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Created September 13, 2019 07:12
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
# Turn colors in this script off by setting the NO_COLOR variable in your
# environment to any value:
# $ NO_COLOR=1
if [ -z "$NO_COLOR" ]; then
strimzi_version=`curl | awk -F 'tag/' '{print $2}' | awk -F '"' '{print $1}' 2>/dev/null`
MEMORY="$(minikube config view | awk '/memory/ { print $3 }')"
CPUS="$(minikube config view | awk '/cpus/ { print $3 }')"
DISKSIZE="$(minikube config view | awk '/disk-size/ { print $3 }')"
DRIVER="$(minikube config view | awk '/vm-driver/ { print $3 }')"
function header_text {
echo "$header$*$reset"
header_text "Starting Knative on minikube!"
header_text "Using Kubernetes Version: ${kube_version}"
header_text "Using Strimzi Version: ${strimzi_version}"
header_text "Using Knative Serving Version: ${serving_version}"
header_text "Using Knative Eventing Version: ${eventing_version}"
header_text "Using Istio Version: ${istio_version}"
minikube start --memory="${MEMORY:-12288}" --cpus="${CPUS:-8}" --kubernetes-version="${kube_version}" --vm-driver="${DRIVER:-kvm2}" --disk-size="${DISKSIZE:-30g}" --extra-config=apiserver.enable-admission-plugins="LimitRanger,NamespaceExists,NamespaceLifecycle,ResourceQuota,ServiceAccount,DefaultStorageClass,MutatingAdmissionWebhook"
header_text "Waiting for core k8s services to initialize"
sleep 5; while echo && kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep -v -E "(Running|Completed|STATUS)"; do sleep 5; done
header_text "Strimzi install"
kubectl create namespace kafka
curl -L "${strimzi_version}/strimzi-cluster-operator-${strimzi_version}.yaml" \
| sed 's/namespace: .*/namespace: kafka/' \
| kubectl -n kafka apply -f -
header_text "Applying Strimzi Cluster file"
kubectl -n kafka apply -f "${strimzi_version}/examples/kafka/kafka-persistent-single.yaml"
header_text "Waiting for Strimzi to become ready"
sleep 5; while echo && kubectl get pods -n kafka | grep -v -E "(Running|Completed|STATUS)"; do sleep 5; done
header_text "Setting up Istio"
# kubectl apply --filename "${serving_version}/third_party/istio-${istio_version}/istio-crds.yaml" &&
# curl -L "${serving_version}/third_party/istio-${istio_version}/istio.yaml" \
# | sed 's/LoadBalancer/NodePort/' \
# | kubectl apply --filename -
### curl -L "${serving_version}/third_party/istio-${istio_version}/istio-lean.yaml" \
curl -L "" \
| sed 's/LoadBalancer/NodePort/' \
| kubectl apply --filename -
# Label the default namespace with istio-injection=enabled.
header_text "Labeling default namespace w/ istio-injection=enabled"
kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
header_text "Waiting for istio to become ready"
sleep 5; while echo && kubectl get pods -n istio-system | grep -v -E "(Running|Completed|STATUS)"; do sleep 5; done
header_text "Setting up Knative Serving"
curl -L "${serving_version}/serving.yaml" \
| sed 's/LoadBalancer/NodePort/' \
| kubectl apply --filename -
# curl -L "" \
# | sed 's/LoadBalancer/NodePort/' \
# | kubectl apply --filename -
header_text "Waiting for Knative Serving to become ready"
sleep 5; while echo && kubectl get pods -n knative-serving | grep -v -E "(Running|Completed|STATUS)"; do sleep 5; done
header_text "Setting up Knative Eventing"
#kubectl apply --filename${eventing_version}/release.yaml
kubectl apply --filename
header_text "Waiting for Knative Eventing to become ready"
sleep 5; while echo && kubectl get pods -n knative-eventing | grep -v -E "(Running|Completed|STATUS)"; do sleep 5; done
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