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Created July 18, 2020 16:24
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Deterministic Finite Automaton implementation in Haskell
module Dfa (DFA, State, transition, runString, match, findEquivalent, nequivalent, automaton1, automaton2, minimise) where
import Data.List
import Text.Layout.Table
type State = Int
data DFA = DFA
{ states :: [State]
, initial :: State
, final :: [State]
, alphabet :: String
, transition :: (State -> Char -> State)
instance Show DFA where
show (DFA ss s0 f as t) = "States: " ++ show ss ++ "\nInitial: " ++ show s0 ++ "\nFinal: " ++ show f ++ "\nCharacters: " ++ show as ++ "\nTransition function:\n" ++ transTable
dfa = DFA ss s0 f as t
getRow s = show s : map (show . transition dfa s) as
results = map getRow ss
transTable = tableString (replicate (length as + 1) def) asciiRoundS (titlesH ("state": map show as)) (map rowG results)
states :: DFA -> [State]
states (DFA ss _ _ _ _) = ss
initial :: DFA -> State
initial (DFA _ s0 _ _ _) = s0
final :: DFA -> [State]
final (DFA _ _ f _ _) = f
alphabet :: DFA -> String
alphabet (DFA _ _ _ as _) = as
transition :: DFA -> State -> Char -> State
transition (DFA _ _ _ _ t) = t
transitionString :: DFA -> State -> String -> State
transitionString dfa = foldl (transition dfa)
runString :: DFA -> String -> State
runString (DFA ss s0 f l t) = transitionString (DFA ss s0 f l t) s0
match :: DFA -> String -> Bool
match dfa is = elem (runString dfa is) $ final dfa
alltransitions :: DFA -> State -> [State]
alltransitions dfa s = map (transition dfa s) $ alphabet dfa
equivalentPartition :: Eq a => (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
equivalentPartition _ [] = []
equivalentPartition f (x:xs) = (x:match): equivalentPartition f others
(match, others) = partition (f x) xs
increaseUntilFixed :: Eq a => (Int -> a) -> Int -> a
increaseUntilFixed f i = if x == x' then x' else increaseUntilFixed f (i+1)
x = f i
x' = f (i+1)
findEquivalent :: DFA -> [[State]]
findEquivalent dfa = increaseUntilFixed keepPartition 0
keepPartition n = equivalentPartition (nequivalent dfa n) (states dfa)
nequivalent :: DFA -> Int -> State -> State -> Bool
nequivalent dfa 0 s1 s2 = elem s1 (final dfa) == elem s2 (final dfa)
nequivalent dfa n s1 s2 = nequivalent dfa (n-1) s1 s2 && transitionsEqual
transitionsEqual = all (uncurry $ nequivalent dfa (n-1)) $ zip (alltransitions dfa s1) (alltransitions dfa s2)
removeState :: DFA -> (State, State) -> DFA
removeState (DFA ss s0 f l t) (del, repl) = DFA ss' s0' f' l t'
ss' = delete del ss
s0' = if s0 == del then repl else s0
f' = delete del f
t' x c = if t x c == del then repl else t x c
statesToRemove :: DFA -> [(State, State)]
statesToRemove = concatMap f . findEquivalent
f [] = []
f [x] = []
f (x:xs) = map (\y -> (y, x)) xs
minimise :: DFA -> DFA
minimise dfa = foldl removeState dfa (statesToRemove dfa)
automaton1func :: State -> Char -> State
automaton1func 1 'a' = 2
automaton1func 1 'b' = 3
automaton1func 2 'a' = 2
automaton1func 2 'b' = 3
automaton1func 3 _ = 3
automaton1 = DFA s s0 f l t
s = [1,2,3]
s0 = 1
f = [3]
l = "ab"
t = automaton1func
automaton2func :: State -> Char -> State
automaton2func 1 '0' = 2
automaton2func 1 '1' = 3
automaton2func 2 _ = 2
automaton2func 3 _ = 2
automaton2 = DFA s s0 f l t
s = [1,2,3]
s0 = 1
f = [2]
l = "01"
t = automaton2func
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