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Created July 26, 2022 14:05
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Specialized Set over Persistable objects that leverages SQLite3 in Dart
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:sqlite3/sqlite3.dart';
import 'extension/object.dart';
import 'extension/collection.dart';
import 'extension/string.dart';
import 'extension/database.dart';
import 'identifiable.dart';
import 'serializable.dart';
import 'persistable.dart';
/// A collection of [Persistable] objects that leverages the `sqlite3` library
/// in which each record can occur only once.
/// The [Database] has two modes, persistent and in-memory.
/// A persistent [Database] is a _shared_ database that will store all its
/// records on the _same_ [Database] file.
/// An in-memory [Database] works on its own independent [Database] but it
/// won't persist multiple library runs.
/// Access, store or remove [Persistable] objects as if this were any given
/// [Set], all common [Set] rules apply.
/// List of limitations in the generics implementation of the Dart type system
/// that complicate this implementation:
/// -
/// -
/// -
/// -
class TableSet<E extends Persistable<UUID>> with SetMixin<E> implements Set<E> {
final Database database;
TableSet({bool isPersistent = false})
: database =
isPersistent ?'rollbar.db') : sqlite3.openInMemory() {
final typeDeclarations = _keyTypes.fold('', (String acc, kv) {
return '$acc${kv.key} ${kv.value.sqlTypeDeclaration}, ';
}).replaceLast(', ', '');
database.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $_table ($typeDeclarations)');
Iterator<E> get iterator =>'SELECT * FROM $_table').map(_deserialize).iterator;
int get length =>'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $_table').intValue;
bool get isEmpty => length == 0;
E? record({required UUID id}) => database
.select('SELECT ${_keyTypes.keys.join(', ')} FROM $_table WHERE id = ?',
E? lookup(Object? element) => element is E ? record(id: : null;
bool contains(Object? element) {
if (element is! E) return false;
final result =
return result.boolValue;
bool add(Object? value) {
if (value is! E || contains(value)) return false;
'INSERT INTO $_table (${_keyTypes.keys.join(', ')}) '
'VALUES (${ => '?').join(', ')})',
return true;
/// Updates [element] on the Set.
/// Returns `true` if [element] was updated. If the `element` isn't in the
/// set, returns `false` and the set is not changed.
bool update(E element) => remove(element) ? add(element) : false;
bool remove(Object? value) {
if (value is! E || !contains(value)) return false;
database.execute('DELETE FROM $_table WHERE id = ?', []);
return true;
Set<E> toSet() =>'SELECT * FROM $_table').map(_deserialize).toSet();
/// Creates a **new** [Database] which contains all the records of this set
/// and [other].
/// That is, the returned [Database] contains all the records of this
/// [Database] and all the elements of [other] that are not in this database.
TableSet<E> union(Set<E> other) => TableSet()..addAll({...this, ...other});
/// Creates a **new** [Database] which is the intersection between this
/// [Database] and [other].
/// That is, the returned [Database] contains all the records of this
/// [Database] that are _also_ elements of [other] according to
/// `other.contains`.
TableSet<E> intersection(Set<Object?> other) {
final result = TableSet<E>()..addAll(this);
return result;
/// Creates a **new** [Database] with the records of this [Database] that
/// are not in [other].
/// That is, the returned [Database] contains all the records of this
/// [Database] that are not elements of [other] according to
/// `other.contains`.
TableSet<E> difference(Set<Object?> other) {
final result = TableSet<E>()..addAll(this);
return result;
String get _table => E.runtimeType.toString().toSnakeCase();
Map<String, Datatype> get _keyTypes => Persistable.of<E>().persistingKeyTypes;
E _deserialize(JsonMap map) => Serializable.of<E>().fromMap(map) as E;
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