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Last active May 21, 2024 02:10
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Running Ansible on Windows
@echo off
cygwin-shim.bat /bin/ansible-galaxy %*
@echo off
cygwin-shim.bat /bin/ansible-playbook %*
@echo off
set COMMAND=%1
REM If you used the standard Cygwin installer this will be C:\cygwin
set CYGWIN=%USERPROFILE%\.babun\cygwin
REM You can switch this to work with bash with %CYGWIN%\bin\bash.exe
set SH=%CYGWIN%\bin\zsh.exe
if not exist "%SH%" (
echo cygwin's sh.exe not found. Did you delete %CYGWIN% ?
exit /b 255
"%SH%" -c "[[ -x "%COMMAND%" ]]"
if not errorlevel 0 (
echo %COMMAND% not found. Did you uninstall it ?
exit /b 255
"%SH%" -c "%*"
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dannyim commented Jul 21, 2015

Thanks everyone, this post really helped me out.

The private key configuration got moved inside the auto-generated inventory file in vagrant 1.7.3.
Here is an updated version that works for me, I've only tested this on vagrant 1.7.4:

@echo off

REM If you used the stand Cygwin installer this will be C:\cygwin
set CYGWIN=%USERPROFILE%\.babun\cygwin

REM You can switch this to work with bash with %CYGWIN%\bin\bash.exe
set SH=%CYGWIN%\bin\zsh.exe

REM extract the location of the inventory file into an env variable.  Next, update the contents of the inventory file with the path to the private key file, relative to the cygwin root directory.  extract the private key path and change the permissions of the private key.

"%SH%" -c "export INV_FILE=`echo %* | sed -E 's/.*--inventory-file=([^ ]*).*/\1\/vagrant_ansible_inventory/'` && cat $INV_FILE | sed -E 's/(ansible_ssh_private_key_file=).*(\/home\/'$USER')([^ ]*)/\1\2\3/' > new_file; cp new_file $INV_FILE; rm new_file && export PRIV_KEY=`cat $INV_FILE | tr '\n' ' ' | sed -E 's/.*ansible_ssh_private_key_file=([^ ]*)/\1/'` && chmod 600 $PRIV_KEY; ls -la $PRIV_KEY"

"%SH%" -c "export ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS='-o ControlMaster=no' && ansible-playbook %*"

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rivaros commented Jul 31, 2015

Here is a working solution for Vagrant 1.7.3+ on Windows, supports multiple hosts in inventory with multiple keys.

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Problem of repeated project root path with ansible/vars/app with ansible-playbook.bat

Copied ansible-playbook.bat from

I got the following command expression, it's executable with vagrant/Windows/babun:

"d:\yushen\bin\.babun\cygwin\bin\bash.exe" -c "/bin/ansible-playbook --user=vagrant --connection=ssh --timeout=30 --limit=all --inventory-file=D:/yushen/dev/clojure/cas-reports/ansible/dev D:/yushen/dev/clojure/cas-reports/ansible/provision.yml"
ERROR: file could not read: /cygdrive/d/yushen/dev/clojure/cas-reports/D:/yushen/dev/clojure/cas-reports/ansible/vars/app

The error above seems that in the path for ansible/vars/app the path for my project d:/yushen/dev/clojure/cas-reports was repeated in front of it as /cygdrive/d/yushen/dev/clojure/cas-reports (typical cygwin expression!)

I examed the ansible/provision.yml but could not find any clue. Please help to give me some pointer. Thanks,

Here is the content of ansible/provision.yml portion related to app:

- hosts: app
  sudo: true
    - vars/app

  - name: Create the project directory.
    file: state=directory path={{project_root}}

  - name: Install required system packages.
    apt: pkg={{item}} state=installed update-cache=yes
    with_items: "{{system_packages}}"

  - name: Get leiningen
    get_url: url= dest="{{lein_dir}}"

  - name: Leiningen permissions
    file: path={{lein_dir}} mode=0755

  - name: Download project dependencies
    shell: su - vagrant -c 'cd /var/projects/{{project_name}}; lein deps'

  - name: Upload nREPL upstart config file
    copy: src=files/nrepl-upstart.conf dest=/etc/init/nrepl.conf

  - name: Start nREPL server
    service: name=nrepl state=started

  - name: Make app log directory
    file: state=directory path=/var/log/{{project_name}} owner=vagrant group=vagrant

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where should i place the ansible-playbook.bat file?

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pwyoung commented May 7, 2020

FWIW, I use this sort of command since I want to mimic logging in.

c:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe -l -c "echo 'the above is from my login script'"
JAVA_HOME is C:\Java\jdk1.8.0_241
the above is from my login script

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