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Created February 21, 2013 08:31
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WooSlider Slideshows API example.
Plugin Name: WooSlider - My Custom Slideshow
Plugin URI:
Description: This is my custom WooSlider slideshow.
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Your Name Here
Author URI:
License: GPL version 2 or later -
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( 'My_Custom_Slideshow', 'init' ), 0 );
class My_Custom_Slideshow {
* Initialize the plugin, check the environment and make sure we can act.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return void
public function init () {
// Make sure both WooSlider and WooCommerce are active.
$active_plugins = apply_filters( 'active_plugins', get_option('active_plugins' ) );
if ( ! in_array( 'wooslider/wooslider.php', $active_plugins ) ) return;
// Add the slideshow type into WooSlider.
add_filter( 'wooslider_slider_types', array( 'My_Custom_Slideshow', 'add_slideshow_type' ) );
// Add support for the type-specific fields when generating the WooSlider shortcode.
add_filter( 'wooslider_popup_settings', array( 'My_Custom_Slideshow', 'add_popup_fields' ) );
// Add the slideshow type's fields into the WooSlider popup.
add_action( 'wooslider_popup_conditional_fields', array( 'My_Custom_Slideshow', 'display_fields' ) );
} // End init()
* Integrate the slideshow type into WooSlider.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param array $types Existing slideshow types.
* @return array $types Modified array of types.
public function add_slideshow_type ( $types ) {
if ( is_array( $types ) ) {
// Make sure to add an array, at our desired key, consisting of a "name" and the "callback" function to get the slides for this slideshow type.
$types['my-custom-slideshow'] = array( 'name' => __( 'My Custom Slideshow Type', 'my-custom-slideshow' ), 'callback' => array( 'My_Custom_Slideshow', 'get_slides' ) );
return $types;
} // End add_slideshow_type()
* Add support for our slideshow-specific fields when generating the shortcode.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param array $fields Array of supported settings.
* @return array Modified supported settings array.
public function add_popup_fields ( $fields ) {
if ( is_array( $fields ) ) {
// Add a new key to the array of supported fields when generating the shortcode, with the value being set to the default value or an empty string.
$fields['display_as_titles'] = '';
return $fields;
} // End add_popup_fields()
* Display conditional fields for this slideshow type, when generating the shortcode.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return void
public function display_fields () {
global $wooslider;
// Get an array of the fields, and their settings, to be generated in the popup form for conditional fields for this slideshow type.
$fields = self::get_fields();
// Make sure that the DIV tag below has a CSS class of "conditional-slideshowtype", where "slideshowtype" is our newly added type.
<div class="conditional conditional-my-custom-slideshow">
<table class="form-table">
<?php foreach ( $fields as $k => $v ) { ?>
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php echo $v['name']; ?></th>
// Use WooSlider's admin object to generate the desired field according to it's type.
$wooslider->admin->generate_field_by_type( $v['type'], $v['args'] );
<?php if ( $v['description'] != '' ) { ?><p><span class="description"><?php echo $v['description']; ?></span></p><?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
} // End display_fields()
* Generate an array of the data to be used to generate the fields for display in the WooSlider admin.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return array Field data.
private function get_fields () {
$fields = array();
$display_as_titles_args = array( 'key' => 'display_as_titles', 'data' => array() );
$fields['display_as_titles'] = array( 'name' => __( 'Display text as titles', 'my-custom-slideshow' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'args' => $display_as_titles_args, 'description' => __( 'Display text as titles', 'my-custom-slideshow' ) );
return $fields;
} // End get_fields()
* Get the slides for this slideshow type.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param array $args Arguments from the shortcode.
* @return array An array of slides to display in the slideshow.
public function get_slides ( $args = array() ) {
$slides = array();
// Setup default arguments for this slideshow type.
$defaults = array(
'display_as_titles' => 'false'
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
$slides[] = array( 'content' => 'This is slide 01.' );
$slides[] = array( 'content' => 'This is slide 02.' );
$slides[] = array( 'content' => 'This is slide 03.' );
$slides[] = array( 'content' => 'This is slide 04.' );
// A bit of custom code to convert our text to headings, based on the arguments.
if ( 'true' == $args['display_titles'] ) {
foreach ( $slides as $k => $v ) {
$slides[$k]['content'] = '<h3>' . $v . '</h3>';
return $slides;
} // End get_slides()
} // End Class
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