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Created April 5, 2012 18:03
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Embedding first class modules in Haskell
>{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
>module Modules where
Since all modules under this translation must ascribe to some signature,
we by providing a signature for a module which provides equality over
some type.
>class EQ mod where
> type EQV mod :: *
> eq :: mod -> EQV mod -> EQV mod -> Bool
Now, we write a module matching this signature. First, we give it a name
>data IntEq
Now, we add the corresponding implementations.
>instance EQ IntEq where
> type EQV IntEq = Int
> eq _ n n' = n == n'
Now, we write the result signature for a simple first order functor, SET
>class SET mod where
> data Set mod :: *
> type Val mod :: *
> insert :: mod -> Val mod -> Set mod -> Set mod
> mem :: mod -> Val mod -> Set mod -> Bool
We implement the functor.
>data SetF a
>instance (EQ a) => SET (SetF a) where
> data Set (SetF a) = SI [Val (SetF a)]
> type Val (SetF a) = EQV a
> insert m v s@(SI ls) = if mem m v s then s else SI (v : ls)
> mem m v (SI (l : ls)) | eq (undefined :: a) v l = True
> | otherwise = (mem m v (SI ls))
> mem _ _ _ = False
Note that it does not require flexible instances or multiparameter type
classes, and that a single type is assigned to the result of applying a
functor. This is important as it means we can have a way to refer to the
module resulting from functor application by a single name, e.g.
>type IntSet = SetF IntEq
I think this system can actually support arbitrarily recursive modules,
but I haven't written out how to do arbitrary depth recursion with this
model. More to come when I get a good example.
This above is with some inspiration from "ML Modules and Typeclasses",
located at
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