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Last active December 5, 2022 22:03
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Advent of Code 2022
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Solutions for Advent of Code 2022
# Problem 1.1
with open('./input.txt') as f:
elves_kal = [list(map(int, i.split())) for i in'\n\n')]
print(max(sum(k) for k in elves_kal))
# Problem 1.2
from heapq import nlargest
print(sum(nlargest(3, [sum(k) for k in elves_kal])))
# Problem 2.1
with open('./input-2.txt') as f:
results = [i for i in'\n')]
table = {"A X": 4, "A Y": 8, "A Z": 3, "B X": 1, "B Y": 5, "B Z": 9, "C X": 7, "C Y": 2, "C Z": 6}
print(sum([table[result] for result in results]))
# Problem 2.2
decrypt = { "A X": 3, "A Y": 4, "A Z": 8, "B X": 1, "B Y": 5, "B Z": 9, "C X": 2, "C Y": 6, "C Z": 7}
print(sum([decrypt[result] for result in results]))
# Problem 3.1
with open('./input-3.txt') as f:
ruscksacks = [i for i in'\n')]
litems = {chr(i): i - 96 for i in range(97, 123)}
uitems = {chr(i): i - 38 for i in range(65, 91)}
result = 0
for r in ruscksacks:
a, b = r[len(r)//2:], r[:len(r)//2]
for i in a:
if i in b:
result += litems.get(i, 0) + uitems.get(i, 0)
# Problem 3.2
with open('./input-3.txt') as f:
elves_groups = [ruscksacks[i:i+3] for i in range(0, len(ruscksacks), 3)]
result = 0
for eg in elves_groups:
e1, e2, e3 = eg
# i = next(iter(set(e1) & set(e2) & set(e3))) # hackerman solution
# result += litems.get(i, 0) + uitems.get(i, 0)
item = [i for i in e1 if i in e2 and i in e3][0]
result += litems.get(item, 0) + uitems.get(item, 0)
# Problem 4.1
with open('./input-4.txt') as f:
sections = [i.strip().split(',') for i in f.readlines()]
result = 0
for pairs in sections:
first, second = pairs
f1, f2, s1, s2 = list(map(int, first.split('-'))) + list(map(int, second.split('-')))
# result += int((f1 >= s1 and f2 <= s2) or (s1 >= f1 and s2 <= f2)) # witchcraft
if (f1 >= s1 and f2 <= s2) or (s1 >= f1 and s2 <= f2):
result += 1
# Problem 4.2
result = 0
for pairs in sections:
first, second = pairs
f1, f2, s1, s2 = list(map(int, first.split('-'))) + list(map(int, second.split('-')))
# result += int(f1 <= s2 and f2 >= s1) # witchcraft
if f1 <= s2 and f2 >= s1:
result += 1
# Problem 5.1
with open('./input-5.txt') as f:
moves = [i.strip() for i in f.readlines() if i.startswith('m')]
stacks = {
1: 'Z T F R W J G'.split(),
2: 'G W M'.split(),
3: 'J N H G'.split(),
4: 'J R C N W'.split(),
5: 'W F S B G Q V M'.split(),
6: 'S R T D V W C'.split(),
7: 'H B N C D Z G V'.split(),
8: 'S J N M G C'.split(),
9: 'G P N W C J D L'.split()
for line in moves:
crates, _from, to = map(int, line.replace('move ', '').replace(' from ', ',').replace(' to ', ',').split(','))
while crates > 0:
crates -= 1
print(''.join([stacks[i].pop() for i in stacks]))
# Problem 5.2
for line in moves:
crates, _from, to = map(int, line.replace('move ', '').replace(' from ', ',').replace(' to ', ',').split(','))
stacks[to] = stacks[to] + stacks[_from][(-1*crates):]
stacks[_from] = stacks[_from][:(-1*crates)]
print(''.join([stacks[i].pop() for i in stacks]))
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