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Last active April 11, 2021 10:31
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[batch function] Turns single argument functions into batched functions #batch #parallelism
Simple wrapper to compute a parrallelize a function.
given a function f that takes a single argument, `arg`, the batch_job decorator
turns f into a function that takes a list of args and computes each result in
a seperate process. It then returns the results as a list.
batch_job = BatchJob(num_processes=3)
def job(arg):
# do something...
job([args_1, args_2, ....])
The above runs: job(args_1), job(args_2), ... in parrallel and returns
[job(args_1), job(args_2), ...]
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, JoinableQueue, cpu_count
PROCESSES = cpu_count() - 1
class BatchJob:
def __init__(self, num_processes=PROCESSES):
self.in_queue = JoinableQueue()
self.out_queue = Queue()
self.num_processes = num_processes
def __call__(self, job):
def batched_job(arg_batch):
def process_task(task_queue, return_queue):
while True:
next_task = task_queue.get()
if next_task is None:
args_ind, args = next_task
result = job(args)
return_queue.put((args_ind, result))
return True
for i in range(self.num_processes):
p = Process(target=process_task,
args=(self.in_queue, self.out_queue))
for ind, arg in enumerate(arg_batch):
self.in_queue.put((ind, arg))
for _ in range(self.num_processes):
results = []
while not self.out_queue.empty():
results.sort(key=lambda item: item[0])
return [r for i, r in results]
return batched_job
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