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Created July 30, 2013 13:09
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Gets the mingw-builds archive URL
# encoding: UTF-8
import urllib.request as urlrequest
except ImportError:
import urllib as urlrequest
def get_mingw_versions(repo_url = ''
socket = urlrequest.urlopen(repo_url)
repo =
versions = {}
for entry in repo.split('\n')[:-1]:
value = entry.split('|')
version = versions.setdefault(value[0].strip(), {})
arch = version.setdefault(value[1].strip(), {})
threading = arch.setdefault(value[2].strip(), {})
exceptions = threading.setdefault(value[3].strip(), {})
revision = exceptions.setdefault(value[4].strip(),
return versions
def get_mingw_archive_url(arch, threading, exceptions, version = 'latest',
revision = 'latest'):
versions = get_mingw_versions()
if version == 'latest':
version = max(versions.keys(),
key = lambda x: tuple([int(n) for n in x.split('.')]))
if revision == 'latest':
revision = max(versions[version][arch][threading][exceptions].keys(),
key = lambda x: int(x[3:]))
return versions[version][arch][threading][exceptions][revision]
print(get_mingw_archive_url('x64', 'posix', 'sjlj'))
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