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Mauricio Leyzaola mauleyzaola

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auth0-react static getAccessToken method

There are many use cases to use getAccessTokenSilently outside of a component (for example, in an Axios Interceptor or an Apollo Client).

It's tempting to ask for the option to pass an Auth0Client instance into the Auth0Provider so that its getTokenSilently method can used outside of the context of a component, eg.

const client = new Auth0Client();
export const getAccessToken = () => client.getTokenSilently();

Pip is a package manager of python. You can download Python libraries from some Python repositories like PyPI. You can also download libraries from a git repository. This is gonna be the issue to be explained in this article.

I don't like to memorize things all the time. So, I guess, I couldn't be working without internet :). Whenever I need to install some python libraries from a git repositories, I see a lot of way to do it. It is really confusing. This should be the reason why I can't memorize it. I can see how a very simple requirement is handled with to many confusing way. There shouldn't be to many way. Some of them is not working neither. At last, I decided to blog it.

As you may know, you can use two protocols which are http and ssh to do something on git repositories. Using protocol ssh instead of http may provide some ease of use. Because of nature of ssh, you can do something with your primary/public keys. So, you don't have to input your credentials all the time. But I'll be

h0bbel / sources.list
Last active May 28, 2024 18:53
/etc/apt/sources.list for Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS Bionic Beaver
# See for how to upgrade to
# newer versions of the distribution.
deb bionic main restricted
# deb-src bionic main restricted
## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the
## distribution.
deb bionic-updates main restricted
# deb-src bionic-updates main restricted
linux /boot/vmlinuz<press tab> .efi.signed root=UUID=<the UUID from above>
robhrt7 /
Last active February 28, 2024 03:48 — forked from nrollr/
Install MySQL 5.7 on macOS using Homebrew

This is a fork of original gist, with slight changes on pointing to 5.7 version branch, instead of 8 (latest default of MySQL in Hombrew).

Install MySQL 5.7 on macOS

This procedure explains how to install MySQL using Homebrew on macOS (Sierra 10.12 and up)

Install Homebrew

  • Installing Homebrew is effortless, open Terminal and enter :
    $ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Note: Homebrew will download and install Command Line Tools for Xcode 8.0 as part of the installation process.
ndrewnee / echo_zap.go
Created October 14, 2017 22:06
ZapLogger is an example of echo middleware that logs requests using logger "zap"
package echomw
import (
subfuzion /
Last active June 14, 2023 15:46
Concise guide to golang/dep


This gist is based on the information available at golang/dep, only slightly more terse and annotated with a few notes and links primarily for my own personal benefit. It's public in case this information is helpful to anyone else as well.

I initially advocated Glide for my team and then, more recently, vndr. I've also taken the approach of exerting direct control over what goes into vendor/ in my Dockerfiles, and also work from isolated GOPATH environments on my system per project to ensure that dependencies are explicitly found under vendor/.

At the end of the day, vendoring (and committing vendor/) is about being in control of your dependencies and being able to achieve reproducible builds. While you can achieve this manually, things that are nice to have in a vendoring tool include:

bdwyertech /
Last active December 8, 2021 10:24
VMWare Fusion - Reset Networking
# Reset VMware Fusion Networking
# Clear out the Configuration
sudo rm -f /Library/Preferences/VMware\ Fusion/networking*
sudo rm -f /Library/Preferences/VMware\ Fusion/*location*
sudo rm -rf /Library/Preferences/VMware\ Fusion/vmnet*
sudo rm -rf /var/db/vmware/vmnet-dhcpd-vmnet*
# Reconfigure Networking
roadrunner2 / 0
Last active May 13, 2024 12:14
Linux on MacBook Pro Late 2016 and Mid 2017 (with Touchbar)


This is about documenting getting Linux running on the late 2016 and mid 2017 MPB's; the focus is mostly on the MacBookPro13,3 and MacBookPro14,3 (15inch models), but I try to make it relevant and provide information for MacBookPro13,1, MacBookPro13,2, MacBookPro14,1, and MacBookPro14,2 (13inch models) too. I'm currently using Fedora 27, but most the things should be valid for other recent distros even if the details differ. The kernel version is 4.14.x (after latest update).

The state of linux on the MBP (with particular focus on MacBookPro13,2) is also being tracked on . And for Ubuntu users there are a couple tutorials (here and here) focused on that distro and the MacBook.

Note: For those who have followed these instructions ealier, and in particular for those who have had problems with the custom DSDT, modifying the DSDT is not necessary anymore - se

rkuzsma /
Last active November 18, 2023 09:11
How to configure Bash Completion on Mac for Docker and Docker-Compose

How to configure Bash Completion on Mac for Docker and Docker-Compose

Copied from the official Docker-for-mac documentation (thanks Brett for the updated doc pointer):

Install shell completion

Docker Desktop for Mac comes with scripts to enable completion for the docker, docker-machine, and docker-compose commands. The completion scripts may be found inside, in the Contents/Resources/etc/ directory and can be installed both in Bash and Zsh.


Bash has built-in support for completion To activate completion for Docker commands, these files need to be copied or symlinked to your bash_completion.d/ directory. For example, if you installed bash via Homebrew: