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參考解答會在選項前以星號(*)標記,不過目前並不保證一定正確,各位高手可以自行編輯(需登入)更正答案或提供各題詳解。 感謝一同討論解題的各位: Paul, 陳彥吉, 游聲峰Robert, Sean, Moony Hsieh, johnson, 怡中


  1. Let the function $f(x)=ax^3+bx^2+cx+d$. Suppose that $f(0)=4$ is a critical point of $f$ and $f(1)=-2$ is a point of inflection, find $a$, $b$, $c$ and $d$. Hint: The critical point of $f$ is the point such that $f'(x)=0$, and the point of inflection of $f$ satify $f''(x)=0$. ($A$) $a=1$, $b=5$, $c=8$, $d=6$ ($B$) $a=13$, $b=-3$, $c=-5$, $d=4$ *($C$) $a=3$, $b=-9$, $c=0$, $d=4$ ($D$) $a=6$, $b=11$, $c=1$, $d=-2$

$f(x)=ax^3+bx^2+cx+d$ $f'(x)=3ax^2+2bx+c$ $f''(x)=6ax+2b$ Then solve: $f(0)=d=4$...(1) $f(1)=a+b+c+d=-2$...(2) $f'(0)=c=0$...(3) $f''(1)=6a+2b=0$...(4)

  1. Find the $(x,y)\in{(x,y)|2x^2-y^2=1}$ which minimizes the distance from $(3,0)$, and what is the minimal distance $d$? ($A$) $(x,y)=(3,\pm4)$, $d=2$ ($B$) $(x,y)=(8,17)$, $d=23$ ($C$) $(x,y)=(3,0)$, $d=\sqrt{3}$ *($D$) $(x,y)=(3,\pm1)$, $d=\sqrt{5}$

The points given in (A)(B)(C) doesn't meet the equation.

  1. Find the equation of the tangent line to $y=2^x$ at $(1,2)$ *($A$) $y=x\ln{4}-\ln{4}+2$ ($B$) $y=8x\exp^x-4x+3$ ($C$) $y=-\sqrt[3]{x}+1$ ($D$) $y=\ln{6^x}+9x$

Only the equation listed in (A) is a linear equation

  1. Let $f(x,y)=sin(x^2-y)$, find $\dfrac{\partial^2 f(2,4)}{\partial x \partial y}$ ($A$) 5 ($B$) 9 ($C$) 4 *($D$) 0

$\dfrac{\partial^2 f(2,4)}{\partial x \partial y}=\sin (x^2-y)*2x=0$

  1. Let $z=f(x-y,y-x)$, what is $\dfrac{\partial z}{\partial x}+\dfrac{\partial z}{\partial y}$? ($A$) 1 *($B$) 0 ($C$) 6 ($D$) 2

Always results in pairs of postive and negative terms that have same values.

Linear Algebra

  1. Let $A=\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 & 1 \ 0 & 1 & 2\ 1 & 3 & 2 \end{bmatrix}$, find a matrix $B$ such that $AB=A^2+2A$ ($A$) $\begin{bmatrix} 3 & 2 & 1 \ 0 & 7 & 2\ 1 & 1 & 6 \end{bmatrix}$* ($B$) $\begin{bmatrix} 3 & 2 & 1 \ 0 & 3 & 2\ 1 & 3 & 4 \end{bmatrix}$ ($C$) $\begin{bmatrix} 3 & 7 & 8 \ 3 & 3 & 7\ 13 & 5 & 4 \end{bmatrix}$ ($D$) $\begin{bmatrix} 9 & 2 & 1 \ 7 & 2 & 4\ 6 & 3 & 6 \end{bmatrix}$

$B=A^{-1}(A^2+2A)=A+2I$ where $I$ denotes the identity matrix.

  1. What is the rank of $\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \ 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \ 2 & 2 & 3 & 5 & 5 \ 5 & 5 & 7 & 11 & 11 \ \end{bmatrix}$? ($A$) 5 ($B$) 6 ($C$) 2 *($D$) 3

Please checkout the definition of rank

  1. Find the eigenvalues of the following matrix $\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 & 2 & 2 \ 1 & 1 & 2 & 2 \ 2 & 2 & 1 & 1 \ 2 & 2 & 1 & 1 \ \end{bmatrix}$? Hint: Try Gaussian elimination first. ($A$) 0,1,-6 ($B$) 3,5,-10 *($C$) 0,6,-2 ($D$) 0,6,12

  2. Find the solution set for the following linear matrix equation $Ax=\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \ 2 & 2 & 0 & 3 \ 0 & 4 & -4 & 5 \ \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} x_1 \ x_2 \ x_3 \ x_4 \ \end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix} 2 \ 1 \ 7 \end{bmatrix}$ *($A$) $\begin{Bmatrix} \left. \begin{bmatrix} -t+2 \ t-3 \ t \ 1 \ \end{bmatrix} \right\rvert t\in F \end{Bmatrix}$ ($B$) $\begin{Bmatrix} \left. \begin{bmatrix} t+2 \ 10t \ t \ 3t+1 \ \end{bmatrix} \right\rvert t\in F \end{Bmatrix}$ ($C$) $\begin{Bmatrix} \left. \begin{bmatrix} t \ 3t \ -t-10 \ 1 \ \end{bmatrix} \right\rvert t\in F \end{Bmatrix}$ ($D$) $\begin{Bmatrix} \left. \begin{bmatrix} 3t \ t \ t+10 \ 5 \ \end{bmatrix} \right\rvert t\in F \end{Bmatrix}$

  3. For which $x$ is $A=LU$ decomposiition impossible? $A=\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 & 0 \ 3 & x & 1 \ 0 & 1 & 1 \ \end{bmatrix}$ *($A$) $x=6$ ($B$) $x=4$ ($C$) $x=12$ ($D$) $x=0$

If $A$ is invertible, then it admits an LU factorization if and only if all its leading principal minors are nonzero.

Statistics & Probability

  1. Which of the following statements are true? I. Qualitative variables could be multiplied. II. Categorical variables could be continuous variables. III. Quantitative variables could be discrete variables. ($A$) I only ($B$) II only ($C$) III only ($D$) I and II *($E$) I and III

  2. Assume that $P(A)=0.4$ and $P(B)=0.3$, and $P(A$ or $B)=0.7$, $P(A)*P(B)=0.12$. Which of following statements are true? I. $A$ and $B$ are mutually exclusive II. $P(A$ and $B)=0.7$ III. $A$ and $B$ are independent event ($A$) I only ($B$) II only ($C$) III only ($D$) I and II *($E$) I and III

  3. A variable follow normal distribution. It has a mean value of $80$ and a standard deviation of $15$. If a z-score is $2$, what's value on the normal distribution? ($A$) 68 ($B$) 95 ($C$) 99 *($D$) 110 ($E$) 125

  4. A distribution that skewness value above $2.5$ ($SK>2.5$), whicch of following statements are true? *($A$) mean > median > mode ($B$) mode > mean > median ($C$) mode > median > mean ($D$) mean = median = mode ($E$) none above

  5. Assuming $P(A1)=0.3$, $P(A2)=0.7$, $P(B\vert A1)=0.2$, and $P(B\vert A2)=0.4$, ${A1,A2}$ is a partition of $U$, then $P(A1\vert B)$? ($A$) 0.111 *($B$) 0.177 ($C$) 0.272 ($D$) 0.323 ($E$) 0.37

  6. Assume that $X$ is a random variable and its $E(X)=100$ and $\sigma^2(X)=10$. The variable $Y$ is a linear function of $X$, $Y=2X+50$. That $E(Y)$ and $\sigma^2(Y)$, which of following statements are true? I. $E(Y)=100$ II. $E(Y)=200$ III. $\sigma^2(Y)=10$ IV. $\sigma^2(Y)=40$ ($A$) I only ($B$) II only ($C$) III only *($D$) IV only ($E$) none above

  7. In each case state whether you expect the two variables $x$ and $y$ indicated to have positive, negative, or zero correlation. Which of following statements is negative? ($A$) The number $x$ of pafes in a book and the age $y$ of the author. ($B$) The number $x$ of pafes in a book and the age $y$ of the intended reader. *($C$) The weight $x$ of an automobile and the fuel economy $y$ in miles per gallon. ($D$) The weight $x$ of an automobile and the reading $y$ on its odometer. ($E$) The amount $x$ of a sedative a person took an hour ago and the time $y$ it takes him to respond to a stimulus.

  8. As the figure, which of following staements are true? ($A$) Set I. SSE < Set II. SSE (SSE: sum of the squared errors) ($B$) A random pattern of residuals supports a linear model. *($C$) $y=\beta_1x+\beta_2$, Set I. $r^2=0$ and Set II. $r^2&gt;0$ ($D$) $y=\beta_1x+\beta_2$, Set I. $r^2&lt;0$ and Set II. $r^2=0$ ($E$) none above.

  9. A sample of size $n=150$ has mean $x=30$ and standard deviation $s=3$. Without knowing anything else about the sample, what can be said about the number of observations that lie in the interval $(24,36)$ *($A$) At least 75% ($B$) At least 85% ($C$) At least 90% ($D$) At least 95% ($E$) none above

$s^2=\frac{n(1-p)*(2s)^2}{n}$ $1=(1-p)*4$ $p=75%$

  1. Which following table is a valid probability distribution of a discrete random variable?


x -2 0 2 4 6
P(x) 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1
x 0 1 2 3 4
--- --- --- --- --- ---
P(x) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1
x 0.5 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.7
--- --- --- --- --- ---
P(x) 0.2 -0.3 0.2 -0.1 0.1
x -1 0 1 3 5
--- --- --- --- --- ---
P(x) 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1
($E$) none above


本部份共有兩大題(合計三小題),每題依序為6分,8分,6,分,合計20分。程式題請使用偽代碼(pseudocode) 作答。 Pseudocode is a simple way of writing programming code in English. Pseudocode is not actual programming language. It uses short phrases to write code for programs before you actually create it in a specific language. The purpose of using pseudocode is that it is easier for people to understand the logic behind the algorithms.

・ Rules for pseudo code, Write only one statement per line ・ Available keywords: IF, ELSE, ENDIF, WHILE, ENDWHILE, REPEAT, UNTIL, FUNCTION, FOR, PRINT, LENGTH

example 1:

function example1(x){
    y<-"hello, ";
X <- "AI";

The output of example 1: hello, AI

example 2:

function example2(n){
    var y[n];
    for (i from 0 to n-1){
        y[i] <- i+1;
    return y;

a <- 0;
    a <- a+1;
    if(a != 2)

The output of example 2: [1],[1,2,3],[1,2,3,4]

  1. Define a function which satisfies the following requirement. Given an integer $N \geq 1$, please return all integers $X$, betwenn $1$ and $N$, which are indivisible by 5. For example, input fun(6) and get the output $1,2,3,4,6$.


function func(n) {
    var y[n-n/5];
    var c = 1;
    var i = 0;
    while ( i < n-n/5-1){
        if (c%5 != 0) {
            y[i] = c;
    return y;
  1. (1) Write down the output of the following codes.
function func1(x,i,j) {
    var a;
    a <- x[i];
    x[i] <- x[j];
    x[j] <- a;

function func2(data) {
    var i, j;
    for (i from 0 to length(data)-1){
        for (j from 0 to length(data)-1-i){
        if (data[j] > data[j+1])
            func1(data, j, j+1);

參考解答: [1, 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 22]

Please check Bubble sort.

(2) Define a function which satisfies the following staement. Given ${x_n}$, a list of unsorted numbers, return the sum of the first quartile $Q1$ and the third quartile $Q3$. Hints:

$$ Q_x= \left{ \begin{array}{l} a_{z+1} & \text{if } z+1>\dfrac{nx}{4}>z\ \dfrac{a_{z}+a_{z+1}}{2} & \text{if } \dfrac{nx}{4}=z \end{array} \right . $$

  1. $z$ is an integer
  2. $n$ is the length of given list of numbers
  3. ${a_n}$ is the sorted list of ${x_n}$


function swap(x,i,j) {
    var a;
    a <- x[i];
    x[i] <- x[j];
    x[j] <- a;

function sort(data) {
    var i, j;
    for (i from 0 to length(data)-1){
        for (j from 0 to length(data)-1-i){
        if (data[j] > data[j+1])
            func1(data, j, j+1);

function func(data) {
    var len = length(data);
    var x[len] = sort(data);
    var q1, q3;
    if (len%4 == 0) {
        q1 = (x[len/4-1] + x[len/4])/2;
        q3 = (x[(len*3)/4-1] + x[(len*3)%4])/2;
        q1 = x[len/4] ;
        q3 = x[(len*3)/4] ;
    return q1+q3;
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