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// CircularProgressView.swift
// SwiftUI30WWDC2021
// Created by Mateo on 5/6/22.
// ContentView.swift
// SearchableFiddling
// Created by Mateo on 3/29/22.
import SwiftUI
struct SearchView: View {
// AnimatableNumber.swift
// SwiftUI30WWDC2021
// Created by Mateo on 4/19/22.
import SwiftUI
struct TicketPurchaseError: LocalizedError {
let errorDescription: String?
let failureReason: String?
let helpAnchor: String?
let recoverySuggestion: String?
struct TicketForm: View {
//: [Previous](@previous)
import Foundation
struct Emoji: Hashable, Equatable, Identifiable, Codable, CustomStringConvertible {
let character: String
let name: String
let category: Category
let isNew: Bool
let zwjGroup: String? // nil for plain emoji, a String for ZWJ emoji group name (family, role, etc)
import Foundation
import _Concurrency
extension TimeInterval {
var nanoseconds: UInt64 {
UInt64(1_000_000_000.0 * self)
struct TaskTimer: AsyncSequence, AsyncIteratorProtocol {
// This demonstrate problem when .accessibilityElement(children: .combine) is used accessibility value and label
import SwiftUI
struct SomeView: View {
let value: String
init(_ value: String) {
self.value = value
// Marquee.swift
// SwiftUI30WWDC2021
// Created by Mateo @kingatarthur on 1/26/22.
import SwiftUI
precedencegroup ExponentiationPrecedence {
associativity: right
higherThan: MultiplicationPrecedence
infix operator ^: ExponentiationPrecedence
func ^ (_ base: Double, _ exp: Double) -> Double {
pow(base, exp)
// NumberFormatSpellOut.swift
// SwiftUI30WWDC2021
// Created by Mateo on 1/10/22.
import SwiftUI
protocol NSNumberConvertible { }