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Last active November 6, 2023 22:18
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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Pixel Paint - Pixel Art By Numbers</title>
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margin: 12px 0 12px 0;
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margin: 0; /* Optional: You can adjust margins if needed */
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<div class="container">
<h1 id='artname' contenteditable="true">Pixel Painting</h1>
<div class='palgrid'>
<div class="control-buttons">
<button class="buttons" id="clearButton">Clear</button>
<button class="buttons" id="printButton">Print</button>
<button class="buttons" id="paletteButton">Palette</button>
<button class="buttons" id="shareButton">Share</button>
<button class="buttons" id="saveButton">Save</button>
<div id="paletteContainer" class="palette">
<div class="grid" id="grid-container">
<div class="mutex-buttons">
<input type="radio" value="showColours" name="mutex" id="showColours" checked>
<label for="showColours">Colours Only</label>
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<label for="showNumbers">Numbers</label>
<input type="radio" value="showAdditions" name="mutex" id="showAdditions">
<label for="showAdditions">Sums</label>
<div class="used-colours"><!-- Section to display used colours -->
<div class="side-panel">
<div class="saved-grids"><!-- localStorage saved layouts -->
<div class="preset-panel">
<div class="preset-grids"><!-- Preset layouts -->
const MAX_COLOURS = 16;
const MIPMAP_SIZE = 8;
const localKey = "SavedGrids"
let grid_width = 9;
let grid_height = 9;
let paintMode = 'showNumbers';
let paletteIndex = 0;
let selectedColour = 0; // First in palette
const colourPalettes = [
{"#000000": "Black"},
{"#FF0000": "Red"},
{"#A000A0": "Purple"},
{"#0000FF": "Blue"},
{"#006400": "Green"}, //dark green
{"#8B4513": "Brown"},
{"#FFC096": "Pale Tone"},
{"#909090": "Grey"},
{"#FFFFFF": "White"},
{"#FFA500": "Orange"},
{"#FF60CF": "Pink"},
{"#00FFFF": "Cyan"},
{"#00FF00": "Lime"},
{"#CC8E69": "Rich Tone"},
{"#FFDAB9": "Peach"},
{"#FFFF00": "Yellow"},
{"#FFFFFF": "White"},
{"#000000": "Black"},
{"#FF0000": "Red"},
{"#00FF00": "Lime"},
{"#0000FF": "Blue"},
{"#FFFF00": "Yellow"},
{"#FFA500": "Orange"},
{"#A000A0": "Purple"},
{"#FF60CF": "Pink"},
{"#006400": "Green"}, //dark green
{"#00FFFF": "Cyan"},
{"#909090": "Grey"},
{"#FFDAB9": "Peach"},
{"#FFC096": "Pale Tone"},
//{"#F5DEB3": "Wheat"},
{"#CC8E69": "Rich Tone"},
//{"#B87333": "Copper"},
{"#8B4513": "Brown"},
let colourToName = colourPalettes[paletteIndex];
function updateGridStyles() {
const grid = document.querySelector(".grid"); // Apply the number of columns using JavaScript
const windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
if (windowWidth < 880) { = 'repeat(9, 30px)';
} else { = 'repeat(9, 50px)';
const presets = [
const svg_header = '<svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">';
const button_icons = {
"new": svg_header + '<path d="M20 11.08V8l-6-6H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h6"/><path d="M14 3v5h5M18 21v-6M15 18h6"/></svg>',
"clear": svg_header + '<polyline points="3 6 5 6 21 6"></polyline><path d="M19 6v14a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H7a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6m3 0V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h4a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2"></path><line x1="10" y1="11" x2="10" y2="17"></line><line x1="14" y1="11" x2="14" y2="17"></line></svg>',
"save": svg_header + '<path d="M19 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h11l5 5v11a2 2 0 0 1-2 2z"></path><polyline points="17 21 17 13 7 13 7 21"></polyline><polyline points="7 3 7 8 15 8"></polyline></svg>',
"palette": svg_header + '<g fill="#FFFFFF"><path d="M 1 11 a 9.6 8.4 0 1 1 9.6 9.6 q -3.5 0 -2.4 -2.4 q 2.4 -3.6 -2.4 -3.6 q -5.2 0 -4.8 -3.6 z" fill="transparent"></path><circle cx="6" cy="10" r="1"/><circle cx="10" cy="7.8" r="0.8"/><circle cx="14.4" cy="8.5" r="0.6"/><circle cx="16.6" cy="12" r="0.5"/><circle cx="12.7" cy="16" r="1.6" fill="transparent"/></g></svg>',
"print": svg_header + '<polyline points="6 9 6 2 18 2 18 9"></polyline><path d="M6 18H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h16a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v5a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2"></path><rect x="6" y="14" width="12" height="8"></rect></svg>',
"share": svg_header + '<circle cx="18" cy="5" r="3"></circle><circle cx="6" cy="12" r="3"></circle><circle cx="18" cy="19" r="3"></circle><line x1="8.59" y1="13.51" x2="15.42" y2="17.49"></line><line x1="15.41" y1="6.51" x2="8.59" y2="10.49"></line></svg>',
function compressGrid(arr) {
let compressed = '';
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 2) {
const firstNibble = arr[i];
const secondNibble = arr[i + 1] || 0;
if (firstNibble > 15 || firstNibble < 0 || secondNibble > 15 || secondNibble < 0) {
throw new Error('Array elements must be between 0 and 15.');
const packedByte = (firstNibble << 4) | secondNibble;
compressed += String.fromCharCode(packedByte);
var base64 = btoa(compressed);
//URI-safe Base64 encoding: Replace '+' with '_', '/' with '-', and remove '='
return base64.replace(/\+/g, '_').replace(/\//g, '-').replace(/=+$/, '');
function decompressGrid(base64URI) {
const decompressed = [];
base64 = base64URI.replace(/_/g, '+').replace(/-/g, '/');
while (base64.length % 4) {
base64 += '=';
const compressedStr = atob(base64);
for (const char of compressedStr) {
const packedByte = char.charCodeAt(0);
const firstNibble = (packedByte & 0xF0) >> 4;
const secondNibble = packedByte & 0x0F;
decompressed.push(firstNibble, secondNibble);
return decompressed;
function findColourPosition(hexColour) {
// Iterate through the array to find the position of the hex color
for (let i = 0; i < colourToName.length; i++) {
const entry = colourToName[i];
const colourHex = Object.keys(entry)[0]; // Get the hex color value
if (colourHex === hexColour) {
return i; // Return the index if found
return -1; // Return -1 if not found
function luminance(hexcolour) {
hex = hexcolour.replace(/^#/, '');
const bigint = parseInt(hex, 16);
const r = (bigint >> 16) & 255;
const g = (bigint >> 8) & 255;
const b = bigint & 255;
return 0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b;
function colourIt(square, index) {
const sqColour = getColourByNumber(index)
const oldColour = square.getAttribute("data-index", index);
square.setAttribute("data-index", index);
const inputNumber = getSquareText(usedColoursInput[index]);
square.querySelector(".colour-text").textContent = inputNumber;
//Set text white or black depending on luminance of background:
if (luminance(sqColour)<127) { = '#FFFFFF'}
else { = '#000000';} = sqColour;
//Remove unused colours:
let removeIt = true;
const squares = document.querySelectorAll(".square");
squares.forEach((square) => {
const colourIndex = square.getAttribute("data-index");
if (colourIndex == oldColour) {removeIt = false;}
if (removeIt) {
const usedColours = document.querySelectorAll(".used-colours .used-colour");
usedColours.forEach((usedColourDiv) => {
const bgColourDiv = usedColourDiv.querySelector('[data-bgcolour]');
const oldColourHex = Object.keys(colourToName[oldColour])[0];
if (bgColourDiv && bgColourDiv.getAttribute('data-bgcolour') === oldColourHex) {
function createPalette() {
const paletteSelector = document.querySelector(".palette");
for (const index in colourToName) {
const colour = Object.keys(colourToName[index])[0]
const paletteColor = document.createElement("div");
paletteColor.classList.add("colour"); = colour;
function createGrid(rows, cols) {
//Mouse/finger up events outside of the squares still stop painting
document.addEventListener("touchend", (event) => {
isTouchPressed = false;
document.addEventListener("mouseup", () => {
isTouchPressed = false;
document.addEventListener("touchmove", (event) => { //drag paint
if (isTouchPressed) {
const touch = event.touches[0];
const x = touch.clientX;
const y = touch.clientY;
const elementUnderFinger = document.elementFromPoint(x, y);
if (elementUnderFinger && elementUnderFinger.classList.contains("square")) {
colourIt(elementUnderFinger, selectedColour);
//event.preventDefault(); //not necessary: touch-action:none
for (let i = 0; i < rows * cols; i++) {
const square = document.createElement("div");
square.addEventListener("touchstart", (event) => {
isTouchPressed = true;
colourIt(square, selectedColour);
//event.preventDefault();//Chrome smooth scroll doesn't like this
square.addEventListener("mousedown", () => {
isTouchPressed = true;
colourIt(square, selectedColour);
square.addEventListener("mousemove", () => {
if (isTouchPressed) {
colourIt(square, selectedColour);
const colourText = document.createElement("div");
function getColourByNumber(number) {
return Object.keys(colourToName[number])[0]
function pressUsedColour(event) {
const hexColour ="data-bgcolour");
const paletteColours = document.querySelectorAll(".colour");
paletteColours.forEach((colour, index) => {
if (hexColour == Object.keys(colourToName[index])[0]) {
selectedColour = index; //Select paint colour
colour.classList.add("selected"); //put class on selected colour only
function addUsedColour(colourIndex) {
const colour = getColourByNumber(colourIndex);
if (!usedColoursSet.has(colour)) {
const colourName = Object.values(colourToName[colourIndex])[0]
const usedColoursSection = document.querySelector(".used-colours");
const usedColourContainer = document.createElement("div");
const usedColourBox = document.createElement("div");
usedColourBox.classList.add("used-colour-box"); = colour;
usedColourBox.setAttribute("data-bgcolour", colour);
usedColourBox.textContent = colourName;
usedColourBox.addEventListener("click", pressUsedColour);
usedColourBox.addEventListener("touchstart", pressUsedColour);
if (luminance(colour)<127) { = '#FFFFFF'}
else { = '#000000';}
const colourTextInput = document.createElement("input");
colourTextInput.type = "text"; //"number";
usedColoursInput[colourIndex] = getNextFreeNumber(); //usedColoursSet.size;
colourTextInput.value = usedColoursInput[colourIndex]; //usedColoursSet.size;
colourTextInput.addEventListener("input", () => {
if (!isNaN(parseInt(colourTextInput.value))) {
usedColoursInput[colourIndex] = parseInt(colourTextInput.value);
const gridSquares = document.querySelectorAll(".square");
gridSquares.forEach((square) => {
const dataIndex = square.getAttribute("data-index");
if (parseInt(dataIndex) == colourIndex) { //set all squares to the new number:
square.querySelector(".colour-text").textContent = getSquareText(usedColoursInput[colourIndex]);
//If the number is already in use, change it to the lowest available number:
colourTextInput.addEventListener('blur', (event) => {
let inputValue = parseInt(; // value of the blurred input = inputValue; //integers only
const usedColourInputs = document.querySelectorAll('.used-colours .used-colour input');
const usedValues = [];
usedColourInputs.forEach((otherInput) => {
if (otherInput !== { //only push the other input values
usedValues.push(parseInt(otherInput.value, 10));
let uniqueValue = 1; //find next unused positive integer:
while (usedValues.includes(uniqueValue)) {uniqueValue++;}
if (isNaN(inputValue)) {inputValue = 1;} //NaN -> next free
if (usedValues.includes(inputValue)) { //If the number is already in use: = uniqueValue.toString(); //Set input value to next unused
//Set all the squares data-index and text content to the new index:
usedColoursInput[colourIndex] = uniqueValue;
//setTextFromIndex(colourTextInput, colourIndex);
const inputColour = colourTextInput.parentElement.querySelector('.used-colour-box').getAttribute('data-bgcolour');
const gridSquares = document.querySelectorAll(".square");
gridSquares.forEach((square) => {
const squareIndex = parseInt(square.getAttribute('data-index'));
if (Object.keys(colourToName[squareIndex])[0] == inputColour) {
square.querySelector(".colour-text").textContent = getSquareText(usedColoursInput[colourIndex]);
//Now re-order the used colours by number if necessary:
const usedColourElements = document.querySelectorAll('.used-colours .used-colour');
const elementsWithValues = [];
usedColourElements.forEach((usedColourElement) => {
const textInput = usedColourElement.querySelector('input[type="text"]');
elementsWithValues.push({ element: usedColourElement, value: textInput.value });
elementsWithValues.sort((a, b) => a.value - b.value); //sort numerically
const usedColoursContainer = document.querySelector('.used-colours');
usedColoursContainer.innerHTML = '';
elementsWithValues.forEach((elementWithValue) => {
usedColoursContainer.appendChild(elementWithValue.element); //append in order
//Add the elements:
function setTextFromIndex(colourTextInput, colourIndex) {
const inputColour = colourTextInput.parentElement.querySelector('.used-colour-box').getAttribute('data-bgcolour');
const gridSquares = document.querySelectorAll(".square");
gridSquares.forEach((square) => {
const squareIndex = parseInt(square.getAttribute('data-index'));
if (Object.keys(colourToName[squareIndex])[0] == inputColour) {
square.setAttribute("data-index", usedColoursInput[colourIndex]);
square.querySelector(".colour-text").textContent = getSquareText(usedColoursInput[colourIndex]);
function getNextFreeNumber(exception = undefined) {
const usedColourInputs = document.querySelectorAll('.used-colours .used-colour input');
const usedValues = [];
usedColourInputs.forEach((otherInput) => {
if (otherInput !== exception) { //only push the other input values
usedValues.push(parseInt(otherInput.value, 10));
let uniqueValue = 1;
while (usedValues.includes(uniqueValue)) {
return uniqueValue;
function getSquareText(index) {
if (paintMode == 'showNumbers') {
return index; //numbers only
} else if (paintMode == 'showAdditions'){
const randomNumber1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * index);
const randomNumber2 = index - randomNumber1;
return `${randomNumber1} + ${randomNumber2}`;
} else { //colours only
return "";
function getAllSquaresTexts() {
const squares = gridContainer.querySelectorAll(".square");
squares.forEach((square) => {
const colourText = square.querySelector(".colour-text");
const squareBackgroundColour =;
const colourIndex = square.getAttribute("data-index");
colourText.textContent = getSquareText(usedColoursInput[colourIndex]);
function getGridState() {
const squares = gridContainer.querySelectorAll(".square");
const gridData = [];
const artname = document.querySelector("#artname").textContent;
let isGridBlank = true;
squares.forEach((square) => {
const colourIndex = square.getAttribute("data-index");
const text = square.querySelector(".colour-text").textContent;
if (colourIndex || text) {
isGridBlank = false;
gridData.push(colourIndex); // Save the index value instead of colour
if (isGridBlank) { // Don't save if the grid is blank
return undefined;
const gridState = encodeURIComponent(artname) + '&' + paletteIndex.toString(36) + grid_width.toString(36) + grid_height.toString(36) + compressGrid(gridData);
return gridState;
function saveGridState() {
let savedData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(localKey)) || [];
//check length
if (savedData.length > MAX_RECENT_LAYOUTS) {
localStorage.setItem(localKey, JSON.stringify(savedData));
//unshift local TODO
//function loadGridState(n = 0, ispreset=false) { // Load recent layouts or presets into grid
let newlayout = presets;
if (!ispreset) {
newlayout = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(localKey));
if (!newlayout || newlayout.length <= n) {return;}
function loadGridState(savedData) {
if (!savedData) {return}
//const savedData = parseURIData(newlayout[n]);
//Load the palette first:
colourToName = savedData.palette;
const palContainer = document.getElementById("paletteContainer");
const palette = palContainer.querySelectorAll(".colour");
palette.forEach((psquare, index) => {
const colour = Object.keys(colourToName[index])[0] = colour;
//load the grid:
const gridData = savedData.grid;
const squares = gridContainer.querySelectorAll(".square");
squares.forEach((square, index) => {
const colourIndex = gridData[index];
if (colourIndex !== null && colourIndex !== undefined) {
colourIt(square, colourIndex);
let artname =; //set the name
function shareGrid() {
const artname = document.querySelector("#artname").textContent;
const gridState = getGridState();
const shareURL = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + '?load=' + gridState;
if ('share' in navigator) {
title: artname,
url: shareURL
}).then(() => {
console.log('Thanks for sharing!');
} else {
if (navigator.clipboard) {
alert('Copied URL to clipboard!')
} else {
alert('Could not copy to clipboard')
function parseURIData(URIdata) {
if (typeof(URIdata)=="object") {
if (["name","palette","x","y","grid"].every(k=>URIdata.hasOwnProperty(k))) {return URIdata;}
const datarray = URIdata.split('&');
if (datarray.length!=2) {return;}
const data = {
"name": decodeURIComponent(datarray[0]),
"palette": colourPalettes[parseInt(datarray[1][0], 36)],
"x": parseInt(datarray[1][1], 36),
"y": parseInt(datarray[1][2], 36),
"grid": decompressGrid(datarray[1].substr(3))
while (data.grid.length > data.x * data.y) {data.grid.pop();} //odd grids will be rounded up otherwise
return data;
function gridLayout(URIdata, index, ispreset=false) {
const data = parseURIData(URIdata);
const savedlayout = document.createElement("div");
const mipmap = document.createElement("div");
const savedtitle = document.createElement("div");
savedtitle.textContent =
mipmap.classList.add("small-grid"); = MIPMAP_SIZE * data.x + 'px';
for (let i = 0; i < data.grid.length; i++) {
var col = data.grid[i];
const sq = document.createElement("div");
sq.classList.add("small-square"); = MIPMAP_SIZE + 'px'; = MIPMAP_SIZE + 'px'; = Object.keys(data.palette[col])[0];
savedlayout.dataset.layoutIndex = index; // Store the layout index as a data attribute
// Add click event to load the layout when clicked
let newlayout = presets;
if (!ispreset) {
newlayout = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(localKey));
if (!newlayout || newlayout.length <= index) {return;}
savedlayout.addEventListener("click", function() {
let touched = false;
savedlayout.addEventListener("touchstart", function() {
touched = true;
initialY = event.touches[0].clientY;
}, false);
savedlayout.addEventListener("touchend", function() { //no longer touchstart - to easy to false hit
if (touched) {
savedlayout.addEventListener('touchmove', function(event) {
const currentY = event.touches[0].clientY;
if (Math.abs(initialY - currentY) > 2) {
touched = false;
}, false);
return savedlayout;
function updateSavedLayouts() {
const savedLayoutsPanel = document.querySelector(".saved-grids");
savedLayoutsPanel.innerHTML = ""; //blank panel
const recentLayouts = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(localKey)) || [];
if (recentLayouts.length==0) {return;}
//for (let index = recentLayouts.length - 1; index >= recentLayouts.length-MAX_RECENT_LAYOUTS; index--) {
for (let index = 0; index < recentLayouts.length; index++) {
//if (index < MAX_RECENT_LAYOUTS) {
const data = recentLayouts[recentLayouts.length - index - 1];
const savedlayout = gridLayout(data, index);//recentLayouts.length - index - 1);
function updatePresetLayouts() {
const presetGridsPanel = document.querySelector(".preset-grids");
presetGridsPanel.innerHTML = ""; // Clear existing preset grids
// Load preset grids from const presets
const presetGrids = presets || [];
presetGrids.forEach((data, index) => {
const presetGridRender = gridLayout(data, index, preset=true);
function clearGrid() {
gridContainer.querySelectorAll(".square").forEach((square) => { = '#FFFFFF'; // Reset to colour 0 (white)
square.querySelector(".colour-text").textContent = ""; // Update text to 0
//Reset to white (find it in palette)
square.setAttribute("data-index", findColourPosition('#FFFFFF')); = '#000000';
const usedColoursSection = document.querySelector(".used-colours");
usedColoursSection.innerHTML = '';
// Function to resize the grid without clearing
function resizeGrid() {
// Calculate the new width and height for the grid container
const newWidth = grid_width * 50 + "px"; // Adjust as needed
const newHeight = grid_height * 50 + "px"; // Adjust as needed
// Set the new width and height for the grid container = newWidth; = newHeight;
// Adjust the CSS for the grid squares
const squares = gridContainer.querySelectorAll(".square");
squares.forEach((square) => { = 100 / grid_width + "%"; = 100 / grid_height + "%";
// Get the grid container
const gridContainer = document.getElementById("grid-container");
// Store the state of the mouse button (mousedown/up)
let isTouchPressed = false;
// Define an object to store used colors along with their indices
const usedColoursSet = new Set();
usedColoursInput = {}
createGrid(grid_width, grid_height);
// Add event listeners to the palette colours to change the selected colour
function pressPaletteColour(colour, index) {
paletteColours.forEach((c) => c.classList.remove("selected"));
selectedColour = index;
colour.classList.add("selected"); //put class on selected colour only
const paletteColours = document.querySelectorAll(".colour");
paletteColours.forEach((colour, index) => {
colour.addEventListener("click", function() {
pressPaletteColour(colour, index);
colour.addEventListener("touchstart", function() {
pressPaletteColour(colour, index);
// Add event listeners to each radio button
const radioButtons = document.querySelectorAll(".mutex-buttons input[type='radio']");
radioButtons.forEach((radio) => {
radio.addEventListener("change", (event) => {
paintMode =;
//as the radios are hidden, add touchend events to the labels
const labels = document.querySelectorAll('.mutex-buttons label');
labels.forEach((label, index) => {
label.addEventListener('touchend', function(event) {
radioButtons[index].checked = true;
// Dispatch a change event on the radio button
const changeEvent = new Event('change', { 'bubbles': true });
document.getElementById(paintMode).checked = true;
//Top Button listeners:
const clearButton = document.getElementById("clearButton");
clearButton.innerHTML = button_icons["clear"]; //replace text with icon
clearButton.addEventListener("click", clearGrid);
clearButton.addEventListener("touchstart", clearGrid);
function pressPrint() {
if (paintMode == 'showColours') { //Ensure a paint mode for printing!
paintMode = 'showNumbers';
document.getElementById(paintMode).checked = true;
const grid = document.querySelector(".grid"); // Apply the number of columns using JavaScript = 'repeat(9, 50px)'; //set squares to big size again
window.print(); // Trigger browser print
updateGridStyles(); //reset
const printButton = document.getElementById("printButton");
printButton.innerHTML = button_icons["print"]; //replace text with icon
printButton.addEventListener("click", pressPrint);
printButton.addEventListener("touchstart", pressPrint);
function pressPalette() {
if (paletteIndex >= colourPalettes.length) {paletteIndex = 0;}
const palButton = document.getElementById("paletteButton");
//palButton.textContent = "Palette "+paletteIndex;
colourToName = colourPalettes[paletteIndex];
//redraw the palette:
const palContainer = document.getElementById("paletteContainer");
const palette = palContainer.querySelectorAll(".colour");
palette.forEach((psquare, index) => {
const colour = Object.keys(colourToName[index])[0] = colour;
//redraw the grid:
const squares = gridContainer.querySelectorAll(".square");
const usedColoursSection = document.querySelector(".used-colours");
usedColoursSection.innerHTML = '';
squares.forEach((square, index) => {
colourIt(square, square.getAttribute("data-index"));
const palButton = document.getElementById("paletteButton");
palButton.innerHTML = button_icons["palette"]; //replace text with icon
palButton.addEventListener("click", pressPalette);
palButton.addEventListener("touchstart", pressPalette);
const saveButton = document.getElementById("saveButton");
saveButton.innerHTML = button_icons["save"]; //replace text with icon
saveButton.addEventListener("click", saveGridState);
saveButton.addEventListener("touchstart", saveGridState);
const shareButton = document.getElementById("shareButton");
shareButton.innerHTML = button_icons["share"]; //replace text with icon
shareButton.addEventListener('click', shareGrid);
shareButton.addEventListener('touchstart', shareGrid);
// Event listener for increasing the grid size
const increaseSizeButton = document.getElementById("increase-size");
increaseSizeButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (grid_width < 16) {
// Event listener for decreasing the grid size
const decreaseSizeButton = document.getElementById("decrease-size");
decreaseSizeButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (grid_width > 3) {
//Selected styling for paint:
//Add resize listener
window.addEventListener('resize', updateGridStyles);
//Does this even work? attempt to reset the grid after a print dialogue
window.addEventListener("afterprint", (event) => {
console.log("After print");
if (!="" &&'?load=').length==2) {
//parse share link:
const data ='?load=')[1]
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