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Last active October 16, 2015 12:53
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# The relative letter frequencies in English. This is taken from Wikipedia
# ( and is based on the Concise
# Oxford dictionary.
ENGLISH_FREQ = [8.167, 1.492, 2.782, 4.253, 12.702, 2.228, 2.015, 6.094, 6.966, 0.153, 0.772, 4.025, 2.406, 6.749, 7.507, 1.929, 0.095, 5.987, 6.327, 9.056, 2.758, 0.978, 2.361, 0.150, 1.974, 0.074]
# Reverse a shift of a single letter by another letter.
# 65 is the ASCII value of `A`, so subtracting 65 from the letter's ord
# value gives a number between 0-25, which we can then do arithmetic
# modulo 26 on.
def unshift(letter, shift_letter)
letter, shift_letter = letter.ord - 65, shift_letter.ord - 65
(((letter - shift_letter) % 26) + 65).chr
# The Dot product of two vectors (
# This is used in the calculation of Cosine similarity.
def dot_prod(a, b) {|a,b| a * b}.inject(:+)
# Vector length. The length of a vector. Used in cosine similarity
# calculation. This is just Pythagoras extended to more than two dimensions.
def vec_len(a)
Math.sqrt( {|a| a ** 2}.inject(:+))
# Cosine Similarity (
# The cosine of the angle between two vectors. The larger this value is
# the closer the two vectors are.
def cos_sim(a, b)
dot_prod(a,b) / (vec_len(a) * vec_len(b))
# Create frequency vector. Counts each letter in text and creates a 26
# element array containing the counts of each letter (element 0 is count of 'A',
# 1 is count of `B` etc.). To be compared with ENGLISH_FREQ.
def create_freq_vec(text)
text.each_with_object(, 0)) {|c, ary| ary[c.ord - 65] += 1 }
# Ruby's `transpose` requires that all the nested arrays are the same size.
# This just pads the text with extra 'A's so that is true. This may affect the
# frequenct analysis a bit, but shouldn't do by too much.
def pad(chars, size)
extra_chars = size - (chars.length % size)
return chars if extra_chars == 0
chars +, ?A)
# Given an array of chars, try each letter A-Z and unshift all chars
# by that letter. Find how close that set is to English using cosine
# similarity and return the shift char that gets the best result.
# This won't necessarily give the right answer in all cases, but seems to
# generally quite good.
def guess_key(chars)
max_score = 0
char = ??
(?A..?Z).each do |s|
shifted = {|c| unshift(c, s)}
hist = create_freq_vec(shifted)
score = cos_sim(hist, ENGLISH_FREQ)
if score > max_score
max_score, char = score, s
# Decrypts cipher using key.
def decrypt(key, cipher)
r = []
pad(cipher.chars, key.length).each_slice(key.chars.length) do |s|
r.concat {|a, b| unshift(b, a)}
chars = pad(CIPHER_TEXT.chars, KEY_LENGTH)
key = chars.each_slice(KEY_LENGTH) {|s| guess_key(s)}.join
puts "KEY: #{key}"
puts decrypt(key, CIPHER_TEXT)
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