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Created July 10, 2012 15:21
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LVX 1.05.0
Title: LVX Library
Row colouring and cell editing functions for ListView controls.
Cell editing code adapted from Michas <>;
row colouring by evl <>.
Many thanks to them for providing the code base of these functions!
- Version 1.04 by Titan <>
- zlib License <>
- Version 1.05.0-alpha by maul.esel (Unicode and 64bit corrections)
Function: LVX_Setup
Initalization function for the LVX library. Must be called before all other functions.
name - associated variable name (or Hwnd) of ListView control to setup for colouring and cell editing.
LVX_Setup(name) {
global lvx ; data storage
PtrSize := A_PtrSize ? A_PtrSize : 4, PtrType := A_PtrSize ? "Ptr" : "UInt"
If name is xdigit
h = %name%
Else GuiControlGet, h, Hwnd, %name%
VarSetCapacity(lvx, PtrSize + 255 * 9, 0) ; TODO (?)
NumPut(h + 0, lvx, 0, PtrType) ; store HWND in data storage
OnMessage(0x4e, "WM_NOTIFY")
LVX_SetEditHotkeys() ; initialize default hotkeys
Function: LVX_CellEdit
Makes the specified cell editable with an Edit control overlay.
r - (optional) row number (default: 1)
c - (optional) column (default: 1)
set - (optional) true to automatically set the cell to the new user-input value (default: true)
The Edit control may be slightly larger than its corresponding row,
depending on the current font setting.
LVX_CellEdit(set = true) {
global lvx, lvxb
static i := 1, e, h, k := "Enter|Esc|NumpadEnter", LVIR_LABEL := 2
PtrSize := A_PtrSize ? A_PtrSize : 4, PtrType := A_PtrSize ? "Ptr" : "UInt"
If i
Gui, %A_Gui%:Add, Edit, Hwndh ve Hide r1
;make row resize to fit this height.. then back
h += i := 0
If r < 1
r = %A_EventInfo%
If !LV_GetNext()
If !(A_Gui or r)
l := NumGet(lvx) ; TODO
SendMessage, 4135, , , , ahk_id %l% ; LVM_GETTOPINDEX
vti = %ErrorLevel%
bw := 0, by := 0, bpw := 0
VarSetCapacity(xy, 16, 0)
ControlGetPos, bx, t, , , , ahk_id %l%
SendMessage, 4136, , , , ahk_id %l% ; LVM_GETCOUNTPERPAGE
Loop, %ErrorLevel% {
cr = %A_Index%
NumPut(cr - 1, xy, 4, "UInt"), NumPut(LVIR_LABEL, xy, 0, "UInt")
SendMessage, 4152, vti + cr - 1, &xy, , ahk_id %l% ; LVM_GETSUBITEMRECT
by := NumGet(xy, 4, "UInt")
If (LV_GetNext() - vti == cr)
by += t + 1
VarSetCapacity(xy, 16, 0)
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
MouseGetPos, mx
Loop, % LV_GetCount("Col") {
cc = %A_Index%
NumPut(cc - 1, xy, 4, "UInt"), NumPut(LVIR_LABEL, xy, 0, "UInt")
SendMessage, 4152, cr, &xy, , ahk_id %l% ; LVM_GETSUBITEMRECT
bx += bw := NumGet(xy, 8, "UInt") - NumGet(xy, 0, "UInt")
If !bpw
bpw := NumGet(xy, 0, "UInt")
If (mx <= bx)
bx -= bw - bpw - 2
LV_GetText(t, cr + 1, cc)
GuiControl, , e, %t%
ControlMove, , bx, by, bw, , ahk_id %h%
GuiControl, Show, e
GuiControl, Focus, e
sizeof_GUITHREADINFO := 6 * PtrSize + 24
VarSetCapacity(g, sizeof_GUITHREADINFO, 0)
NumPut(sizeof_GUITHREADINFO, g, 0, "UInt") ; GUITHREADINFO::cbSize
LVX_SetEditHotkeys(~1, h)
Loop {
DllCall("GetGUIThreadInfo", "UInt", 0, PtrType, &g)
If (lvxb or NumGet(g, 8 + PtrSize, PtrType) != h)
Sleep, 100
GuiControlGet, t, , e
If (set and lvxb != 2)
LVX_SetText(t, cr + 1, cc)
GuiControl, Hide, e
Return, lvxb == 2 ? "" : t
Function: LVX_SetText
Set the text of a specified cell.
text - new text content of cell
row - (optional) row number
col - (optional) column number
LVX_SetText(text, row = 1, col = 1) {
global lvx
PtrSize := A_PtrSize ? A_PtrSize : 4, PtrType := A_PtrSize ? "Ptr" : "UInt", sizeof_LVITEM := 52 + 2 * PtrSize
LVM_GETITEMTEXT := 0x1000 + (A_IsUnicode ? 115 : 45), LVM_SETITEMTEXT := 0x1000 + (A_IsUnicode ? 116 : 46)
l := NumGet(lvx, 0, PtrType) ; get HWND from data storage
row-- ; zero-based index
VarSetCapacity(d, sizeof_LVITEM, 0)
SendMessage, LVM_GETITEMTEXT, row, &d, , ahk_id %l% ; initialize item structure (first item in the row)
NumPut(col - 1, d, 8, "Int") ; adjust column index
NumPut(&text, d, 20, PtrType) ; set text
SendMessage, LVM_SETITEMTEXT, row, &d, , ahk_id %l%
Function: LVX_SetEditHotkeys
Change accept/cancel hotkeys in cell editing mode.
enter - comma seperated list of hotkey names/modifiers that will save
the current input text and close editing mode
esc - same as above but will ignore text entry (i.e. to cancel)
The default hotkeys are Enter and Esc (Escape) respectively,
and such will be used if either parameter is blank or omitted.
LVX_SetEditHotkeys(enter = "Enter,NumpadEnter", esc = "Esc") {
global lvx, lvxb
static h1, h0
If (enter == ~1) {
If esc > 0
lvxb = 0
Hotkey, IfWinNotActive, ahk_id %esc%
Loop, Parse, h1, `,
Hotkey, %A_LoopField%, _lvxb
Loop, Parse, h0, `,
Hotkey, %A_LoopField%, _lvxc
Hotkey, IfWinActive
If enter !=
h1 = %enter%
If esc !=
h0 = %esc%
_lvxc: ; these labels are for internal use:
LVX_SetEditHotkeys(~1, -1)
Function: LVX_SetColour
Set the background and/or text colour of a specific row on a ListView control.
index - row index (1-based)
back - (optional) background row colour, must be hex code in RGB format (default: 0xffffff)
text - (optional) similar to above, except for font colour (default: 0x000000)
Sorting will not affect coloured rows.
LVX_SetColour(index, back = 0xffffff, text = 0x000000) {
global lvx
PtrType := A_PtrSize ? "Ptr" : "UInt"
a := (index - 1) * 9 + 5 ; TODO
NumPut(LVX_RevBGR(text) + 0, lvx, a) ; TODO
If !back
back = 0x010101 ; since we can't use null
NumPut(LVX_RevBGR(back) + 0, lvx, a + 4) ; TODO
h := NumGet(lvx, 0, PtrType) ; get HWND from data storage
WinSet, Redraw, , ahk_id %h%
Function: LVX_RevBGR
Helper function for internal use. Converts RGB to BGR.
i - BGR hex code
LVX_RevBGR(i) {
Return, (i & 0xff) << 16 | (i & 0xffff) >> 8 << 8 | i >> 16
Function: LVX_Notify
Handler for WM_NOTIFY events on ListView controls. Do not use this function.
LVX_Notify(wParam, lParam, msg) {
global lvx
PtrSize := A_PtrSize ? A_PtrSize : 4, PtrType := A_PtrSize ? "Ptr" : "UInt"
, LVIF_TEXT := 1
If (NumGet(lParam + 0, 0, PtrType) == NumGet(lvx, 0, PtrType) and NumGet(lParam + 0, 2 * PtrSize, "Int") == -12) { ; TODO: adjust -12 for unicode
st := NumGet(lParam + 0, 4 + 2 * PtrSize, "UInt") ; get mask item from NMLVDISPINFO->LVITEM structure
If (st == LVIF_TEXT)
Return, 0x20 ;?
Else If (st == 0x10001) { ; TODO: ?
a := NumGet(lParam + 36) * 9 + 9 ; get length of item text + 1 and multiply by 9 (?) TODO (36)
If NumGet(lvx, a)
NumPut(NumGet(lvx, a - 4), lParam + 48), NumPut(NumGet(lvx, a), lParam + 52)
WM_NOTIFY(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd) {
; if you have your own WM_NOTIFY function you will need to merge the following four lines:
global lvx
PtrType := A_PtrSize ? "Ptr" : "UInt"
If (NumGet(lParam + 0, 0, PtrType) == NumGet(lvx, 0, PtrType))
Return, LVX_Notify(wParam, lParam, msg)
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