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Last active December 17, 2020 16:46
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My review on Cyberpunk 2077. Since Steam don't allow long reviews, I put the complete version of it in this gist. Here is the link to my steam review:
[h1][b]Warning:[/b] Early Playtime Review[/h1]
[i](My story progression is only still in the beginning after prologue, where Johnny Silverhand just took home in our head.)[/i]
[b]Cyberpunk 2077[/b] is hands off my most favorite game this year, beating Borderlands 3 who got the first place since its release, and also Genshin Impact (which isn't a PC game, though I played it on PC, but it is still a game I like.).
For now, I can only rate this game 85/100. Those score is relatively resulted based on my objective and subjective which will be listed down below. Anything that is mostly or heavily opinionated or really biased to my personal preferences will be tagged as [b][Op][/b]. If it is bug related, it will be tagged [b][bug][/b]. I will mostly only list stuff that does not came from the main story, as I am just started to play the story, can't review much about it. I will try my best to only list experiences that are not bound to different computer specs.
All of the below is reviewed no later than 2020/12/17.
Here's what makes the game good:
- The well-built world design, lore, and that stuff, though I just begun my main mission.
- A lot of things to do, most of them are unique, but...[1]
- A lot of different playstyle you can build on your character
- One job (mission) has many ways to solve will get tired or hurt from it.
- Grinding mechanism + rarity system are robust. You'll find equipments that has mods slot which you can also grind for too.
- They snucked a f**k ton of references, there's at least 2 Half-Life easter eggs I have found myself: (1) No Life 3 is released around the time of the Cyberpunk story, and (2) the crowbar description.
- Like Fallout, there's an overencumbered system where you will be slowed down if you carry more items than you capable of. However, the world made Cyberpunk offer many ways to overcome with this, like summoning your car to go to the nearest drop point (which is spread out through the city) where you can sell stuffs. You can also salvage them without going anywhere.
- There are three types of save. Manual save (self-explanatory), Quick save (use F5 to quickly save), and Auto save (will save on certain point of main story jobs, when you arrived on a place with enemies, and some other states i have not yet discovered)
- Their photo mode has a lot customizations, see [url=]one of the sample I made[/url]
- [Bug][Op] I love how you can just go to slanted grounds and you will slide [b]F A S T[b], tried to gain advantage from it but sometimes it results death lmao.
- [Op] The arsenal feels tactile and have different feeling from each other.
- [Op] It feels like earning money here is really satisfying, you get what you grind for, but not to the extent
- [Op] Delamain.
- [Op] there's a homeless that looks like Johnny Silverhand named Rick and basically he's a meme by now.
- [Op] Holy fuck the barbed part of the barb wire actually hurts you.
Here's something that's just there:
- Despite the freedom of framing your character personality through dialogues and how you choose to solve a mission, but unlike Fallout, you cannot just kill your vendors and get their items. You are playing a character with some of the possible personality is locked out, and there's no karma system.
- Accidentally bought something from vendors? you can sell it again with a significantly low price.
- [Bug] sometimes, if you have previously called your car to you, and then you moved away around 50-100 metres then called it again without ever approaching the car previously, there's a chance your car will move so fast to the new spawning position, and if there's walls between its path, it will just fiercely penetrate that wall while chipping away all of their doors, hoods, trunk, and windows. Your car isn't statistically damaged, but it will look terrible aesthetically. Oh yeah, sometimes also they will go to you by literally flying. And also if the car is confused, it can just go round and round indefinitely.
- Cyberware hacking system is good, but some parts of it are not unique from other games that featured hacking, especially to Watch_Dogs. You can hack different type of entities (Items, Human, and Robot) with same cyberware hacks you brought and will lay down a bit of different results. There's a part of hacking called "Jacking in", where you have to match several sequences of data in order to install your hacks to the device you're currently jacking it into (or even the whole device connected within the same local network).
- Sometimes if the location you are currently loacated in is just finished being loaded, the other entities like NPCs and cars are just started being loaded. At this state, they are functional but just not graphically unavailable or incomplete, like they shaped as if they came from the Pepsiman game.
- Vendors are the chillest person ever in the game. You may scare all of their customers with your guns and grenade, but they will stay there, selling you the top gear. They don't die either.
- How CDPR treat curious player who go out of the world border is not intuitive. If you tried to walk to the area you are not intended to, you will just simply respawned in the reverse direction. Still better than invisible walls.
- With high jumping cyberware on your feet, you can do parkour, and you can even access high grounds as vantage point to eliminate gangs. But on some areas, especially the cliffy/canyon ones, CDPR don't expect you to go there so they just put either invisible wall or that "respawn animation".
- There's a thing called Braindance. Think of it like virtual reality, but it is basically a recording of your brain activity memory/experience including all 5 senses, bodily functions (includes hormonal), plus cybernetic implant data. There are main missions that involve you into the "braindance editor mode", you can explore the hidden stuffs of the recording that wasn't perceived while the person (whose brain data being viewed) when the experience was happening and being recorded. This is heavily in-lore advertised on the street billboards, you can even buy a copy of sexy time braindances, but you cannot use it. Although good news, it is categorized as Miscelllaneous items, not junk, so there's a possibility CDPR will update the game with braindance feature.
- [Bug] There's a heavy machine gun that is not equipped on your inventory slot, but you just carry it, slowing your movement. It's really powerful. But if you got the chances, sometimes when you dropped the heavy machine gun, it duplicates itself indefinitely on your hand, and you can keep dropping it to duplicate.
- [Bug] Some of the mugging victim pedestrian NPCs are either drama queens, not traumatized. Even after you finished off the muggers, they will still emit the screams, whines, grunts, and even emitted the being-punched sounds although they are currently just standing still, chilling after being freed from the bad guys.
Here's what makes the game bad:
- [1]...some of the things to do are repetitive.
- Criminality system (where you got wanted by cops) isn't a real deal, you can just go away and the police literally can't find you. Also, the police didn't come from somewhere with cars or running from afar, they just appear where you can't see them. [Op] I assumed that the cops were thinking it's not worth it to take such criminality as they will depend to vigilantes (like us), they will only engage when they can, and just leave it if it is not feasible to get.
- The pedestrian NPCs doesn't feel like humans. It's true you can interact with every single one of them, but what they only do is appear and disappear. Their reaction are programmed and unnatural when you draw your weapons. If you shot your gun, the pedestrians will be terrified (either ducking or fleeing away), do a 360 and they will just literally disappear. It made everything seem to be an illusion instead of a working world with NPCs like GTA V, where pedestrian can even retaliate to your attacks or headbutt your car if you hit their car. The pedestrian is currently just entities to cram out the world, but not to be interacted with. In Watch_Dogs, pedestrians can procedurally called the police and you can iteract with them to cancel it.
- You can put your items on stash (your summoned vehicle trunk or your display on gun room in your home), but you can no longer see its statistics (its DPS, damage, installed mods, etc), so good luck if you accidentally put your favorite weapon on the stash and wanted to use it again.
- [Bug] UI bugs exist and it sometimes break the game.
(1) if you are constantly scanning (using TAB key) while doing something else in fast succession, there's a moderate chance you will stuck forever in scanning mode. You can get rid of it by saving (unless you're currently in combat mode, carrying a body, your feet isn't on the ground, in a moving lift, answering phone calls, or the game has special mission-bound conditions) and then loading again.
(2) Don't accidentally press photo mode button (N) and map button (M) simultaneously. Chances you will get into the map UI but with the keys locked into Photo mode is high, and the only exit is ALT+F4 smh.
(3) Sometimes the UI just functional before the animation even started. You can interact with it, but some of the text or shapes may be gone, and you might possibly pressed the wrong button. I don't know what causes this, but it's probably the cost if you don't put this game on SSD.
- Your game doesn't save the 100% exact state of entities. Therefore:
(1) if you came with a vehicle that isn't your vehicle, that vehicle will be gone if you load a save where you're outside the vehicle. [Op] This probably happens because CDPR treats them like the normal pedestrian cars that goes moving every time and assumed that specific empty car decides to go away by themselves.
(2) If you're loading where enemies are near you, some of them will appear in the different direction or animation position from the state when you saved it, so make sure you save in the right hiding position.
- [Bug] Some items cannot be grabbed, especially if it is put on the ground.
- [Bug] You turned off the camera by approaching the camera and shut down manually then accidentally breached protocol to also turned off all cameras? good luck turning it ON again MANUALLY and OFF again MANUALLY to turn it off (again).
- [Bug] Corpses are a messy problem.
(1) Unconscious body will die if fell from high altitude (2-3 metres). But sometimes, just by dropping the body gently will kill them.
(2) Sometimes bodies decide to move away from you when you tried to hug them.
(3) If you tried to hide bodies on car trunk that supports to hold a body, there's a small chance the body will just lying down in he air.
(4) there's a small chance for bodies to still saying something when they die, you can even talk to them.
(5) Robot corpses can be looted. Unless most of the time, you cannot loot them if it only contains common rarity items. If possible, don't take higher rarity items first, always take coommon rarity items first.
(6) Guns that was held by the body we killed or knock out will sometimes decide to sink to the ground, making it escaped out from our reach.
That's what I have experienced so far. Feel free to add anything else in the comments. I will also add more when I proceed deeper into the game. So far it has been more than just enjoyable, I liked it so much, and I am still hyped up with their upcoming Cyberpunk 2077: Edgerunners anime by my favorite anime studio Trigger, and their multiplayer standalone which will come in around 2 years. I hope they will eventually fix all the flaws and make this game closer into perfection, into something they have been envisioned and something that we have been waiting for.
About the price, at least in my currency, it's almost worth the price. This is the perfect price if and only if the game has less flaws. Only buy it in full price if you think it won't cause you financial problems, for now. I am expecting this game will have a GOTY and then a price drop when awards came in or their multiplayer standalone arrives.
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