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Created April 29, 2021 04:34
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# modified by dpgeorge, works OK, needs a bit of tuning but it could be
# at the limit of the hardware
# This file is part of MicroPython MPU9250 driver
# Copyright (c) 2018 Mika Tuupola
# Copyright (c) 2018 0x1abin (added the yaw,picth,roll api and complementary filtering)
# Licensed under the MIT license:
# Project home:
MicroPython I2C driver for MPU6500 6-axis motion tracking device
__version__ = "0.2.0-dev"
# pylint: disable=import-error
import ustruct
from machine import I2C, Pin
from micropython import const
import math
import utime as time
# pylint: enable=import-error
_SMPLRT_DIV = const(0x19)
_CONFIG = const(0x1a)
_PWR_MGMT_1 = const(0x6b)
_GYRO_CONFIG = const(0x1b)
_ACCEL_CONFIG = const(0x1c)
_ACCEL_CONFIG2 = const(0x1d)
_INT_PIN_CFG = const(0x37)
_ACCEL_XOUT_H = const(0x3b)
_ACCEL_XOUT_L = const(0x3c)
_ACCEL_YOUT_H = const(0x3d)
_ACCEL_YOUT_L = const(0x3e)
_ACCEL_ZOUT_H = const(0x3f)
_ACCEL_ZOUT_L= const(0x40)
_TEMP_OUT_H = const(0x41)
_TEMP_OUT_L = const(0x42)
_GYRO_XOUT_H = const(0x43)
_GYRO_XOUT_L = const(0x44)
_GYRO_YOUT_H = const(0x45)
_GYRO_YOUT_L = const(0x46)
_GYRO_ZOUT_H = const(0x47)
_GYRO_ZOUT_L = const(0x48)
_WHO_AM_I = const(0x75)
#_ACCEL_FS_MASK = const(0b00011000)
ACCEL_FS_SEL_2G = const(0b00000000)
ACCEL_FS_SEL_4G = const(0b00001000)
ACCEL_FS_SEL_8G = const(0b00010000)
ACCEL_FS_SEL_16G = const(0b00011000)
_ACCEL_SO_2G = 16384 # 1 / 16384 ie. 0.061 mg / digit
_ACCEL_SO_4G = 8192 # 1 / 8192 ie. 0.122 mg / digit
_ACCEL_SO_8G = 4096 # 1 / 4096 ie. 0.244 mg / digit
_ACCEL_SO_16G = 2048 # 1 / 2048 ie. 0.488 mg / digit
#_GYRO_FS_MASK = const(0b00011000)
GYRO_FS_SEL_250DPS = const(0b00000000)
GYRO_FS_SEL_500DPS = const(0b00001000)
GYRO_FS_SEL_1000DPS = const(0b00010000)
GYRO_FS_SEL_2000DPS = const(0b00011000)
_GYRO_SO_250DPS = 131
_GYRO_SO_500DPS = 65.5
_GYRO_SO_1000DPS = 32.8
_GYRO_SO_2000DPS = 16.4
# Used for enablind and disabling the i2c bypass access
_I2C_BYPASS_MASK = const(0b00000010)
_I2C_BYPASS_EN = const(0b00000010)
_I2C_BYPASS_DIS = const(0b00000000)
SF_G = 1
SF_M_S2 = 9.80665 # 1 g = 9.80665 m/s2 ie. standard gravity
SF_DEG_S = 1
SF_RAD_S = 57.295779513082 # 1 rad/s is 57.295779578552 deg/s
class MPU6050:
"""Class which provides interface to MPU6500 6-axis motion tracking device."""
def __init__(
self, i2c=None, address=0x68,
accel_fs=ACCEL_FS_SEL_2G, gyro_fs=GYRO_FS_SEL_500DPS,
accel_sf=SF_G, gyro_sf=SF_DEG_S
if i2c:
self.i2c = i2c
from machine import I2C
self.i2c = I2C(sda=21, scl=22, speed=400000)
self.address = address
# if 0x71 != self.whoami:
# raise RuntimeError("MPU6500 not found in I2C bus.")
# Init
self._register_char(_SMPLRT_DIV, 0x00)
self._register_char(_CONFIG, 0x00)
self._accel_so = self._accel_fs(accel_fs)
self._gyro_so = self._gyro_fs(gyro_fs)
self._accel_sf = accel_sf
self._gyro_sf = gyro_sf
self._register_char(_PWR_MGMT_1, 0x01)
# Enable I2C bypass to access for MPU9250 magnetometer access.
# char = self._register_char(_INT_PIN_CFG)
# char &= ~_I2C_BYPASS_MASK # clear I2C bits
# char |= _I2C_BYPASS_EN
# self._register_char(_INT_PIN_CFG, char)
self.preInterval = time.time()
self.accCoef = 0.02
self.gyroCoef = 0.98
self.angleGyroX = 0
self.angleGyroY = 0
self.angleGyroZ = 0
self.angleX = 0
self.angleZ = 0
self.angleY = 0
self.gyroXoffset = 0
self.gyroYoffset = 0
self.gyroZoffset = 0
def setGyroOffsets(self, x, y, z):
self.gyroXoffset = x
self.gyroYoffset = y
self.gyroZoffset = z
def acceleration(self):
Acceleration measured by the sensor. By default will return a
3-tuple of X, Y, Z axis acceleration values in m/s^2 as floats. Will
return values in g if constructor was provided `accel_sf=SF_M_S2`
so = self._accel_so
sf = self._accel_sf
xyz = self._register_three_shorts(_ACCEL_XOUT_H)
return tuple([value / so * sf for value in xyz])
def gyro(self):
X, Y, Z radians per second as floats.
so = self._gyro_so
sf = self._gyro_sf
xyz = self._register_three_shorts(_GYRO_XOUT_H)
return tuple([value / so * sf for value in xyz])
def ypr(self):
yaw, pitch, roll as floats.
accX, accY, accZ = self.acceleration
angleAccX = math.atan2(accY, accZ + abs(accX)) * SF_RAD_S
angleAccY = math.atan2(accX, accZ + abs(accY)) * (-SF_RAD_S);
gyroX, gyroY, gyroZ = self.gyro
gyroX -= self.gyroXoffset
gyroY -= self.gyroYoffset
gyroZ -= self.gyroZoffset
interval = (time.ticks_us() - self.preInterval) / 1000000
self.preInterval = time.ticks_us()
self.angleGyroX += gyroX * interval
self.angleGyroY += gyroY * interval
self.angleGyroZ += gyroZ * interval
self.angleX = (self.gyroCoef * (self.angleX + gyroX * interval)) + (self.accCoef * angleAccX);
self.angleY = (self.gyroCoef * (self.angleY + gyroY * interval)) + (self.accCoef * angleAccY);
self.angleZ = self.angleGyroZ
return tuple([self.angleZ, self.angleX, self.angleY])
def whoami(self):
""" Value of the whoami register. """
return self._register_char(_WHO_AM_I)
def _register_short(self, register, value=None, buf=bytearray(2)):
if value is None:
self.i2c.readfrom_mem_into(self.address, register, buf)
return ustruct.unpack(">h", buf)[0]
ustruct.pack_into(">h", buf, 0, value)
return self.i2c.writeto_mem(self.address, register, buf)
def _register_three_shorts(self, register, buf=bytearray(6)):
self.i2c.readfrom_mem_into(self.address, register, buf)
return ustruct.unpack(">hhh", buf)
def _register_char(self, register, value=None, buf=bytearray(1)):
if value is None:
self.i2c.readfrom_mem_into(self.address, register, buf)
return buf[0]
ustruct.pack_into("<b", buf, 0, value)
return self.i2c.writeto_mem(self.address, register, buf)
def _accel_fs(self, value):
self._register_char(_ACCEL_CONFIG, value)
# Return the sensitivity divider
if ACCEL_FS_SEL_2G == value:
return _ACCEL_SO_2G
elif ACCEL_FS_SEL_4G == value:
return _ACCEL_SO_4G
elif ACCEL_FS_SEL_8G == value:
return _ACCEL_SO_8G
elif ACCEL_FS_SEL_16G == value:
return _ACCEL_SO_16G
def _gyro_fs(self, value):
self._register_char(_GYRO_CONFIG, value)
# Return the sensitivity divider
if GYRO_FS_SEL_250DPS == value:
return _GYRO_SO_250DPS
elif GYRO_FS_SEL_500DPS == value:
return _GYRO_SO_500DPS
elif GYRO_FS_SEL_1000DPS == value:
return _GYRO_SO_1000DPS
elif GYRO_FS_SEL_2000DPS == value:
return _GYRO_SO_2000DPS
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback):
# ==============================================================
from micropython import const
import uos as os
import utime as time
import machine
import ustruct
M5GO_WHEEL_ADDR = const(0x56)
MOTOR_CTRL_ADDR = const(0x00)
ENCODER_ADDR = const(0x04)
#define constrain(amt,low,high) (amt)<(low)?(low):((amt)>(high)?(high):(amt))
def constrain(amt, low, high):
if amt < low:
return low
if amt > high:
return high
return amt
class M5Bala:
def __init__(self, i2c=None):
if i2c is None:
self.i2c = machine.I2C(sda=machine.Pin(21), scl=machine.Pin(22), freq=400000)
self.i2c = i2c
self.imu = MPU6050(self.i2c)
# self.set_motor(0, 0)
self.imu.setGyroOffsets(-2.71, -0.01, -0.04)
self.loop_interval = time.ticks_us()
self.dt = time.ticks_us()
self.angleX = 0
self.angleX_offset = 0
self.last_angle = 0.0
self.last_wheel = 0.0
self.in_speed0 = 0
self.in_speed1 = 0
self.left = 0
self.right = 0
self.K1 = 40
self.K2 = 40
self.K3 = 6.5
self.K4 = 5.5
self.K5 = 0
self.enc_filter = 0.90
def stop(self):
self.left = 0
self.right = 0
def move(self, speed, duration=5):
self.left = -speed
self.right = -speed
def turn(self, speed, duration=5):
if speed > 0: # Turn RIGHT
self.left = abs(speed)
self.right = 0
elif speed < 0: # Turn LEFT
self.left = 0
self.right = abs(speed)
def rotate(self, speed, duration=2):
if speed > 0:
self.left = speed
self.right = -speed
elif speed < 0:
self.left = speed
self.right = -speed
def set_motor(self, m0_pwm, m1_pwm):
buf = ustruct.pack('<hh', int(m0_pwm), int(m1_pwm))
self.i2c.writeto_mem(M5GO_WHEEL_ADDR, MOTOR_CTRL_ADDR, buf)
def read_encoder(self):
buf = bytearray(4)
self.i2c.readfrom_mem_into(M5GO_WHEEL_ADDR, ENCODER_ADDR, buf)
return tuple(ustruct.unpack('<hh', buf))
def balance(self):
#print(time.ticks_us(), self.loop_interval, time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_us(), self.loop_interval))
if time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_us(), self.loop_interval) >= 0:
self.loop_interval = time.ticks_add(time.ticks_us(), 10000)
# Angle X sample
pitch = self.imu.ypr[1]
self.angleX = (pitch + self.angleX_offset)
#print('go', self.angleX)
# Car Down
if self.angleX > 45 or self.angleX < -45:
self.set_motor(0, 0)
# Encoder sample
new_speed0, new_speed1 = self.read_encoder()
self.in_speed0 *= self.enc_filter
self.in_speed0 += -new_speed0 * (1 - self.enc_filter)
self.in_speed1 *= self.enc_filter
self.in_speed1 += new_speed1 * (1 - self.enc_filter)
# ========== PID computing ==========
# -- Angle
angle = self.angleX
angle_velocity = angle - self.last_angle
self.last_angle = angle
# -- Postiton
wheel = int(self.in_speed0 + self.in_speed1) // 2
wheel_velocity = wheel - self.last_wheel
self.last_wheel = wheel
# -- PID
torque = (angle_velocity * self.K1) + (angle * self.K2) + (wheel_velocity * self.K3) + (wheel * self.K4)
torque = constrain(torque, -255, 255)
# -- Wheel offset
speed_diff = (int(self.in_speed0) - int(self.in_speed1))
speed_diff *= self.K5
# -- PWM OUT
self.set_motor(torque + self.left - speed_diff, torque + self.right)
def run(self, blocking=False):
if blocking:
while True:
def start(self, thread=True):
if thread:
import _thread
_thread.start_new_thread(, (True, ))
# ==============================================================
import machine
but_a = machine.Pin(39, machine.Pin.IN)
but_b = machine.Pin(38, machine.Pin.IN)
but_c = machine.Pin(37, machine.Pin.IN)
# Init the I2C bus
i2c = machine.I2C(sda=machine.Pin(21), scl=machine.Pin(22), freq=400000)
# Balance START
m5bala = M5Bala(i2c)
m5bala.angleX_offset = -8
while but_a():
t0 = time.ticks_us()
ret = time.ticks_diff(m5bala.loop_interval, time.ticks_us())
dt = time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_us(), t0)
print(dt / (dt + ret))
m5bala.set_motor(0, 0)
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