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Last active March 24, 2019 17:43
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Custom implementation of Array.push() as described by Douglas Crockford in his book "JavaScript: The Good Parts". The breakdown / analysis is my own.
/* TL;DR:
* The method replicates the functionality of Array.push
* Array.method("myFunction", function() {}) is just an imaginary pre-implemented function that
* is equivalent to Array.prototype.myFunction = function() {}
Array.method('push', function() {
// array.splice(start[, deleteCount[, item1[, item2[, ...]]]])
// function.apply(thisArg, [argsArray])
this, // thisArg
[this.length, 0] // First to elements in argsArray, so they stand for 'start' and 'deleteCount'
Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments) // Create a clean array with the values we need to push out of the arguments passed to "push": item1, item2...
) // After the concat we will have something like [arrayLength, 0, item1, item2...]
// At this point, we are actually doing is:
// this.splice.apply(theArrayAsThis, [arrayLength, 0, item1, item2...])
// which is actually:
// theArray.splice(arrayLength, 0, item1, item2...)
return this.length; // Finally we have to return the new array length, just as the native push method does
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