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Created July 31, 2008 17:34
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<% content_for('body') do %>
<div class="Login_EntryPage">
<% view do %>
<% form_view :outlet => true, :tag => 'table', :class =>'form' do %>
<td class="Login_EntryPage_NameLabel"><%= loc(%(label_username)) %></td>
<td class="Login_EntryPage_NameField">
<%= text_field_view :field => :user_name,
:bind => {
:value => 'Login.loginFormController.userName'
} %>
<td rowspan="2" class="Login_EntryPage_UserType">
<%= loc(%(label_usertype)) %>
<% scroll_view :login_entry_page_user_type_scrollview, :outlet => true do %>
<%= collection_view :login_entry_page_user_type_collectionview,
:outlet => true,
:example_view => 'SC.ListItemView',
:is_editable => false,
:content_value_key => 'name',
:can_order_content => true,
:bind => {
:content => 'Login.authenticationServerCollectionController.arrangedObjects',
:selection => 'Login.authenticationServerCollectionController.selection'
<% end %>
<td class="Login_EntryPage_PasswordLabel"><%= loc(%(label_password)) %></td>
<td class="Login_EntryPage_PasswordField">
<%= password_field_view :field => :user_password,
:bind => {
:value => 'Login.loginFormController.userPassword'
<tr><td colspan="2" class="separator"></td></tr>
<td colspan="2" class="Login_EntryPage_Buttons">
<%= button_view :outlet => true, :title => loc(%(caption_cancel)), :cancel => true %>
<%= button_view :outlet => true, :title => loc(%(caption_login)), :default => true, :action => 'Login.loginFormController.commitLogin' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
.Login_EntryPage {
position: relative;
left: 35%;
width: 30%;
margin-top: 10%;
border: solid 1px gray;
text-align: center;
.Login_EntryPage table {
margin-left: 10%;
text-align: left;
.Login_EntryPage_NameLabel {
text-align: right;
text-align: right;
td.Login_EntryPage_Buttons {
text-align: center;
.login_entry_page_user_type_scrollview {
width: 150px;
height: 100px;
.login_entry_page_user_type_collectionview {
width: 100%;
.login_entry_page_user_type_collectionview .sc-collection-item {
position: relative;
//border: 1px solid red;
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