1b272 image_id should eq "ami-de6c19a6" ✔ aws_ec2_instance::rehearsal: Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_ec2_instance::rehearsal ✔ EC2 Instance i-0d8b22fab6bd8f6ac should exist ✔ EC2 Instance i-0d8b22fab6bd8f6ac should be running ✔ EC2 Instance i-0d8b22fab6bd8f6ac instance_type should eq "m4.large" ✔ EC2 Instance i-0d8b22fab6bd8f6ac image_id should eq "ami-846c19fc" ✔ aws_ec2_instance::union: Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_ec2_instance::union ✔ EC2 Instance i-0d970506d4af57140 should exist ✔ EC2 Instance i-0d970506d4af57140 should be running ✔ EC2 Instance i-0d970506d4af57140 instance_type should eq "m4.large" ✔ EC2 Instance i-0d970506d4af57140 image_id should eq "ami-1f621767" ✔ aws_ec2_instance::Chef: Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_ec2_instance::Chef ✔ EC2 Instance i-0b62377f67233b404 should exist ✔ EC2 Instance i-0b62377f67233b404 should be running ✔ EC2 Instance i-0b62377f67233b404 instance_type should eq "c4.xlarge" ✔ EC2 Instance i-0b62377f67233b404 image_id should eq "ami-3e6f1a46" ✔ aws_ec2_instance::Automate: Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_ec2_instance::Automate ✔ EC2 Instance i-0a545cb06b066160f should exist ✔ EC2 Instance i-0a545cb06b066160f should be running ✔ EC2 Instance i-0a545cb06b066160f instance_type should eq "c4.xlarge" ✔ EC2 Instance i-0a545cb06b066160f image_id should eq "ami-437f0e3b" ✔ aws_security_group::DemoSecurityGroup: Iggy bjc-demo-aws-a2.json aws_security_group::DemoSecurityGroup ✔ EC2 Security Group sg-76392907 should exist ✔ EC2 Security Group sg-76392907 vpc_id should eq "vpc-58342a21"

Profile Summary: 15 successful controls, 0 control failures, 0 controls skipped Test Summary: 52 successful, 0 failures, 0 skipped

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