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Last active May 26, 2023 23:04
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// AnimatableNumber.swift
// SwiftUI30WWDC2021
// Created by Mateo on 4/19/22.
import SwiftUI
// two options to animate number while user only deal with `Int`:
// 1)
// extend Int to be VectorArithmetic so it's animatable
extension Int: VectorArithmetic {
mutating public func scale(by rhs: Double) {
self = Int(Double(self) * rhs)
public var magnitudeSquared: Double {
Double(self * self)
struct AnimatableNumberModifier: AnimatableModifier {
var animatableData: Int
init(number: Int) {
animatableData = number
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
// 2) or just animate `Double`, but use `Int` in init so user only deal with `Int`, not `Double`
struct AnimatableNumberModifier2: AnimatableModifier {
var animatableData: Double
init(number: Int) {
animatableData = Double(number)
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
extension View {
func animatingOverlay(for number: Int) -> some View {
modifier(AnimatableNumberModifier(number: number))
func animatingOverlay2(for number: Int) -> some View {
modifier(AnimatableNumberModifier2(number: number))
struct AnimatableNumber: View {
@State private var number: Int = 0
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 20) {
.frame(width: 50, height: 50)
.animatingOverlay(for: number)
.frame(width: 50, height: 50)
.animatingOverlay2(for: number)
Button {
withAnimation {
number = .random(in: 0 ..< 200)
} label: {
Text("Create random number")
struct AnimatableNumber_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
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