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Created May 12, 2017 23:06
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stack calc
module Main
import Data.Vect
data StackOp : Type -> Nat -> Nat -> Type where
Push : Integer -> StackOp () height (S height)
Pop : StackOp Integer (S height) height
Top : StackOp Integer (S height) (S height) -- this means there has to be at least one item on the stack
GetStr : StackOp String height height
PutStr : String -> StackOp () height height
Pure : ty -> StackOp ty height height
(>>=) : StackOp a height1 height2 ->
(a -> StackOp b height2 height3) ->
StackOp b height1 height3
data StackIO : Nat -> Type where
Do : StackOp a height1 height2 ->
(a -> Inf (StackIO height2)) -> StackIO height1
namespace StackDo
(>>=) : StackOp a height1 height2 ->
(a -> Inf (StackIO height2)) -> StackIO height1
(>>=) = Do
runStack : (stk : Vect inHeight Integer) ->
StackOp ty inHeight outHeight ->
IO (ty, Vect outHeight Integer)
runStack stk (Push val) = pure ((), val :: stk)
runStack (val :: stk) Pop = pure (val, stk)
runStack (val :: stk) Top = pure (val, val :: stk)
runStack stk GetStr = do x <- getLine
pure (x, stk)
runStack stk (PutStr val) = do putStr val
pure ((), stk)
runStack stk (Pure x) = pure (x, stk)
runStack stk (cmd >>= next) = do (cmdRes, newStk) <- runStack stk cmd
runStack newStk (next cmdRes)
rAdd : StackOp () (S (S height)) (S height)
rAdd = do val1 <- Pop
val2 <- Pop
Push (val1 + val2)
rMul : StackOp () (S (S height)) (S height)
rMul = do val1 <- Pop
val2 <- Pop
Push (val1 * val2)
rSub : StackOp () (S (S height)) (S height)
rSub = do val1 <- Pop
val2 <- Pop
Push (val1 - val2)
rNeg : StackOp () (S height) (S height)
rNeg = do val1 <- Pop
Push (-val1)
rDup : StackOp () (S height) (S (S height))
rDup = do val1 <- Top
Push (val1)
rDot : StackOp Integer (S height) (height)
rDot = do Pop
stackResult : (Integer, Vect n Integer) -> String
stackResult (result, _) = show result
data Fuel = Dry | More (Lazy Fuel)
forever : Fuel
forever = More forever
run : Fuel -> Vect height Integer -> StackIO height -> IO ()
run (More fuel) stk (Do c f)
= do (res, newStk) <- runStack stk c
run fuel newStk (f res)
run Dry stk p = pure ()
data StkInput = Number Integer
| Quit
| Neg
| Dup
| Add
| Sub
| Discard
| Mul
strToInput : String -> Maybe StkInput
strToInput "" = Nothing
strToInput ":q" = Just Quit
strToInput "+" = Just Add
strToInput "-" = Just Sub
strToInput "neg" = Just Neg
strToInput "discard" = Just Discard
strToInput "dup" = Just Dup
strToInput "*" = Just Mul
strToInput n = if all isDigit (unpack n)
then Just (Number (cast n))
else Nothing
tryAdd : StackIO height
tryAdd { height = (S (S h))}
= do rAdd
result <- Top
PutStr (show result ++ "\n")
tryAdd = do PutStr "Fewer than two items on the stack\n"
trySub : StackIO height
trySub { height = (S (S h))}
= do rSub
result <- Top
PutStr (show result ++ "\n")
trySub = do PutStr "Fewer than two items on the stack\n"
tryMul : StackIO height
tryMul { height = (S (S h))}
= do rMul
result <- Top
PutStr (show result ++ "\n")
tryMul = do PutStr "Fewer than two items on the stack\n"
tryNeg : StackIO height
tryNeg { height = (S h)}
= do rNeg
result <- Top
PutStr (show result ++ "\n")
tryNeg = do PutStr "Fewer than one item on the stack\n"
tryDup : StackIO height
tryDup { height = (S h)}
= do rDup
result <- Top
PutStr (show result ++ "\n")
tryDup = do PutStr "Fewer than one item on the stack\n"
tryDiscard : StackIO height
tryDiscard { height = (S h)}
= do result <- Pop
PutStr (show result ++ "\n")
tryDiscard = do PutStr "Fewer than one item on the stack\n"
tryBin : StackOp () (S (S height)) (S height) -> StackIO height
tryBin op { height = (S (S h))}
= do op
result <- Top
PutStr (show result ++ "\n")
tryBin op = do PutStr "Fewer than two items on the stack\n"
stackCalc : StackIO height
stackCalc = do PutStr ">"
input <- GetStr
case strToInput input of
Just Quit => do PutStr "bye\n"
Nothing => do PutStr "invalid op\n"
Just (Number x) => do Push x
Just Add => tryBin rAdd
Just Discard => tryDiscard
Just Neg => tryNeg
--Just Add => tryAdd
Just Dup => tryDup
Just Sub => trySub
Just Mul => tryMul
main : IO ()
main = run forever [] stackCalc
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