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Last active March 18, 2019 09:51
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No previous heading but not an h1 <h2 aria-level="2" role="heading" class="rn-1oszu61 rn-1efd50x rn-14skgim rn-rull8r rn-mm0ijv rn-dcshts rn-9c4l86 rn-18tdi8m rn-1cn4eqa rn-deolkf rn-1xk2f4g rn-6koalj rn-1qe8dj5 rn-1mlwlqe rn-eqz5dr rn-poiln3 rn-7cikom rn-o11vmf rn-ebii48 rn-gul640 rn-109y4c4 rn-t9a87b rn-1mnahxq rn-61z16t rn-p1pxzi rn-11wrixw rn-ifefl9 rn-bcqeeo rn-11yh6sk rn-buy8e9 rn-12ckced rn-17qa1i2 rn-od9mb7 rn-hinvm4 rn-u8s1d rn-92ng3h rn-1lgpqti"><div dir="auto" class="rn-13yce4e rn-fnigne rn-ndvcnb rn-gxnn5r rn-deolkf rn-homxoj rn-1471scf rn-14xgk7a rn-1b43r93 rn-o11vmf rn-ebii48 rn-gul640 rn-t9a87b rn-1mnahxq rn-61z16t rn-p1pxzi rn-11wrixw rn-wk8lta rn-9aemit rn-1mdbw0j rn-gy4na3 rn-bauka4 rn-q42fyq rn-qvutc0">To view keyboard shortcuts, press question mark</div><a role="link" tabindex="-1" href="/i/keyboard_shortcuts">View keyboard shortcuts</a></h2>



Violation: <h1 class="title" aria-label="Home">Home</h1> | <h3 class="">Teletubbies: 3 HOURS Full Episode Compilation | Videos For Kids</h3>




Violation: <h2>Get Started with WordPress</h2> | <h4><a href="">WordPress&nbsp;Swag</a></h4>




No previous heading but not an h1 <h3 hidden="">Main Navigation</h3>
Violation: <h1 class="lpc-headline-title lp-headline-title no-widows"><span>Build a website,</span>
															<span>build a&nbsp;movement.</span></h1> | <h3 class="lpc-headline-subtitle lp-headline-subtitle no-widows"><span>Whatever you want to create, share, or sell,</span>
															<span>we’ll help you do it right&nbsp;here.</span></h3>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h2>Publish your passions, your way</h2>


Violation: <h1 class="visuallyhidden">Apple</h1> | <h3 class="ac-gn-searchresults-header ac-gn-searchresults-animated">Quick Links</h3>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h5 class="Gnav-submenu-headline">Creative Cloud plans</h5>
Violation: <h3 style="text-align: center;">Stock like only Adobe can.</h3> | <h6 id="languageNavigation-modalTitle" class="hide-all">Language Navigation</h6>



Violation: <h1 class="title" aria-label="Home">Home</h1> | <h3 class="">Romania, Village Life in Transylvania</h3>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h5 id="glow-toaster-title" class="glow-toaster-title aok-hidden">
            International Shopping Transition Alert


Violation: <h2>Over 80 million creators and brands love our community. Come on in.</h2> | <h4 class="footer_v2__link-header">
                <span class="footer_v2__link-header-text">Vimeo</span>
                <div class="footer_v2_accordion__reveal">
                    <svg class="iris_ic is--12" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 8 8"><path d="M7.707 2.293c-.39-.39-1.024-.39-1.414 0L4 4.586 1.707 2.293c-.39-.39-1.024-.39-1.414 0-.39.39-.39 1.024 0 1.414l3 3c.39.39 1.024.39 1.414 0l3-3c.39-.39.39-1.024 0-1.414z"></path></svg>


Violation: <h1 id="yui_3_16_0_1_1552901991299_352">Find your inspiration.</h1> | <h3>Join the Flickr community, home to tens of billions of photos and 2 million groups.</h3>




No previous heading but not an h1 <h2 class="h3 headline-primary"><span class="headline-primary h4">Watch Now</span></h2>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h2 class="jsx-2843363469"><img src="//" width="18" height="18" alt="今日要闻" aria-hidden="true" class="jsx-2843363469">今日要闻</h2>






No previous heading but not an h1 <h2 class="css-izz4nr esl82me2">It Wasn’t Just Khashoggi: A Saudi Prince’s Brutal Drive to Crush Dissent</h2>



No previous heading but not an h1 <h3 hidden="">Main Navigation</h3>
Violation: <h1 class="lpc-headline-title lp-headline-title no-widows"><span>Build a website,</span>
															<span>build a&nbsp;movement.</span></h1> | <h3 class="lpc-headline-subtitle lp-headline-subtitle no-widows"><span>Whatever you want to create, share, or sell,</span>
															<span>we’ll help you do it right&nbsp;here.</span></h3>



No previous heading but not an h1 <h2>Publish your passions, your way</h2>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h4 class="text-gray-light text-normal text-mono f5 mb-2 border-lg-top pt-lg-3">Learn &amp; contribute</h4>


Violation: <h2 class="section-heading-text">
						Your success is our success
					</h2> | <h4 class="lp-footer__title">Product</h4>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h2 class="home__title">Hear the world's sounds</h2>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h4 class="mzp-c-menu-item-title">Firefox Quantum Desktop Browser</h4>
Violation: <h2 class="mzp-c-card-title">Add-ons</h2> | <h4 class="mzp-c-menu-item-title">Common Voice</h4>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h2 class="orb-banner-title">We've updated our Privacy and Cookies Policy</h2>



No previous heading but not an h1 <h3>Discover</h3>



No previous heading but not an h1 <h2 class="element-invisible">Site Menu</h2>




No previous heading but not an h1 <h2 class="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-41" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_article_">Trump outraged. Except over New Zealand</h2>



Violation: <h2>A Globally Recognized Avatar</h2> | <h4><a href="" target="_blank">Matt</a></h4>



Violation: <h2 class="rounded">The growing commons</h2> | <h6><a href="/about/contact">We'd love to hear from you!</a></h6>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h3 class="pypl-heading pp-sans-big-light no-image-panel__headline pp-sans-small-regular h4">Personal</h3>
Violation: <h1 class="panels__headline">PayPal is for everyone who pays or gets paid.</h1> | <h3 class="pypl-heading pp-sans-big-light icon-panel__headline pp-sans-small-regular h4">Individuals</h3>



No previous heading but not an h1 <h3> What Do the 'Captain Marvel' Post-Credits Scenes Mean?</h3>





No previous heading but not an h1 <h2 class="MG6cc _1oWZO" tabindex="1">
    <a data-bi="200" href="" title="Click to sign in or sign up" tabindex="1" role="menuitem" dat-hook="sign-up-link">
      <i class="C4pUn OqqiZ" title="Sign Up" dat-hook="sign-up-icon">
        <svg width="17px" height="17px" viewBox="0 0 17 17" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
    <g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
        <g fill="#1F303C">
            <path d="M8.3045,2 C6.4575,2 4.9545,3.517 4.9545,5.382 C4.9545,6.587 5.5995,7.71 6.6385,8.314 C6.8105,8.414 6.9075,8.606 6.8845,8.803 C6.8615,9.001 6.7235,9.166 6.5335,9.224 C4.1785,9.945 2.4005,11.991 2.0065,14.438 C1.9765,14.621 2.0625,14.754 2.1165,14.817 C2.2145,14.934 2.3575,15 2.5085,15 L14.3325,15 C14.4835,15 14.6265,14.934 14.7245,14.817 C14.7795,14.754 14.8655,14.62 14.8355,14.435 C14.4295,11.926 12.5925,9.866 10.1565,9.185 C9.9645,9.132 9.8235,8.969 9.7955,8.772 C9.7685,8.575 9.8605,8.38 10.0305,8.277 C11.0475,7.657 11.6545,6.575 11.6545,5.382 C11.6545,3.517 10.1515,2 8.3045,2 M14.3325,16 L2.5085,16 C2.0645,16 1.6435,15.805 1.3545,15.465 C1.0725,15.134 0.9505,14.702 1.0185,14.278 C1.4235,11.772 3.0865,9.631 5.3585,8.602 C4.4755,7.78 3.9545,6.614 3.9545,5.382 C3.9545,2.966 5.9065,1 8.3045,1 C10.7025,1 12.6545,2.966 12.6545,5.382 C12.6545,6.595 12.1695,7.72 11.3225,8.536 C13.6795,9.534 15.4055,11.7 15.8235,14.275 L15.8235,14.275 C15.8915,14.7 15.7685,15.134 15.4865,15.466 C15.1975,15.805 14.7775,16 14.3325,16" id="Fill-1"></path>
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Violation: <h2 id="RebrandCreation-text--tile" class="RebrandCreation-text--title ob-title ob-title--3" data-reactid="43">Keep everything organized without breaking your flow</h2> | <h6 class="attribution" data-reactid="47">Illustration by David McLeod</h6>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h2>Forbes Now</h2>
Violation: <h1 class="data-viz__active-number">6,842</h1> | <h4 class="data-viz__active-text">Readers</h4>




No previous heading but not an h1 <h4 class="modal-title" id="free-domain-label">Free Domain Policy</h4>
Violation: <h2>Powering Over 2 Million Websites Worldwide</h2> | <h4><a href="/special/wordpress" data-element-location="body" data-element-label="made_easy" data-element-type="link">WordPress<br class="visible-xs hidden-sm"> Made Easy</a></h4>


Violation: <h2>Personalised Advertising</h2> | <h6 id="mobile-catnav-header-title" class="text-left position-absolute vertical-center">Browse Categories</h6>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h3>Up Next</h3>


Violation: <h1 class="h1">
  <a class="logo" aria-label="back to msn home" href="/en-gb" data-id="16" data-m="{&quot;i&quot;:16,&quot;p&quot;:15,&quot;n&quot;:&quot;msnLogo&quot;,&quot;y&quot;:14,&quot;l&quot;:&quot;homepage&quot;,&quot;o&quot;:1}" tabindex="2">
<span class="">msn</span> 
 <a aria-haspopup="true" class="vertical" href="/en-gb" data-id="17" data-m="{&quot;i&quot;:17,&quot;p&quot;:15,&quot;n&quot;:&quot;HeaderVerticalLink&quot;,&quot;y&quot;:14,&quot;l&quot;:&quot;homepage&quot;,&quot;o&quot;:2}" tabindex="2">msn</a>

</h1> | <h3>Connect your Microsoft account</h3>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h2 class="WSJTheme__headline_19_2KfxGdC8OTxXXrZcwJ2 undefined WSJTheme__heading-2_2L2SEhi1mSHuuJiOUjeqbi typography__serif-display_2lARvEelWsoy3UCb2asv_X "><a class="" href="">Federal Prosecutors Probe Boeing 737 MAX Development</a></h2>
Violation: <h2 class="WSJTheme__headline_19_2KfxGdC8OTxXXrZcwJ2 undefined WSJTheme__heading-2_2L2SEhi1mSHuuJiOUjeqbi typography__serif-display_2lARvEelWsoy3UCb2asv_X "><a class="" href="">Lyft to Seek Valuation of Up to $23 Billion in IPO</a></h2> | <h4 class="WSJTheme__headline_19_2KfxGdC8OTxXXrZcwJ2 undefined WSJTheme__heading-4_2FTFbFWRt74HYJxZek029g typography__serif-display_2lARvEelWsoy3UCb2asv_X "><a class="" href="">U.S. Now Preparing to Leave as Many as 1,000 Troops in Syria</a></h4>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h2 class="ambl-section__heading ambl-heading"><span class="ambl-heading__date">3/18</span>ピックアップブログ</h2>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h5>Featured</h5>
Violation: <h1 style="font-weight:100">Top Collections at the Archive</h1> | <h6 class="stat  hidden-tiles">
            <span class="iconochive-eye" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="sr-only">eye</span>            <nobr>3.9<small>B</small></nobr>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h2>Discover. Share. Learn.</h2>
Violation: <h2>Discover. Share. Learn.</h2> | <h4 class="hide-for-small">Share what you know and love through presentations, infographics, documents and more</h4>



No previous heading but not an h1 <h3 class="m-text-cut">
              <!----><i class="m-icon m-icon-vipl7"></i></h3>



Violation: <h1 class="eds-text-hl eds-text-color--ui-purple" data-reactid="257"><!-- react-text: 258 -->Live your best life<!-- /react-text --></h1> | <h3 class="eds-media-card-content__title eds-text-color--grey-800 eds-text-bl" data-reactid="343"><div data-spec="event-card__formatted-name" data-reactid="344"><div class="eds-is-hidden-accessible" data-reactid="345">LONDON Film &amp; Comic Con SUMMER 2019</div><div class="event-card__formatted-name--is-clamped" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation" data-spec="event-card__formatted-name--content" data-reactid="346">LONDON Film &amp; Comic Con SUMMER 2019</div></div></h3>


Violation: <h3>Over 30 one-touch tools—clean your drive, secure private files, take screenshots, or download a video all with just a single click.</h3> | <h5>All Products</h5>



No previous heading but not an h1 <h3 class="sports-event__title"><span class="sports-event__content-ellipsis"><svg class="sports-event__icon sports-event__icon_hockey"><use xlink:href="#hockey"></use></svg>
										НХЛ · неделя 26
								</span><span class="block__title__arrow"><i class="arrow"><i class="arrow__part arrow__part_top"></i><i class="arrow__part arrow__part_bottom"></i></i></span></h3>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h2 class="qc-cmp-title"> We value your privacy </h2>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h2 class="gwm-u-a11y-hidden" aria-hidden="false">


No previous heading but not an h1 <h3 class="list-of-entities__item-body-headline">
<a href="/politics/2019/03/17/back-pms-deal-need-proof-next-stage-brexit-talks-will-radically/" data-rel="editorial"><span class="list-of-entities__item-title-prfix">Boris Johnson</span>To back the PM's deal, we need proof that the next stage of Brexit talks will be radically different</a>



No previous heading but not an h1 <h5 id="glow-toaster-title" class="glow-toaster-title aok-hidden">
            International Shopping Transition Alert


No previous heading but not an h1 <h4 class="b-loginform__title">Log in</h4>
Violation: <h1 class="b-mainpage-intro-heads"> Top LJ </h1> | <h3 class=" entryunit__title js--entryunit-title "><a class="entryunit__link" href="" target="_blank" title=""></a></h3>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h3 class="h3 mb20">广告合作</h3>


Violation: <h1>Freebox <b>Crystal</b></h1> | <h3>Forfaits Freebox</h3>



No previous heading but not an h1 <h2 class="headline">A royal christening! Meghan joins new godfather Harry and the Queen at church service for Zara Tindall's 10-month-old daughter Lena - just weeks before they are due to become first-time parents</h2>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h2 class="reuters-logo"><a title="Reuters" href="/">Reuters</a></h2>
Violation: <h3 class="heading">
        United States</h3> | <h5 class="heading"><a href="/home">Top News</a></h5>




No previous heading but not an h1 <h2 class="gwm-Card-heading">Für das beste Einkaufserlebnis melden Sie sich bitte an</h2>



No previous heading but not an h1 <h2 class="title"><a class="for-pc" href="/company/service">はてなのサービス</a><span class="for-touch">はてなのサービス</span></h2>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h2 class="navi-sections__head">
                        <a class="navi-sections__link " href="/">Home</a>
Violation: <h2 class="navi-sections__head">
                        <a class="navi-sections__link " href="/distribution">License</a>
                    </h2> | <h5 class="single-story-module__extraneous-descriptor">article</h5>




No previous heading but not an h1 <h3>Welcome to USA TODAY NETWORK’S EUROPEAN UNION EXPERIENCE</h3>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h3 id="dotdash_our_story_header">
      We are Digiday’s Publisher of the Year.





No previous heading but not an h1 <h3 class="subheader">About Your Privacy on this Site</h3>





No previous heading but not an h1 <h2 class="orb-banner-title">We've updated our Privacy and Cookies Policy</h2>
Violation: <h1 class="story-headline gel-trafalgar-bold ">Rory McIlroy holds off Jim Furyk to win Players Championship at Sawgrass</h1> | <h3 class="sp-story-body__cross-head">McIlroy shows his class in superb climax at Sawgrass</h3>


No previous heading but not an h1 <h3><a href="">current community</a></h3>

{ hasHeadingFailureCount: 13, p: 0.1262135922330097 }

{ hasH1FailureCount: 39, p: 0.3786407766990291 }

{ inOrderFailureCount: 29, p: 0.2815533980582524 }

{ anyFailureCount: 39, p: 0.3786407766990291 }

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