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Created March 9, 2014 19:54
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<d:entry id="m_en_gb0035330" d:title="apple" class="entry">
<span class="hg">
<span d:dhw="1" role="text" linebreaks="apple" class="hw">apple</span>
<span media="online" class="pr"> |<span d:pr="UK_IPA solitary" gbSoundFile="apple#_gb_1" class="ph">ˈap(ə)l</span>| </span>
<span class="gp tg_hg"> </span>
<span class="sg">
<span class="se1">
<span class="gp tg_se1">▶</span>
<span role="text" class="posg">
<span d:ps="1" class="pos">
<span class="gp tg_pos">noun</span>
<span class="gp tg_posg"> </span>
<span d:abs="1" class="se2">
<span class="gp ty_label tg_se2"> 1 </span>
<span id="m_en_gb0035330.001" class="msDict t_first">
<span role="text" class="df">the round fruit of a tree of the rose family, which typically has thin green or red skin and crisp flesh<span class="gp tg_df">.</span></span>
<span role="text" class="gp tg_msDict"> </span>
<span id="m_en_gb0035330.002" class="msDict t_subsense">
<span role="text" class="gp tg_msDict"> • </span>
<span role="text" class="df">used in names of unrelated fruits or other plant growths that resemble apples in some way, e.g. <span class="ll">custard apple</span>, <span class="ll">oak apple</span><span class="gp tg_df">.</span></span>
<span class="gp tg_se2"> </span>
<span d:abs="1" class="se2">
<span class="gp ty_label tg_se2"> 2 </span>
<span id="m_en_gb0035330.003" class="msDict t_first">
<span role="text" class="vg"><span class="gp tg_vg">(</span>also <span class="v">apple tree</span><span class="gp tg_vg">)</span><span class="gp tg_vg"> </span></span>
<span role="text" class="df">the tree bearing apples, with hard pale timber that is used in carpentry and to smoke food<span class="gp tg_df">.</span><span class="gp tg_df"> </span></span>
<span role="text" class="note"><span class="gp tg_note">●</span>Genus <span class="tx">Malus</span>, family <span class="tx">Rosaceae</span>: numerous hybrids and cultivars<span class="gp tg_note">.</span></span>
<span class="gp tg_sg"> </span>
<span class="subEntryBlock t_phrases">
<span class="gp ty_label tg_subEntryBlock">PHRASES </span>
<span id="m_en_gb0035330.011" class="subEntry">
<span role="text" class="l">the apple never falls far from the tree </span>
<span id="m_en_gb0035330.004" class="msDict t_core">
<span role="text" class="lg">
<span class="reg"> proverb </span>
<span class="gp tg_lg"> </span>
<span role="text" class="df">important family characteristics are usually inherited<span class="gp tg_df">.</span></span>
<span role="text" class="eg">
<span class="ex"> he's a fool, Mary, as his father was—the apple never falls far from the tree</span>
<span class="gp tg_eg">.</span>
<span class="gp tg_subEntry"> </span>
<span id="m_en_gb0035330.012" class="subEntry">
<span role="text" class="l">the apple of one's eye </span>
<span id="m_en_gb0035330.005" class="msDict t_core">
<span role="text" class="df">a person of whom one is extremely fond and proud<span class="gp tg_df">.</span><span class="gp tg_df"> </span></span>
<span role="text" class="eg">
<span class="ex"> a daughter who had ceased to be the apple of her father's eye</span>
<span class="gp tg_eg">.</span>
<span class="gp tg_eg"> </span>
<span role="text" class="etym"><span class="gp tg_etym">[</span>originally denoting the pupil of the eye, considered to be a globular solid body, extended as a symbol of something cherished<span class="gp tg_etym">.</span><span class="gp tg_etym">]</span></span>
<span class="gp tg_subEntry"> </span>
<span id="m_en_gb0035330.013" class="subEntry">
<span role="text" class="l">apples and oranges </span>
<span id="m_en_gb0035330.006" class="msDict t_core">
<span role="text" class="lg">
<span class="ge">N. Amer.</span>
<span class="gp tg_lg"> </span>
<span role="text" class="df">(of two people or things) irreconcilably or fundamentally different<span class="gp tg_df">.</span></span>
<span class="gp tg_subEntry"> </span>
<span id="m_en_gb0035330.014" class="subEntry">
<span role="text" class="l">apples and pears </span>
<span id="m_en_gb0035330.007" class="msDict t_core">
<span role="text" class="lg">
<span class="ge">Brit.</span>
<span class="reg"> rhyming slang </span>
<span class="gp tg_lg"> </span>
<span role="text" class="df">stairs<span class="gp tg_df">.</span></span>
<span role="text" class="eg">
<span class="ex"> he hasn't made it up those apples and pears in ten years</span>
<span class="gp tg_eg">.</span>
<span class="gp tg_subEntry"> </span>
<span id="m_en_gb0035330.015" class="subEntry">
<span role="text" class="l">a rotten <span class="vg"><span class="gp tg_vg">(</span>or <span class="v">bad</span><span class="gp tg_vg">)</span></span> apple </span>
<span id="m_en_gb0035330.008" class="msDict t_core">
<span role="text" class="lg">
<span class="reg"> informal </span>
<span class="gp tg_lg"> </span>
<span role="text" class="df">a bad or corrupt person in a group, especially one whose behaviour is likely to have a detrimental influence on the others<span class="gp tg_df">.</span><span class="gp tg_df"> </span></span>
<span role="text" class="eg">
<span class="ex"> chartered accountants have no time for rotten apples in their professional barrel</span>
<span class="gp tg_eg">.</span>
<span class="gp tg_eg"> </span>
<span role="text" class="eg">
<span class="ex"> looks like we hired ourselves a bad apple</span>
<span class="gp tg_eg">.</span>
<span class="gp tg_eg"> </span>
<span role="text" class="etym"><span class="gp tg_etym">[</span>with reference to the effect that a rotten apple has on fruit with which it is in contact<span class="gp tg_etym">.</span><span class="gp tg_etym">]</span></span>
<span class="gp tg_subEntry"> </span>
<span id="m_en_gb0035330.016" class="subEntry">
<span role="text" class="l">she's apples </span>
<span id="m_en_gb0035330.009" class="msDict t_core">
<span role="text" class="lg">
<span class="ge">Austral./NZ<span class="gp tg_ge"> </span></span>
<span class="reg"> informal </span>
<span class="gp tg_lg"> </span>
<span role="text" class="df">used to indicate that everything is in good order and there is nothing to worry about<span class="gp tg_df">:</span><span class="gp tg_df"> </span></span>
<span role="text" class="eg">
<span class="ex"> ‘Is the fire safe?’ ‘Yeah, she's apples.’</span>
<span class="gp tg_eg">.</span>
<span class="gp tg_eg"> </span>
<span role="text" class="etym"><span class="gp tg_etym">[</span>from <span class="italic"> apples and spice<span class="spc"></span></span> or <span class="italic"> apples and rice</span>, rhyming slang for <span class="q"><span class="gp tg_q">‘</span>nice<span class="gp tg_q">’</span></span><span class="gp tg_etym">.</span><span class="gp tg_etym">]</span></span>
<span class="gp tg_subEntry"> </span>
<span id="m_en_gb0035330.017" class="subEntry">
<span role="text" class="l">upset the apple cart </span>
<span id="m_en_gb0035330.010" class="msDict t_core">
<span role="text" class="df">spoil a plan or disturb the status quo<span class="gp tg_df">.</span></span>
<span role="text" class="etym"><span class="gp ty_label tg_etym">ORIGIN </span><span class="dg"><span class="date">Old English</span></span><span class="italic"> æppel</span>, of <span class="la">Germanic</span> origin; related to <span class="la">Dutch</span> <span class="ff"> appel </span> and <span class="la">German</span> <span class="ff"> Apfel </span><span class="gp tg_etym">.</span></span>
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