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matz33/ Secret

Created November 24, 2023 15:39
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Get Netatmo Weather station data

Unfortunately the Netatmo node is not working : Nodered crashes 5/6 times a day if you use it. The owner is not willing to maintain his code.

Here is a method to get the Netatmo Data without having to install a module, just using http requests. Here is how it works :

  1. Enter your token and refresh token + client id and client secret in the node Set Netatmo Creds & Tokens. You can use, or info here to get it or any other methods

  2. Trigger the inject node Set first info

  3. Then, the inject node Start can be triggered either automatically after a deploy like I configured it (prefered method), or manually if needed

  4. It will get the token, refresh token, and will refresh them after the expiration (returned in the payload by Netatmo) - 5 minutes

  5. If error in getting the token it will retry after 1 hour. You can add any kind of alert (email, etc) after node Delay 1 hour on error to alert you that there is an error and token was not returned (time out etc)

  6. The node Next refresh in... displays the next time the refresh will occur. This one and the associated "delay 1s" can be deleted safely if not needed

  7. The token is stored in the global variable NetatmoAccessToken and is used in the http request after the inject node Get Netatmo Data.

[{"id":"48c9ba7a4d6a5359","type":"http request","z":"dab956b5.a43dd8","name":"Send refresh request","method":"POST","ret":"obj","paytoqs":"ignore","url":"","tls":"","persist":false,"proxy":"","insecureHTTPParser":false,"authType":"","senderr":false,"headers":[{"keyType":"Content-Type","keyValue":"","valueType":"other","valueValue":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}],"x":920,"y":1260,"wires":[["1d54981a5bd62dc8"]]},{"id":"493b859e5318d28d","type":"inject","z":"dab956b5.a43dd8","name":"Start","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":true,"onceDelay":"1","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","x":150,"y":1220,"wires":[["fef4ac6631a48776"]]},{"id":"fef4ac6631a48776","type":"change","z":"dab956b5.a43dd8","name":"Set param request refresh","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"payload","pt":"msg","to":"{\"grant_type\":\"refresh_token\",\"refresh_token\":$globalContext(\"NetatmoRefreshToken\"),\"client_id\":$globalContext(\"NetatmoClientId\"),\"client_secret\":$globalContext(\"NetatmoClientSecret\")}","tot":"jsonata"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":670,"y":1260,"wires":[["48c9ba7a4d6a5359"]]},{"id":"65f4b6541bc97008","type":"change","z":"dab956b5.a43dd8","name":"Store tokens & delay","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"NetatmoAccessToken","pt":"global","to":"payload.access_token","tot":"msg"},{"t":"set","p":"NetatmoRefreshToken","pt":"global","to":"payload.refresh_token","tot":"msg"},{"t":"set","p":"delay","pt":"msg","to":"payload.expires_in*1000-300000","tot":"jsonata"},{"t":"set","p":"status","pt":"msg","to":"OK","tot":"str"},{"t":"set","p":"NetatmoLastUpdateTime","pt":"global","to":"","tot":"date"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":1340,"y":1200,"wires":[["55d78fcc3650ef5c","97c519fc69b9b6e9"]]},{"id":"371e46c1b4744f71","type":"change","z":"dab956b5.a43dd8","name":"Set Netatmo Creds & Tokens","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"NetatmoClientId","pt":"global","to":"Your_client_id","tot":"str"},{"t":"set","p":"NetatmoClientSecret","pt":"global","to":"Your_client_secret","tot":"str"},{"t":"set","p":"NetatmoAccessToken","pt":"global","to":"Your_first_token","tot":"str"},{"t":"set","p":"NetatmoRefreshToken","pt":"global","to":"Your_first_refres_token","tot":"str"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":660,"y":1180,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"acb161c2964a5538","type":"inject","z":"dab956b5.a43dd8","name":"Set first info","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","x":130,"y":1180,"wires":[["371e46c1b4744f71"]]},{"id":"5dd80c83a73ef692","type":"inject","z":"dab956b5.a43dd8","name":"Stop","props":[{"p":"reset","v":"1","vt":"num"},{"p":"status","v":"STOP","vt":"str"},{"p":"delay","v":"1","vt":"num"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","x":150,"y":1300,"wires":[["55d78fcc3650ef5c","97c519fc69b9b6e9","586be2751752f395"]]},{"id":"1d54981a5bd62dc8","type":"switch","z":"dab956b5.a43dd8","name":"All ok ?","property":"payload","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"hask","v":"access_token","vt":"str"},{"t":"else"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":2,"x":1120,"y":1260,"wires":[["65f4b6541bc97008"],["ffd6c9bccc7f0c84"]],"outputLabels":["Response OK","Error"]},{"id":"ffd6c9bccc7f0c84","type":"change","z":"dab956b5.a43dd8","name":"Delay 1 hour on error","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"delay","pt":"msg","to":"3600000","tot":"num"},{"t":"set","p":"status","pt":"msg","to":"KO","tot":"str"},{"t":"set","p":"NetatmoLastUpdateTime","pt":"global","to":"","tot":"date"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":1340,"y":1320,"wires":[["55d78fcc3650ef5c","97c519fc69b9b6e9"]]},{"id":"55d78fcc3650ef5c","type":"delay","z":"dab956b5.a43dd8","name":"Refresh","pauseType":"delayv","timeout":"5","timeoutUnits":"seconds","rate":"1","nbRateUnits":"1","rateUnits":"second","randomFirst":"1","randomLast":"5","randomUnits":"seconds","drop":false,"allowrate":false,"outputs":1,"x":460,"y":1260,"wires":[["fef4ac6631a48776"]]},{"id":"97c519fc69b9b6e9","type":"delay","z":"dab956b5.a43dd8","name":"","pauseType":"delay","timeout":"1","timeoutUnits":"seconds","rate":"1","nbRateUnits":"1","rateUnits":"second","randomFirst":"1","randomLast":"5","randomUnits":"seconds","drop":true,"allowrate":false,"outputs":1,"x":460,"y":1320,"wires":[["586be2751752f395"]]},{"id":"586be2751752f395","type":"function","z":"dab956b5.a43dd8","name":"Next refresh in...","func":"var d = new Date();\nvar n = d.getTime();\nvar start_time = global.get('NetatmoLastUpdateTime')||0;\nvar duration = msg.delay/1000;\nvar elapsed_time = Math.round((n - start_time)/1000);\n\nvar remains = new Date(null);\nremains.setSeconds(duration - elapsed_time); // specify value for SECONDS here\nvar remains_h = remains.toISOString().substr(11, 8);\nif (msg.status == \"STOP\") {\n node.status({});\n msg.remains = \"00:00:00\";\n msg.payload = 0;\n return [null, msg];\n}\nif (elapsed_time < duration) {\n node.status({fill:msg.status == \"OK\" ? \"blue\" : \"red\",shape:\"dot\", text:remains_h});\n msg.remains = remains_h;\n return [ msg, null ];\n}\n\n","outputs":2,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":480,"y":1380,"wires":[["97c519fc69b9b6e9"],[]]},{"id":"944f8def659f9d52","type":"change","z":"dab956b5.a43dd8","name":"","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"token","pt":"msg","to":"\"Bearer \" & $globalContext(\"NetatmoAccessToken\")\t","tot":"jsonata"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":480,"y":1460,"wires":[["b96f28348953dfca"]]},{"id":"b96f28348953dfca","type":"http request","z":"dab956b5.a43dd8","name":"Netatmo Https","method":"GET","ret":"obj","paytoqs":"ignore","url":"","tls":"","persist":false,"proxy":"","insecureHTTPParser":false,"authType":"","senderr":false,"headers":[{"keyType":"other","keyValue":"Authorization","valueType":"msg","valueValue":"token"}],"x":680,"y":1460,"wires":[["7df73f6e51fbc4a5"]]},{"id":"7f8ab2a7eb362ac8","type":"inject","z":"dab956b5.a43dd8","name":"Get Netatmo Data","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","x":110,"y":1460,"wires":[["944f8def659f9d52"]]},{"id":"7df73f6e51fbc4a5","type":"debug","z":"dab956b5.a43dd8","name":"Netatmo Data","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","targetType":"full","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":900,"y":1460,"wires":[]}]
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kailausberg commented Jun 4, 2024

Yes, for sure, if you follow the instructions in the comments - exactly what you posted there on 07.December 2023:

settings.js of Nod-Red:

contextStorage: { default: { module:"localfilesystem" }, },

Now the keys are stored in the folder of Node-Red under "context" and a restart of the Node-Red instance isn´t breaking the workflow!

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matz33 commented Jun 4, 2024

Hi @jostrasser On my side the flow is still working well and updates the data correctly. Regards Matz33

Also after a restart of Node-Red? ;)

I've just restarted it, and yes, still working. As soon as the context are stored locally , why wouldn't it work ?

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@matz33 & @kailausberg

Great, thanks! Yes, the context is correctly stored on my side.
I am only a little bit afraid to test this on a vacation trip and I only wanted to verify it :-P

A big thanks to you :)

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Can confirm that ;) Yesterday Netatmo changed their api to the new authorizatzion process finally. Lot of users had to get a new token pair from the dev portal after the change - me as well. After this everythings works fine again :)

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Another update from Netatmo, but not relevant here I think... only FYI ;)

Thanks for forwarding the info ! Indeed I asked the teams to add in this deployment also the possibility to have multi-sessions (otherwise, any other connection would have reset the tokens and so making all devices unmanageable via the API). So it took a bit of time for this development

Have a good day,
Leslie - Community Manager

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S474N commented Jun 5, 2024

Yesterday it stopped working completely. Tried a restart today and it still doesn't work.


EDIT: after generating the token again, everything is fine and it continues to work. :)

Can confirm that ;) Yesterday Netatmo changed their api to the new authorizatzion process finally. Lot of users had to get a new token pair from the dev portal after the change - me as well. After this everythings works fine again :)

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Yesterday it stopped working completely. Tried a restart today and it still doesn't work.

@S474N can you try to create a fresh token pair?

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S474N commented Jun 6, 2024

After generating the token again, everything is fine and it continues to work. :) Thank you!

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matz33 commented Jun 8, 2024

It's strange that you had to regenerate a pair of tokens. For my part, I didn't have to.

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Kositch commented Jun 8, 2024

Does someone has same issue as me? When I reboot NR server it does not work afterward: Invalid Access Token, if I generate new tokens on Netatmo dev. and put them to the Set first info node and then press Start it works again until next reboot. I of course have auto inject of Set first info node enabled after there reboot, so all the tokens are filled in to global variables automatically after restart. Thanks for implementation anyway!

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@Kositch As maybe already seen by you, I am experiencing the same with the Homebridge-Eveatmo plugin but not with this Node-Red workflow (I restarted only one time since the OAuth2 change and it worked). I am on vacation at the moment but will resume testing when I am back at home.

skrollme/homebridge-eveatmo#81 (comment)

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First of all, many thanks for the great work! In principle it really works great.

But either I am missing something or there is a (quite big) drawback. Every time I deplay, I have to recreate a new token pair, otherwise I get the error "invalid token". In Addition, I manually have to restart the refresh manually (which can be forgotten easily when you are working on other flows).

Do you have any hint for me to overcome these litte problems?

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mahescho commented Jun 9, 2024

Does not work for me. On the first refresh I get by "Send refresh request":

error: "invalid_request"
error_description: "Invalid grant_type parameter or parameter missing"

where "Set param request refresh" look ok to me:

refresh_token: "xx|xx"
client_id: "xx"
client_secret: "xx"

Any suggestion how to fix this?

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kailausberg commented Jun 10, 2024

Does not work for me. On the first refresh I get by "Send refresh request":

error: "invalid_request" error_description: "Invalid grant_type parameter or parameter missing"

where "Set param request refresh" look ok to me:

refresh_token: "xx|xx" client_id: "xx" client_secret: "xx"

Any suggestion how to fix this?

It seems that you are doing something (what ever) wrong. The flow itself works flawless.

In my "Set Netatmo Creds & Tokens" node, there is another order with 4 (not 3) credentials:
NetatmoClientId: "xx"
NetatmoClientSecret: "xx"
NetatmoAccessToken: "xx|xx"
NetatmoRefreshToken: "xx|xx"

Btw: you need to scroll in the node to see all...

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Kositch commented Jun 12, 2024

Can someone please confirm, that after NR server restart it works automatically as expected? Not sure if there is something wrong at me or it is "normal" behaviour that I need to enter new tokens upon NR reboot. Thanks!

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matz33 commented Jun 12, 2024

Can someone please confirm, that after NR server restart it works automatically as expected? Not sure if there is something wrong at me or it is "normal" behaviour that I need to enter new tokens upon NR reboot. Thanks!

If you need to enter tokens upon NR reboot, that means that you don't store variable on filesystem, so they are lost when you restart. Have you applied the procedure explained here ?

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Can someone please confirm, that after NR server restart it works automatically as expected? Not sure if there is something wrong at me or it is "normal" behaviour that I need to enter new tokens upon NR reboot. Thanks!

i confirm than it's works after reboot NR server with the store variables on local filesystem.

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Kositch commented Jun 12, 2024

Can someone please confirm, that after NR server restart it works automatically as expected? Not sure if there is something wrong at me or it is "normal" behaviour that I need to enter new tokens upon NR reboot. Thanks!

If you need to enter tokens upon NR reboot, that means that you don't store variable on filesystem, so they are lost when you restart. Have you applied the procedure explained here ?

Sorry, not see that, will try when I fill learn how to edit those files NR config files manully outside NR.

But one more question - if I set global variables with current tokens after NR reboot using injection of "Set info first" the tokens should work, no? The issue is that I need to generate new ones on dev.netatmo after reboot, than I inject them using "Set info first" to global variables and it works again... Mayby I am not right, just to understand that.

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kailausberg commented Jun 12, 2024

@Kositch: If the tokens are stored in the local NR filesystem you can reboot your system any time and have to do nothing more.
Only if your reboot is later than the token is valid (for eg. if you stop the system for some hours and make a reboot), you have to get some new tokens from the dev portal and start the process in NR again with the first step.
To put it in a nutshell: A normal reboot from the running NR system needs no further action...

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Hi, i am really a beginner, got my station working before they changed it. It copied the flows, imported them and put all the data in. I created new tokens on the NetAtmo page. Unfortunately, I don't get it working. Could you please help me because I really need the NetAtmo data in my Node red system. This error appears at the end 12.6.2024, 20:59:14node: Netatmo Data
msg : Object
_msgid: "ec0bc468.810068"
payload: object
error: object
code: 1
message: "Access token is missing"

Thanks very much for your support.

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can you try to configure it again (as described in the Readme, read carefully)… you maybe made a mistake at the configuration.

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@jostrasser Mhh, i copied the complete flow and added my different tokens. So i think i cant do so much wrong. 🤷🏼 Do i need the additional Oauth2 nodes to get the tokens? Until now i just used the Flow i copied from here

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@jostrasser Mhh, i copied the complete flow and added my different tokens. So i think i cant do so much wrong. 🤷🏼 Do i need the additional Oauth2 nodes to get the tokens? Until now i just used the Flow i copied from here

No, this flow and a fresh token pair should be enough. And you are always getting a „Access token is missing“?

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@jostrasser checked all again, got new tokens from Netatmo, always same error. Is there something special when working with variables? I don't do that for other things in node red right now.

13.6.2024, 21:13:55node: Netatmo Data
msg : Object
payload: object
error: object
code: 1
message: "Access token is missing"
topic: ""
_msgid: "a28c1e48.a4dee"
token: "Bearer 5656ab5465d1c471498b463a|e7344516a7ffbb99XXXXXXXXXXXX"
statusCode: 400
headers: object
responseUrl: ""
redirectList: array[0]

Thanks for helping.

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mhin76 commented Jun 14, 2024

Update: it all works fine with the original code provided above. I used another oauth2 node called node-red-contrib-oauth2. that does not work. somehow it generates another refresh and access token pair (not sure how that is even possible) and that fails after a while.
I was in contact with a Netatmo supporter, he told me that they deactivated recently the usage of parallel token pair usage. Now only one pair will be valid, all others invalid. That is why this method worked before but now not anymore.
so all fine on my side :) happy with the code provide. thanks @matz33

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S474N commented Jun 20, 2024

Again problem with token:
Tested regenerating token, but it doesn't solve the problem.

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Not here... works flawless.

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Same here,... I also restarted the whole Node-Red installation (because I updated to Node-Red 4.0). All is working flawless.

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S474N commented Jun 21, 2024

Again regenerated tokens and it change also first two credetinals. Seems to be ok.

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i have the same problem as @morpheus1984 "Access token is missing"... do i need to update Node-RED ?

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i have the same problem as @morpheus1984 "Access token is missing"... do i need to update Node-RED ?

yes - you should!

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In general, the flow is really working fine. For approx. 5-7 days. Then the token(s) are no longer accepted and I have to recreate the initial Access and Refresh Token. After entering them in the "Set Netatmo Creds & Tokens" node, it works again... for nearly one week, and I have to start agein.
Any idea, why it stopps working after a certain time? And even better... an idea how to make the flow more stable?

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matz33 commented Jul 14, 2024

Are you sure that the error you get is because the tokens are no longer accepted ? Maybe your node-red restarts and lose the tokens stored in the variables ? Have you enabled the option to store variable on disk like explained here ?

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Thanks for the hint, I will give this a try.
First I tried to enter the proposes settings
contextStorage: { default: { module:"localfilesystem", config: { dir:"/data", base:"context", cache: true, flushInterval: 30 } }, },

But then, nodered did not start anymore... :-( As I am not so experienced, I only removed the comments from the already existing entry, so I have only:
contextStorage: { default: { module:"localfilesystem" }, },

I hope this is sufficient an will check if it is working stable for a longer time now.

Thanks again!

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@matz33 Thanks for the hint, I will give this a try. First I tried to enter the proposes settings contextStorage: { default: { module:"localfilesystem", config: { dir:"/data", base:"context", cache: true, flushInterval: 30 } }, },

But then, nodered did not start anymore... :-( As I am not so experienced, I only removed the comments from the already existing entry, so I have only: contextStorage: { default: { module:"localfilesystem" }, },

I hope this is sufficient an will check if it is working stable for a longer time now.

Thanks again!

I have an environment running using the exact same config.

Why don't you just test ist?
Check if the tokens are there, using the context tab.
Restart nodered, check again and if they are gone it's not set up or working correctly.

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I'm running node red 4.0.2 on Debian.
I configured everything correctly (think so), including saving the credentials locally (global.json contains credentials) but node red gives me an error after clicking on start "RequestError: The "listener" argument must be of type function. Received an instance of Object".
Anybody knows what's the problem?

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