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Last active September 30, 2019 16:49
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(ql:quickload :lisp-unit)
(use-package :lisp-unit)
(setf *print-failures* t)
(defun one-more-mult (n)
"* Make sure you know how to use (mod x n) to figure out if x is
divisible by n. Write a function that takes in an integer and returns
true when the integer is one more than a multiple of 8."
(define-test test-one-more-mult
"Test one-more-mult"
(assert-false (one-more-mult 8))
(assert-false (one-more-mult 4))
(assert-false (one-more-mult 5))
(assert-false (one-more-mult 15))
(assert-true (one-more-mult 9))
(assert-true (one-more-mult 17)))
(defun all-6-by-17 (xs)
"* Given a list of integers, return all of the elements that are
either greater than 100 or leave a remainder of 6 when divided by 17."
(list -1))
(define-test test-all-6-by-17
"Test all-6-by-17"
(assert-equal `(103 105 23 40 -28)
(all-6-by-17 `(50 60 70 -30 103 80 105 22 23 24 34 40 51 -28))))
(defun long-words (wordlist)
"* Given a list of words, return the number of words in the list that
are longer than 6 letters."
(define-test test-longwords
"Vocab check"
(assert-equal 3
(long-words (list "short" "transcendental" "transmogrify"
"longer" "stuff" "cuddles" "finish"))))
(defun good-lists (ys)
"Given a list of lists `ys`, if a sublist y of ys begins with the
symbol `GOOD`, then put every element from the list y in the answer."
(define-test test-good-lists
"Example to help you decode the question."
(assert-equal `(GOOD LUCK GOOD RIDDANCE)
(defun x010 (pts)
"* (`x010`) Return a list of all of the x values that are in the interval [0,10]."
(list 0))
(define-test test-x010
(assert-equal '(0 3 1 9)
(x010 `((0 5) (3 8) (-7 4) (1 13) (15 3) (9 20)))))
(defun y200 (pts)
"* (`y200`) Return a list of all of the points whose y values are
either greater than 200 or less than -200."
(list (list 0 1)))
(define-test test-y200
(assert-equal '((40 -300) (50 201) (5 -200) (50 500))
(y200 '((40 -300) (50 201) (-205 90)
(5 -200) (50 500) (400 95)))))
(defun ptf (pts)
"* (`ptf`) Find the greatest value of $f(x,y) = x^2 + 3 y^2 - 2 x y$ using the
points in the list."
(define-test test-ptf
"What is the greatest value of ptf?"
(assert-equal 225000 (ptf '((40 20) (50 200) (-90 40)))))
(defun smd (pts)
"* (`smd`) Find the smallest difference $\abs{x-y}$ in the list."
(define-test test-smd
"What is the smallest difference? |x-y|"
(assert-equal 10 (ptf '((40 20) (50 200) (-90 -80) (800 30)))))
(defun aop (pts)
"* (`aop`) If every point is on the parabola $y=x^2$ then return true (otherwise false)."
(define-test test-aop
"Are points on parabola?"
(assert-true (aop '((5 25) (6 36) (9 81))))
(assert-false (aop '((5 25) (6 36) (7 50) (9 81)))))
(defun isfar (pts)
"* (`isfar`) If any point has $\abs{y - x^2} > 10$, then return true."
(define-test test-isfar
"isFar(), technically"
(assert-true (isfar '((5 25) (6 47) (9 81))))
(assert-true (isfar '((5 25) (6 25) (9 81))))
(assert-false (isfar '((5 24) (6 37) (9 79)))))
(defun not10x (pts)
"* (`not10x`) If $y \not= 10^x$ for at least one (x,y) pair in the list, return true."
(define-test test-not10x
"Not 10x"
(assert-false (not10x '((2 100) (3 1000))))
(assert-true (not10x '((2 10000) (4 100000)))))
(defun xyzTrip (pts)
"* (`xyzTrip`) Given a list of triples $(x,y,z)$, which we write `(list x y z)`,
return a list containing `(list x y)` for every point where $z=x^2+y^2$."
(list (list 0 1)))
(define-test test-xyzTrip
(assert-equal '((5 12) (20 21))
(xyzTrip '((5 12 169) (8 15 17) (20 21 841)))))
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