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Last active January 20, 2017 00:32
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Save maurisvh/1a4d7752e2900459011c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
tiny terminal livestreaming server
-- to watch: telnet localhost 8887
-- to stream: script -f >( (echo hello streamname; cat -) | nc -q5 localhost 8888 > /dev/tty )
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Data.Time.Clock
import Network
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
import Text.Printf
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
viewerPort :: PortID
viewerPort = PortNumber 8887
streamerPort :: PortID
streamerPort = PortNumber 8888
type Server = MVar (M.Map String Stream)
data Stream = Stream { streamHandle :: Handle
, streamChannel :: Chan B.ByteString
, streamUpdateTime :: MVar UTCTime
, streamHistory :: MVar [B.ByteString]
, streamViewers :: MVar Int }
-- IO action that applies a pure function to an MVar.
(%=) :: MVar a -> (a -> a) -> IO ()
var %= f = modifyMVar_ var (return . f)
takeEnd :: Int -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
takeEnd n bs = B.drop (B.length bs - n) bs
-- Run an interactive line prompt over the given handle.
hGetLineInteractive :: Handle -> IO String
hGetLineInteractive h = go "" where
go buf = do
c <- hGetChar h
case c of
c | c >= ' ' && c <= '~' -> hPutChar h c >> go (c:buf)
'\ESC' -> return ""
'\DEL' -> case buf of (_:t) -> hPutStr h "\BS \BS" >> go t
[] -> go buf
c | c == '\n' || c == '\r' -> return (reverse buf)
_ -> go buf
-- Print a notification at the top of the handle's screen.
notify :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
notify h s = hPutStr h ("\ESC7\ESC[1;1H\ESC[1;41m\ESC[2K" ++ s ++ "\ESC8")
-- Ask a viewer for a message, and send it to a streamer.
message :: Handle -> Handle -> IO ()
message viewH streamH = do
hPutStr viewH $ "\ESC[2J\ESC[0m\ESC[1;1HMessage: "
m <- take 79 `fmap` hGetLineInteractive viewH
when (not (null m)) $ notify streamH m
return ()
runViewer :: Server -> Handle -> IO ()
runViewer server h = do
hSetNewlineMode h (NewlineMode CRLF CRLF)
B.hPut h "\xFF\xFB\1\xFF\xFB\3" -- IAC WILL ECHO, IAC WILL SGA
B.hGet h 6
where showMenu = do
streams <- readMVar server
now <- getCurrentTime
let menu = zip ['a'..'p'] (M.toList streams)
hPutStr h $ "\ESC[2J\ESC[0m\ESC[1;32HWelcome to fcast!\n\n"
when (null menu) $ hPutStrLn h "No streams found."
forM_ menu $ \(c, (name, stream)) -> do
t <- readMVar (streamUpdateTime stream)
viewers <- readMVar (streamViewers stream)
let dt = realToFrac $ diffUTCTime now t :: Double
hPrintf h "(%c) %-20s (%d viewers, %.3fs idle)\n"
c (take 20 name) viewers dt
ch <- hGetChar h
when (ch /= 'q') $ case lookup ch menu of
Just (_, stream) -> watch stream
Nothing -> showMenu
watch stream = do
hPutStr h "\ESC[2J\ESC[0m"
let views k = streamViewers stream %= (+k)
views 1
hist <- readMVar (streamHistory stream)
let bs = takeEnd 15000 $ B.concat (reverse hist)
B.hPut h bs
swapMVar (streamHistory stream) [bs]
dup <- dupChan $ streamChannel stream
t <- forkIO $ fix $ \loop -> do ch <- readChan dup
B.hPut h ch >> loop
fix $ \loop -> do
ch <- hGetChar h
case ch of
'q' -> views (-1) >> killThread t >> showMenu
'm' -> do views (-1); killThread t
message h (streamHandle stream)
watch stream
_ -> loop
runStreamer :: Server -> Handle -> IO ()
runStreamer server h = do
-- If this match fails, we disconnect.
("hello":name:_) <- words `fmap` hGetLine h
s <- readMVar server
when (M.member name s) $ fail "name already taken"
-- Initialize a new stream.
notify h $ "Started broadcasting as " ++ name ++ "."
chan <- newChan
time <- newMVar =<< getCurrentTime
hist <- newMVar []
viewers <- newMVar 0
let stream = Stream h chan time hist viewers
server %= M.insert name stream
printf "stream %s has started\n" name
-- Disconnect nicely if we hit EOF.
let disconnect = do
server %= M.delete name
printf "stream %s has stopped\n" name
-- Read characters and update the stream.
fix $ \loop -> flip catchIOError (\_ -> disconnect) $ do
bs <- B.hGetSome h 5000
now <- getCurrentTime
hist %= (bs:)
writeChan chan bs
swapMVar time now
-- Listen for connections interacting with the server on a given port and
-- handle them.
listen :: String -> PortID -> (Server -> Handle -> IO ()) -> Server -> IO ()
listen who port run server = do
sock <- listenOn port
printf "listening to %s connections\n" who
forever $ do
(handle, host, hPort) <- accept sock
printf "%s connected (%s, %s)\n" who host (show hPort)
forkFinally (run server handle)
(\_ -> printf "%s disconnected\n" who >> hClose handle)
main :: IO ()
main = withSocketsDo $ do
server <- newMVar M.empty
forkIO $ listen "viewer" viewerPort runViewer server
listen "streamer" streamerPort runStreamer server
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