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Created March 8, 2018 08:50
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'use strict';
// Require in some useful utilities and a request library
const request = require('request-promise');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const crypto = require('crypto');
// Node.js streams don't provide strong guarantees about reading exactly the
// amount of data you request, so we might need to buffer data in some cases
const streamBuffer = [];
// Helper function for getting one chunk of data from the stream
// Since Node.js streams don't guarantee that they'll always give
// you the exact amount of data you asked for, there's some special
// logic for waiting for more data to be read from disk and buffering
// any extra data that comes back from the stream.
function getNextChunkFromStream(stream, chunkSize) {
let chunk =;
if (!chunk) {
// The stream needs time to read more data from disk, wait for one turn
// of the event loop and then call this function again to retry.
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100))
.then(() => getNextChunkFromStream(stream, chunkSize));
if (chunk.length > chunkSize) {
// The stream is done reading and had extra data, so we need to
// buffer the remainder of the file since chunks have a fixed size.
for (let i = 0; i < chunk.length; i += chunkSize) {
streamBuffer.push(chunk.slice(i, i + chunkSize));
chunk = streamBuffer.shift();
return Promise.resolve(chunk);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main parameters below. Fill these in with your own values!
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Wrap the main logic in an async function so we can use await to make the code easier to follow
(async () => {
// A stream to read the file from disk
let fileStream = fs.createReadStream(FILE_PATH);
// Get the total size of the file in bytes
let fileSize = fs.statSync(FILE_PATH).size;
// A variable to keep track of our progress through the file
let position = 0;
// A place to store the chunk records for each upload; we'll need these
// to commit the upload session. These must be in order!
let chunkRecords = [];
// We'll need to compute the hash of the entire file; we can do that as we
// go with a Node.js Hash object
let fileHash = crypto.createHash('sha1');
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Chunked upload logic starts here!
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create the upload session
let uploadSessionInfo = await request({
json: true,
method: 'POST',
uri: '',
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}`
body: {
folder_id: '0', // upload to All Files
file_size: fileSize,
file_name: path.basename(FILE_PATH)
console.log('Created upload session');
// The session information includes the URLs to use when performing later operations,
// so we can save those for when we use then later.
let uploadPartURL = uploadSessionInfo.session_endpoints.upload_part;
let commitURL = uploadSessionInfo.session_endpoints.commit;
// The upload session also gives the appropriate chunk size, so we'll save that for later use.
let chunkSize = uploadSessionInfo.part_size;
// We're reading from a stream, so we'll read off chunks of the correct
// size and then upload them one by one. For simplicity, we'll do this
// serially instead of in parallel so the code is less confusing..
while (position < fileSize) {
// Get the next chunk to be uploaded
let chunk = await getNextChunkFromStream(fileStream, chunkSize);
// Update the in-progress hash of the full file with the new chunk
// Calculate the hash of just this chunk, encoded in base64
let chunkHash = crypto.createHash('sha1').update(chunk).digest('base64');
// Upload this chunk
let chunkRecord = await request({
method: 'PUT',
uri: uploadPartURL,
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
Digest: `SHA=${chunkHash}`,
'Content-Range': `bytes ${position}-${position + chunk.length - 1}/${fileSize}`
body: chunk,
chunkRecord = JSON.parse(chunkRecord);
console.log('Uploaded bytes', position, 'to', position + chunk.length, 'out of total', fileSize);
// Save the chunk record for committing the upload session later
// Advance the tracking variable for the position in the file that we're at
position += chunk.length;
// Commit the upload session once all chunks are uploaded
let uploadedFile = await request({
json: true,
method: 'POST',
uri: commitURL,
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}`,
Digest: `SHA=${fileHash.digest('base64')}`
body: {
parts: chunkRecords
console.log('Successfully uploaded file!');
// End wrapper async function
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