- Library
- AGIOS-4: Add HTTP basic authentication support on AeroGear iOS
- AGIOS-5: Add HTTP digest authentication support on AeroGear iOS
- AGIOS-5: Add HOTP support to aerogear-otp-ios
- Unit Tests
- AGIOS-11: iOS: Evaluate the OHHTTPStubs project
- Xcode:
- AGIOS-7: Xcode template: include OTP option
- AGIOS-10: Update aerogear-ios-xcode template to include Basic/Digest auth options
supported by doc updates
- Unified Push
- AGIOS-22: Add SDK for Push: Device registration
- AGIOS-23: Demo app for Push SDK
- AGIOS-24: Tutorial/Guide for Push Notifications on iOS
supported by API docs, CI and tests
- Pipeline
- Multipart support (AGIOS-15)
- DEMO/Docs Crypto work:
- Implementation and API usage for iOS crypto (AGIOS-3)
- DEMO/Docs
- Offline
- SQLite support, see AGIOS-25
- perhpas... better CoreData integration, see AGIOS-14
- Data Sync:
- see AEROGEAR-830 and linked JIRAs
- Notifications: somewhat belongs to Data-Sync..??
supported by doc updates
- iSocial
- MQTT for notifications ?