Below is a comparison of the method usage proposed by each lib for handling paged resources.
ReadFilter filter = new ReadFilter();
cars.readWithFilter(filter, new Callback<Car>() {
void onSuccess(List<Car> data) {
firstPage = data;
void onError(Exception ex) {
//handle error
}); CallBack<Car>() {
void onSuccess(List<Car> secondPagedList) {
//Do somethign with second Paged list
void onError(Exception ex) {
//handle error
// the AGPagedList category:
__block NSArray *_pagedList;
// start the paging........
[pipe readWithFilter:^(id<AGFilterConfig> config) {
//set up the paging details:
[config setLimit:3];
[config setOffset:0];
} success:^(id responseObject) {
// stash the "paged/query result" object (or what ever the name will be)
_pagedList = responseObject;
// show the results - somehwre
NSLog(@"RESULT, PAGE 1: %@", listOfObjects);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {...}];
// get the second page.....
[_pagedList next:^(id responseObject) {
// show the results - somehwre
NSLog(@"RESULT, PAGE 2: %@", responseObject);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {...}];{
page: "next",
success: function( data ) {
// do something
error: function() {
// handle it
ReadFilter filter = new ReadFilter();
cars.readWithFilter(filter, new Callback<Car>() {
void onSuccess(List<Car> data) {
secondPage = data;
void onError(Exception ex) {
//handle error
secondPage.prev(new CallBack<Car>() {
void onSuccess(List<Car> firstPagedList) {
//Do somethign with second Paged list
void onError(Exception ex) {
//handle error
// go backwards....,
[_pagedList previous:^(id responseObject) {
/// do something with the payload
} failure:^(NSError *error) {...}];{
page: "prev",
success: function( data ) {
// do something
error: function() {
// handle it
ReadFilter filter = new ReadFilter();
cars.readWithFilter(filter, new Callback<Car>() {
void onSuccess(List<Car> data) {
//do something
void onError(Exception ex) {
//handle error
filter = new ReadFilter();
cars.readWithFilter(filter, new Callback<Car>() {
void onSuccess(List<Car> data) {
//do something
void onError(Exception ex) {
//handle error
// REDEFINE the query/pagination, and start over:
[pipe readWithFilter:^(id<AGFilterConfig> config) {
// now we want 10 per page....
[config setLimit:10];
// starting at page 1.........
[config setOffset:1];
} success:^(id responseObject) {
// stash the "paged/query result" object (or what ever the name will be)
_pagedList = responseObject;
// show the results - somehwre
NSLog(@"RESULT, PAGE 1: %@", listOfObjects);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {...}];
offset: 2,
limit: 10
}); Callback<Car>() {
void onSuccess(List<Car> allRecords) {
//do something
void onError(Exception ex) {
//handle error
[pipe read:^(id responseObject) {
// do something with the response...
} failure:^(NSError *error) {...}];
// Get all records for a single read but continue paging aftwerward{
page: false,
success: function( data ) {
// do something
error: function() {
// handle it
// Or permanently update the config to no longer page the results
paged: false
success: function( data ) {
// do something
error: function() {
// handle it