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Created February 18, 2014 05:32
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coding interview prep

refx technical interview strategies

5 steps to answer a question

  1. ask to resolve ambiguity
    • in the range of 3-5 questions
    • make sure to make all your assumptions explicit
  2. design algorithm
    • state algorithmic complexity, ask if what they expect
    • are you making the right tradeoffs?
    • are you using all the info?
  3. write pseudo code
    • assume valid input / error checking?
    • ask if they would like you to go to the whiteboard
    • spend 5-7 minutes on pseudocode
  4. write actual code
    • use as many data structures as you can
  5. test
    • general cases
    • extreme cases
    • user error

5 algorithmic approaches

1. examplify

  • write out specific examples
  • derive a rule

2. pattern matching

  • consider related problems and their algorithms
  • modify that solution to match this problem

3. simplify and generalize

  • change a constraint (size, datatype) to simplify
  • choose a solution to the simpler problem
  • generalize the solution to the original problem

4. base case and build

  • solve n=1
  • solve n=2,3 given n=1
  • work up to general rules
  • often yields recursive solution

5. data structure brainstorm

  • run through all the data structures you can
  • do a thought experiment on how you would proceed with that

properties of good code

  • correct
  • efficient
  • simple
  • readable
  • maintainable

other rules

  • use data structures generously
  • appropriate code reuse
  • modular
  • flexible and robust
  • error checking

refx technical interview topics

algorithmic complexity


  • Worst-case
  • Best-case
  • Average-case

big-O notation

\( f(n) = O(g(n)) \) : upper bound on runtime : there exists \( c \) such that \( c \cdot g(n) \geq f(n) \)

\( f(n) = \Omega(g(n)) \) : lowerbound bound on runtime : there exists \( c \) such that \( c \cdot g(n) \leq f(n) \)

\( f(n) = \Theta(g(n)) \) : bound on runtime : there exists \( c_1, c_2 \) such that \( c_2 \cdot g(n) \geq f(n) \geq c_1 \cdot g(n) \)

runtime classes

  • \( f(n) = 1 \) --- constant
  • \( f(n) = \log(n) \) --- logarithmic
  • \( f(n) = n \) --- linear
  • \( f(n) = n\log(n) \) --- superlinear
  • \( f(n) = n^2 \) --- quadratic
  • \( f(n) = n^3 \) --- cubic
  • \( f(n) = c^n \) --- exponential
  • \( f(n) = n! \) --- factorial


comparison with arrays


  • can't overflow
  • insertions and deletions are simpler
  • moving pointers is more efficient than moving large items


  • require extra space for pointer fields
  • do not allow efficient random access
  • arrays have better memory locality and cache performance

other notes

  • often advantageous to employ a runner technique
  • where 2 pointers advance down the list, one ahead of the other

sample code


typedef struct list {
    item_type item;
    struct list *next;
} list;

searching --- \( O(n) \)

list *search_list(list *l, item_type x)
    if (l == NULL) 
    if (l->item == x)
        return( search_list(l->next, x) );

insertion --- unsorted: \( O(1) \), sorted: \( O(n) \)

void insert_list(list **l, item_type x)
    list *p;
    p = new list;
    p->item = x;
    p->next = *l;
    *l = p;

deletion ---- \( O(n) \)

delete_list(list **l, item_type x)
    list* temp;
    list* pred = NULL;

    if( *l->item == x ) {
        temp = (*l)->next;
        *l = temp;
        free temp;

    temp = *l;
    while( temp->next != NULL ) {
        if( temp->next->item == x ) { 
            pred = temp;
        temp = temp->next;

    if( pred != NULL ) {
        pred->next = pred->next->next;
        free pred->next;


most useful topic on this list

  • 2 major kinds kinds
    • chaining (linked list)
    • open addressing (resolve collisions using probing)


  • each index of the hash table contains a linked list of items
  • insert/delete items from that list
  • search along those items to find

open addressing

  • hashed items occupy elements of array directly
  • (implementing a hash table using only an array)
  • when inserting, if desired index is occupied, search to find an empty one


        j = h(k,i)
        if T[j] == NIL
            T[j] = k
            return j
        else i = i + 1
    until i == m
    error “hash table overflow”


  • is quite difficult
  • have 2 options:
    • either need to rehash all values
    • can use a deleted flag instead of nil for array entry
      • then insert can be modified to also add data at that point
  • generally, chaining is more often used when keys must be deleted

probing functions

  • linear probing \( h(k,i) = (h'(k) + i) \mod m \)
  • quadratic probing \( h(k,i) = (h'(k) + c_1i + c_2i^2) \mod m \)
  • double hashtag \( h(k,i) = (h_1(k) + ih_2(k)) \mod m \)


kinds of trees

binary tree : tree where each node has have no more than 2 children

binary search tree : tree where each node has have no more than 2 children : where right child > node > left child, for all nodes

k-ary trees : tree where each node has have no more than k children

tries : an ordered tree : the nodes contain no data themselves, but the position among the list of children determines their place : most often used to associate data with string keys : each level of node

binary trees

sample code


typedef struct tree {
        item_type item;
        struct tree *parent;
        struct tree *left;
        struct tree *right;
} tree;

search --- \( O(\log(n)) \)

tree *search_tree(tree *l, item_type x)
    if (l == NULL) return(NULL);
    if (l->item == x) return(l);
    if (x < l->item)
        return( search_tree(l->left, x) );
        return( search_tree(l->right, x) );

insertion --- \( O(\log(n)) \)

insert_tree(tree **l, item_type x, tree *parent)
    tree *p;                         /* temporary pointer */
    if (*l == NULL) {
       p = malloc(sizeof(tree)); /* allocate new node */
       p->item = x;
       p->left = p->right = NULL;
       p->parent = parent;
       *l = p;
    if (x < (*l)->item)
       insert_tree(&((*l)->left), x, *l);
        insert_tree(&((*l)->right), x, *l);

deletion --- \( O(\log(n)) \)

3 cases:

no children : simply remove node

1 child : link node's parent to its child : remove node

2 children : take R, in-order successor of current node N : in-order successor is left-most child of its right subtree : replace N.val with R.val : delete R

array representation

  • can represent a linked list in an array / set of arrays

  • 3 possibilities

    • 3 arrays (1 of vals, 2 of ints for next/prev)
    • 1 array of structs (of val, and ints for prev next)
    • 1 array with ints for val/prev/next stored sequentially
  • int L stores index of head of list

  • at each index, stores a value, and indices of next/prev

  • keep a free list of unused node to allocate more

sample code

    if free == NIL
        error “out of space”
    else x = free
        free =
    return x

FREE-OBJECT(x) = free
    free = x


depth-first traversal

explore as deep as possible before exploring next node on that level


visit( root )
traverse_subtree( left )
traverse_subtree( right )


traverse_subtree( left )
visit( root )
traverse_subtree( right )


traverse_subtree( left )
traverse_subtree( right )
visit( root )

breadth-first traversal

explore explore all nodes on a given level before going deeper

    q = queue()
    while not q.empty() do
        node := q.dequeue()
        if node.left != null
        if node.right != null

tree balancing (with avl)

searching --- \( O(\log(n)) \)

  • performed exactly like a normal binary search tree

insertion --- \( O(\log(n)) \)

  • insert like normal binary search tree
  • retrace the path back up the tree to the root adjusting balance factors
  • if balance factor == -1/0/+1: unchanged, can stop
  • if balance factor == -2/+2: rotation necessary


  B                   D
 / \                 / \
A   D    < --- >    B   E
   / \             / \
  C   E           A   C


  • 4 rotation cases, 2 of which are symmetric to the other 2
  • let P be the root of the unbalanced subtree
  • with R and L denoting the right and left children of P respectively

Right-Right case and Right-Left case:

  • If the balance factor of P is -2 then the right subtree outweighs the left subtree of the given node, and the balance factor of the right child (R) must be checked. The left rotation with P as the root is necessary.
    • If the balance factor of R is -1, a single left rotation (with P as the root) is needed (Right-Right case).
    • If the balance factor of R is +1, two different rotations are needed. The first rotation is a right rotation with R as the root. The second is a left rotation with P as the root (Right-Left case).

Left-Left case and Left-Right case:

  • If the balance factor of P is 2, then the left subtree outweighs the right subtree of the given node, and the balance factor of the left child (L) must be checked. The right rotation with P as the root is necessary.
    • If the balance factor of L is +1, a single right rotation (with P as the root) is needed (Left-Left case).
    • If the balance factor of L is -1, two different rotations are needed. The first rotation is a left rotation with L as the root. The second is a right rotation with P as the root (Left-Right case).

deletion --- \( O(\log(n)) \)

  • delete like a normal binary search tree
  • retrace the path back up the tree to the root adjusting balance factors
  • if balance factor == -1/+1: unchanged, can stop
  • if balance factor == 0: tree changed depth, continue to root
  • if balance factor == -2/+2: rotation necessary


  • nearly complete binary tree
  • completely filled on all levels except the lowest
  • thus height of \( log(n) \)

following relation for accessing other nodes:

    return floor(i/2)

    return 2i

    return 2i+1

2 kinds

  • min-heap --- A[parent[i] <= A[i]
  • max-heap --- A[parent[i] >= A[i]

operations on heaps

max-heapify : \( O(\log n) \) : maintains max-heap property : assumes left(i) and right(i) are valid max-heaps : swaps i into place to preserve heap property

build-max-heap : \( O(n) \) : produces max-heap from unordered input array

heapsort : \( O(n\log n) \) : sorts an array in place


binary search

int binarySearch( int[] a, int x, int low, int high ) {
    if( low > high )
        return -1;

    int mid = ( low + high ) / 2;
    if( a[mid] < x )
        return binarySearch( a, x, mid+1, high );
    else if( a[mid] > x )
        return binarySearch( a, x, low, mid-1 );
        return mid;


comparison sorting : compare pairs of elements to determine their ordering : must always take \( O( n \log n ) \ ) to sort \( n \) elements

non-comparison sorting : use operations other than comparison : capable of \( O(n) \)

  • searching a list is slow, lack of non-random access

bubble sort

  • works by repeatedly stepping through the list to be sorted
  • comparing each pair of adjacent items
  • and swapping them if they are in the wrong order
  • worst-case and average complexity
    • runtime \( О(n^2) \)
    • memory \( O(1) \)


void bubbleSort( A : list of sortable items )
     swapped = false
     for i = 1 to length(A) - 1 inclusive do:
       /* if this pair is out of order */
       if A[i-1] > A[i] then
         /* swap them and remember something changed */
         swap( A[i-1], A[i] )
         swapped = true
       end if
     end for
   until not swapped
end procedure


  • divide and conquer -- partition elements into 2 groups
    • subproblems can be divided across multiple processor
    • performs well in cases where data can't fit in memory
  • sorting those 2 sub-problems, then merging the results
  • \( O(n\log n) \) complexity
    • halving the list each time = \( O(\log n) \) recursions
    • interleaving the 2 lists is \( O(n) \)
  • requires extra \( n \) memory to hold results of merge

interleaving operation

Mergesort(A[1, n])
    Merge( MergeSort(A[1, floor(n/2)]), 
           MergeSort(A[floor(n/2) + 1, n]) )


mergesort(item_type s[], int low, int high)
    int i;                  /* counter */
    int middle;             /* index of middle element */
    if (low < high) {
        middle = (low+high)/2;
        merge(s, low, middle, high);

merge(item_type s[], int low, int middle, int high)
    int i;                  /* counter */
    queue buffer1, buffer2; /* buffers to hold elements for merging */
    for (i=low; i<=middle; i++) enqueue(&buffer1,s[i]);
    for (i=middle+1; i<=high; i++) enqueue(&buffer2,s[i]);
    i = low;
    while (!(empty_queue(&buffer1) || empty_queue(&buffer2))) {
        if (headq(&buffer1) <= headq(&buffer2))
            s[i++] = dequeue(&buffer1);
            s[i++] = dequeue(&buffer2);
    while (!empty_queue(&buffer1)) s[i++] = dequeue(&buffer1);
    while (!empty_queue(&buffer2)) s[i++] = dequeue(&buffer2);


  • divide and conquer by partitioning
  • select pivot \( p \), and create high pile and low pile
  • resulting in:
    • p ends up in its exact sorted position
    • all elements \( < p \) in low pile
    • all elements \( > p \) in high pile
    • recurse on 2 piles to sort them

complexity of \( O( n \log n ) \) on average case

  • partition takes \( O( n ) \)
  • repeated for each of the \( O( \log n ) \) partition recursions
  • however \( O( \log n ) \) recursion depends on size of piles
  • if partions are not equal, performance drops
  • complexity rises to \( O(n^2) \) for sorted arrays
  • can address somewhat by randomizing input before sorting
  • requires \( \log n \) extra memory (for the stack)

comparison with merge sort

  • can compare in place, does not need additional memory
  • however, performs very poorly on nearly-sorted data


quicksort(item_type s[], int l, int h)
    int p;                  /* index of partition */
    if( (h-l) > 0 ) {
        p = partition( s, l, h );
        quicksort( s, l, p-1);
        quicksort( s, p+1, h);

int partition(item_type s[], int l, int h)
    int i;              /* counter */
    int p;              /* pivot element index */  
    int firsthigh;      /* divider position for pivot element */
    p = h;
    firsthigh = l;
    for( i=l; i<h; i++ )
        if( s[i] < s[p] ) {
            swap( &s[i], &s[firsthigh] );
            firsthigh ++;
    swap( &s[p], &s[firsthigh] );

bucket sort

  • assumes input is drawn from a uniform distribution
  • average runtime of \( O(n) \)
  • divides range of data in \( k \) equal-sized sub-intervals
  • partitions array into the \( k \) buckets
  • sorts each bucket independently, using bucket or other sort
  • concatonates buckets
  • requires \( k+n \) additional space


function bucketSort(array, n) is
    buckets ← new array of n empty lists
    for i = 0 to (length(array)-1) do
        insert array[i] into buckets[msbits(array[i], k)]
    for i = 0 to n - 1 do
    return the concatenation of buckets[0], ...., buckets[n-1]

the function msbits(x,k) returns the k most significant bits of x:



  • 2nd most useful after hashtables
  • 3 ways to implement a graph
    • objects and pointers
    • matrix
    • adjacency list
    • know pros / cons of each
  • traversal
    • depth-first search
    • breadth-first search
    • compexity of each and tradeoffs
    • how to implement each one
  • fancier stuff (if time)
    • djikstra's
    • A*

ways to implement a graph


  • \( N \times N \) matrix
  • stores 1 (or the weight) at index \( (i,j) \)
  • if an edge exists between the \(i\)th and \(j\)th nodes
  • \( O(1) \) insertion and deletion
  • if nodes contain data, store in separate array
  • reduces to triangular matrix for undirected graph
  • wasteful if small amount of edges to nodes

adjacency list

  • use linked lists to store the neighbors adjacent to each node
    • use array equal to length of nodes
    • each array entry is a linked list of indices of adjacent nodes
  • if nodes contain data, store in separate array
  • much more efficient representation of sparse graphs
  • graph insertion / deletion runtime depend on array insertion / deletion
  • harder to verify a given edge \((i,j)\) is in the graph
  • but less of an issue, because algorithms can be designed to avoid that

pointers and objects

  • vertices stored in some structure or allocated individually
  • each vertex contains both data and pointers to its adjacent nodes
  • provided you have \( i \), easy to verify a edge \((i,j)\) in graph
  • insertion and deletion dependent on the underlying vertex data storage


question winner
faster to test if (x,y) in graph matrix
faster to find degree of node list
less memory on small graphs list (m+n) vs (n^2)
less memory on big graphs matrix (small win)
edge in sertion or deletion matrix O(1) vs O(d)
farst to traverse graph list \theta(m+n) vs \theta(n^2)
better for most problems list

additonal type: objects and pointers

  • each node contains both its data and pointers to adjacent nodes
  • not particularly beneficial that I can see


Each vertex will exist in one of three states:

undiscovered : the vertex is in its initial, virgin state.

discovered : the vertex has been found, but have not yet checked all its incident edges

processed : the vertex after we have visited all its incident edges.

  • the difference between breadth-first (BFS) and depth-first (DFS) is the order in which they explore vertices
  • BFS is defined by a queue, exploring oldest unexplored nodes first
  • DFS is defined by a stack, exploring newest unexplored nodes first

breadth-first search


  • runs in \( O(V + E) \) for an \( V \) vertex, \( E \) edge graph


  • will never get trapped exploring a useless path forever
  • if there is a solution, will definitely find it
  • if there are multiple solutions, BFS can find the minimal one requiring the least number of steps


  • memory requirements
  • the amount of memory is proportional to the number of nodes stored
  • space complexity of BFS is \( O(b^d) \)
  • if solution is far away from the root, will consume lot of time

pseudo code

procedure BFS(G,v):
    create a queue Q
    enqueue v onto Q
    mark v
    while Q is not empty:
        t ← Q.dequeue()
        if t is what we are looking for:
            return t
        for all edges e in G.adjacentEdges(t) do
            u ← G.adjacentVertex(t,e)
            if u is not marked:
                 mark u
                 enqueue u onto Q

depth-first search

  • runs in \( \Theta(V + E) \) for an \( V \) vertex, \( E \) edge graph
  • can be implemented recursively
  • eliminates need for explicit stack
  • organizes vertices by entry/exit times
  • and edges into tree and back edges
  • what gives DFS its real power


  • memory requirement is linear with respect to the search graph
  • time complexity to depth d is O(b^d)
    • generates the same set of nodes as BFS, but in a different order
  • if DFS finds solution without exploring much in a path
  • then the time and space it takes will be very less


  • possibility that it may go down the left-most path forever.
  • even a finite graph can generate an infinite tree
  • DFS is not guaranteed to find the solution.
  • no guarantee to find a minimal solution, if more than one solution exists

pseudo code

procedure DFS(G,v):
    label v as explored
    for all edges e in G.adjacentEdges(v) do
        if edge e is unexplored then
            w ← G.adjacentVertex(v,e)
            if vertex w is unexplored then
                label e as a discovery edge
                recursively call DFS(G,w)
                label e as a back edge



  • process is scheduled and maintained by the kernel
  • have separate virtual address spaces
  • to communicate with each other must use explicit interprocess communication (IPC) mechanism

properties owned by a process

  • image of the program's machine code
  • memory for executable code, process-specific data, call stack and a heap
  • OS descriptors of allocate resources, such as
    • file descriptors
    • handles
    • other data sources and sinks
  • security attributes, such as owner and permissions
  • state (context), such as registers, physical memory addressing, etc.
    • typically stored in registers when the process, and memory otherwise

pros and cons

  • have a clean model for sharing state between parents and children
  • file tables are shared and user address spaces are not
  • it is impossible for one process to overwrite the virtual memory of another
  • separate address spaces make it difficult for processes to share state
  • process tend to be slower because the overhead for process control and IPC

inter-process communication (IPC)

  • file
  • signal
  • socket
  • message queue
  • pipe
  • named pipe
  • semaphore
  • shared memory
  • message passing
  • memory-mapped file


  • thread is the smallest sequence of instructions that can be managed independently by the operating system scheduler

threads differ from processes in that:

  • processes are typically independent, threads exist as subsets of a process
  • processes carry considerably more state information than threads, whereas threads within a process share process state, memory and other resources
  • processes have separate address spaces, threads share their address space
  • processes interact only through system-provided inter-process communication
  • same-process thread context switching is faster than between processes

mutexes and locks

  • enforces access limits to a resource when there are multiple threads
  • designed to enforce a mutual exclusion policy
  • only one thread may have control of the lock at once
  • exclusion is generally voluntary
    • can be manditory
    • enforced by throwing an exception if not owning the lock
  • most block the thread requesting the lock until it can access the lock
    • very efficient if threads are only blocked for a short period of time
    • avoids the overhead of operating system process re-scheduling
    • wasteful if the lock is held for a long period of time

semaphores and monitors


  • similar to a mutex, except more than 1 thread can use at once
  • doesn't keep track of which resources are free, only how many

library analogy

  • library has 10 study rooms, to be used by one student at a time
  • students make request at front desk
  • when student is done, return to desk indicate room is free
  • if no rooms free, students must wait
  • desk doesn't keep track of who occupies what, only how many unoccupied
  • increases / decreases number based on requests
  • students cannot book room ahead of time


  • semaphore S -- value is number of currently available units
  • 2 functions:
  • V (signal) increments
    • if pre-increment value was negative
    • transfers a blocked process from waiting queue to ready queue
    • at which point it is immediately claimed
  • P (wait) decrements
    • if S now negative, sleeps until a resource becomes available
    • added to semaphore's queue


  • object intended to be used by more than one thread
  • all methods of the monitor are executed with mutual exclusion
  • at any time, at most one thread may be executing any of its methods


function V(semaphore S, integer I):
    [S ← S + I]

function P(semaphore S, integer I):
        [if S >= I:
            S ← S - I

deadlock / livelock

deadlock : where two threads wait for a lock that another thread holds : and will not give up until it has acquired the other lock

livelock : same principle as deadlock, but threads constantly swap locks : and neither of them progress

requirements of deadlock

  • mutual exclusion
  • hold and wait -- process has resources and request more without releasing
  • no processes can forcibly take another's resources
  • circular wait -- 2+ processes are each waiting on the others resources

context switching

mutual exclusion

  • general concept that only one concurrent process (or thread) has access to shared memory at a given time
  • all others must wait until they can take possesion of it, and signal for others to wait
  • both hardware and software solutions

context switch

  • state of the first process must be saved somehow
  • state includes all the registers that may be used
    • especially the program counter
    • any other operating system specific data that may be necessary
    • usually stored in a process control block (PCB)
  • to switch processes, the PCB for the first process must be created and saved
  • the OS has effectively suspended the execution of the first process
  • can now load the PCB and context of the second process
    • program counter from the PCB is loaded
    • execution can continue in the new process


  • requires atomic test and set instruction
  • in one instruction
    • check value of a given address
    • and set it if it passes some conditional
  • only way to ensure a process cannot be interrupted while grabbing shared resource


the stack

  • the memory set aside as scratch space for a thread of execution
  • when a function is called, a block is reserved on the top of the stack for local variables and some bookkeeping data.
  • when the function returns, the block becomes unused
  • always reserved in a LIFO order
  • freeing a block from the stack is nothing more than adjusting one pointer

the heap

  • memory set aside for dynamic allocation

  • no enforced pattern to allocation and deallocation from the heap

  • more complex to track which parts of the heap are allocated or free

  • custom heap allocators to tune performance for different usage patterns

  • each thread gets a stack

  • there's typically only one heap for the application

  • isn't uncommon to have multiple heaps for different types of allocation

bit manipulations

x ^ 0s = x      x & 0s = 0s         x | 0s = x
x ^ 1s = ~x     x & 1s = x          x | 1s = 1s
x ^ x  = 0s     x & x  = x          x | x  = x

bool getBit( int num, int i ) {
    return ( (num & (1 << i)) != 0 );

int setBit( int num, int i ) {
    return num | (1 << i );

int clearBit( int num, int i ) {
    int mask = ~(1 << i );
    return num & mask;

int clearBitsMSThroughI( int num, int i ) {
    int mask = (1 << i) - 1;
    return num & mask;

int clearBitsIThrough0( int num, int i ) {
    int mask = ~(( 1 << (i+1)) - 1);
    return num & mask;

int updateBit( int num, int i, int v ) {
    mask = ~( 1 << i );
    return ( num & mask ) | ( v << i );



binomial coefficient

\[ \binom{n}{k} = \binom{n}{n-k} = \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} \]


probability of A and B

\[ P( A \cup B ) = P( B | A )P(A) \]

probability of A or B

\[ P( A \cap B ) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A \cup B)\]

discrete math 101 reference?

object-oriented design

singleton class

  • ensures only one instance
  • class has private static copy of itself
  • class has static get() method returns copy, creating if necessary

factory method

  • method that returns a new instance of the class
  • returns pointer of common parent class interface
  • hide class creation details from extrenal functions
  • 2 usage patterns
  • overloaded method where subclasses choose which class to instantiate
  • concrete method where user provides type of class



  • NP refers to "nondeterministic polynomial time"
  • set of all decision problems for which
    • the instances where the answer is "yes"
    • have efficiently verifiable proofs of the fact that the answer is "yes"
    • these proofs have to be verifiable in polynomial time
  • no polynomial-time algorithms are known for solving them
  • although they can be verified in polynomial time


  • graph coloring
  • travelling salesman
  • knapsack problem
  • clique problem
  • hamiltonian path
  • circuit satisfiability


  • cache results so you don't have to recompute each time

pseudocode for factorial()

function factorial (n is a non-negative integer)
    if n is 0 then
        return 1 [by the convention that 0! = 1]
        return factorial(n – 1) times n
    end if
end function

pseudocode for memoized factorial()

function factorial (n is a non-negative integer)
    if n is 0 then
        return 1
    else if n is in lookup-table then
        return lookup-table-value-for-n
        let x = factorial(n – 1) times n
        store x in lookup-table in the nth slot
        return x
    end if
end function

dynamic programming

  • solve complex problems by breaking them down into simpler subproblems
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