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Last active May 9, 2016 08:18
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Converts an array of objects into a SQL insert statement.
Converts an array of objects into a SQL insert statement.
Import-Csv -Path language.csv -Delimiter `| -Header @("col1", "col2") | Convert-ToInsertQuery -TableName table1 -DefaultType varchar -DataTypes @{ col1 = "int" }
function Convert-ToInsertQuery {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[array] $Items,
[string] $TableName,
[ValidateSet("number", "string")]
[string] $DefaultType = "string",
[hashtable] $DataTypes = @{}
$_items = @()
$_items += $_
$lines = @()
$columns = @()
# Collect column names from property names.
if ($_items.Count -ne 0) {
$_items[0].PSObject.Properties | %{
$columns += $_.Name
"INSERT INTO $TableName ($($columns -join ",")) VALUES "
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $_items.Count; $i++) {
$item = $_items[$i]
$properties = @()
$item.PSObject.Properties | %{
$name = $_.Name
$value = $_.Value
$dataType = if ($DataTypes[$name] -ne $null) { $DataTypes[$name] } else { $DefaultType }
switch ($DataTypes[$name]) {
"number" { $value = $value }
"string" { $value = "'$value'" }
default { $value = "'$value'" }
$properties += "$value"
$lines += "($($properties -join ","))"
($lines -join ",`r`n") + ";"
$file = "vs_market\EN.dat"
$header = @(
Import-Csv -Path $file -Delimiter `| -Header $header |
# Select -First 10 | # Uncomment the beginning of this line to test the conversion with a small subset
Convert-ToInsertQuery -TableName vs_market -DefaultType string -DataTypes @{ unique_system_identifier = "number" } |
Set-Content output.sql
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